# frozen_string_literal: true module Aws # @api private class ParamValidator include Seahorse::Model::Shapes EXPECTED_GOT = "expected %s to be %s, got value %s (class: %s) instead." # @param [Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ShapeRef] rules # @param [Hash] params # @return [void] def self.validate!(rules, params) new(rules).validate!(params) end # @param [Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ShapeRef] rules # @option options [Boolean] :validate_required (true) def initialize(rules, options = {}) @rules = rules || begin shape = StructureShape.new shape.struct_class = EmptyStructure ShapeRef.new(shape: shape) end @validate_required = options[:validate_required] != false @input = options[:input].nil? ? true : !!options[:input] end # @param [Hash] params # @return [void] def validate!(params) errors = [] structure(@rules, params, errors, 'params') if @rules raise ArgumentError, error_messages(errors) unless errors.empty? end private def structure(ref, values, errors, context) # ensure the value is hash like return unless correct_type?(ref, values, errors, context) if ref.eventstream # input eventstream is provided from event signals values.each do |value| # each event is structure type case value[:message_type] when 'event' val = value.dup val.delete(:message_type) structure(ref.shape.member(val[:event_type]), val, errors, context) when 'error' # Error is unmodeled when 'exception' # Pending raise Aws::Errors::EventStreamParserError.new( ':exception event validation is not supported') end end else shape = ref.shape # ensure required members are present if @validate_required shape.required.each do |member_name| input_eventstream = ref.shape.member(member_name).eventstream && @input if values[member_name].nil? && !input_eventstream param = "#{context}[#{member_name.inspect}]" errors << "missing required parameter #{param}" end end end # validate non-nil members values.each_pair do |name, value| unless value.nil? # :event_type is not modeled # and also needed when construct body next if name == :event_type if shape.member?(name) member_ref = shape.member(name) shape(member_ref, value, errors, context + "[#{name.inspect}]") else errors << "unexpected value at #{context}[#{name.inspect}]" end end end end end def list(ref, values, errors, context) # ensure the value is an array unless values.is_a?(Array) errors << expected_got(context, "an Array", values) return end # validate members member_ref = ref.shape.member values.each.with_index do |value, index| shape(member_ref, value, errors, context + "[#{index}]") end end def map(ref, values, errors, context) unless Hash === values errors << expected_got(context, "a hash", values) return end key_ref = ref.shape.key value_ref = ref.shape.value values.each do |key, value| shape(key_ref, key, errors, "#{context} #{key.inspect} key") shape(value_ref, value, errors, context + "[#{key.inspect}]") end end def shape(ref, value, errors, context) case ref.shape when StructureShape then structure(ref, value, errors, context) when ListShape then list(ref, value, errors, context) when MapShape then map(ref, value, errors, context) when StringShape unless value.is_a?(String) errors << expected_got(context, "a String", value) end when IntegerShape unless value.is_a?(Integer) errors << expected_got(context, "an Integer", value) end when FloatShape unless value.is_a?(Float) errors << expected_got(context, "a Float", value) end when TimestampShape unless value.is_a?(Time) errors << expected_got(context, "a Time object", value) end when BooleanShape unless [true, false].include?(value) errors << expected_got(context, "true or false", value) end when BlobShape unless value.is_a?(String) if streaming_input?(ref) unless io_like?(value, _require_size = false) errors << expected_got( context, "a String or IO like object that supports read and rewind", value ) end elsif !io_like?(value, _require_size = true) errors << expected_got( context, "a String or IO like object that supports read, rewind, and size", value ) end end else raise "unhandled shape type: #{ref.shape.class.name}" end end def correct_type?(ref, value, errors, context) if ref.eventstream && @input errors << "instead of providing value directly for eventstreams at input,"\ " expected to use #signal events per stream" return false end case value when Hash then true when ref.shape.struct_class then true when Enumerator then ref.eventstream && value.respond_to?(:event_types) else errors << expected_got(context, "a hash", value) false end end def io_like?(value, require_size = true) value.respond_to?(:read) && value.respond_to?(:rewind) && (!require_size || value.respond_to?(:size)) end def streaming_input?(ref) (ref["streaming"] || ref.shape["streaming"]) end def error_messages(errors) if errors.size == 1 errors.first else prefix = "\n - " "parameter validator found #{errors.size} errors:" + prefix + errors.join(prefix) end end def expected_got(context, expected, got) EXPECTED_GOT % [context, expected, got.inspect, got.class.name] end end end