module DomFor # # Name of classes # Pages: # index - users # new - user new_user # edit - user edit_user # show - user show_user # # ID name # Pages: # index - users # new - new_user # edit - user_1 # show - user_1 # # Data-attributes # Pages: # index - data-action = index # new - data-action = new # edit - data-action = edit, data-object-id = 1 # show - data-action = show, data-object-id = 1 # module Model # # Creates a div tag with the attributes for the model of ActiveRecord # # @example Without the block: # dom_for(User) #=> <div class="users" id="users" /> # # @example When there is a request: # dom_for(User) #=> <div class="users" data-action="show" id="users" /> # # @example For the new user: # dom_for(User) #=> <div class="user new_user" data-action="new" id="new_user" /> # # @example For the saved record (if exists @user): # dom_for(User) #=> <div class="user show_user" data-action="show" data-object-id="1" data-object="users" id="user_1" /> # # @example With the additional attributes: # dom_for(User, admin: true) #=> <div class="user show_user" data-action="show" data-admin="true" data-object-id="1" data-object="users" id="user_1" /> # # @example With the block: # dom_for(User, admin: true) do # tag(:span) # end #=> <div class="user show_user" data-action="show" data-admin="true" data-object-id="1" data-object="users" id="user_1"><span /></div> # # @param klass [Class] Model of ActiveRecord::Base # @param tag [Symbol] HTML tag name # @param user_class [String] HTML class # @param attrs [Hash] Additional attributes for the record # @param block [Proc] Block for a div tag # # @return [String] Sanitized HTML string # def _dom_for_model(klass, tag, user_class, attrs = {}, &block) object_classes = [] class_name = klass.to_s.underscore request_action = request.path_parameters[:action] attrs.merge!(action: request_action) if request_action.present? object = instance_variable_get("@#{class_name}") # TODO: Need refactoring object_id = if object if object.persisted? attrs = attrs.merge(object_id:, object: class_name.pluralize) end object_classes << dom_class(klass) object_classes << dom_class(klass, request_action) if request_action.present? dom_id(object) else object_classes << class_name.pluralize class_name.pluralize end html_class = object_classes.push(user_class).compact if block_given? content_tag(tag, id: object_id, class: html_class, data: attrs, &block) else tag(tag, id: object_id, class: html_class, data: attrs) end rescue content_tag(tag, &block) end private :_dom_for_model end end