module Boson::Commands::WebCore #:nodoc: extend self def config descriptions = { :install=>"Installs a library by url. Library should then be loaded with load_library.", :browser=>"Opens urls in a browser on a Mac", :get=>"Gets the body of a url", :post=>'Posts to url' } commands = descriptions.inject({}) {|h,(k,v)| h[k.to_s] = {:desc=>v}; h} commands['install'][:options] = {:name=>{:type=>:string, :desc=>"Library name to save to"}, :force=>{:type=>:boolean, :desc=>'Overwrites an existing library'}, :module_wrap=>{:type=>:boolean, :desc=>"Wraps a module around install using library name"}, :method_wrap=>{:type=>:boolean, :desc=>"Wraps a method and module around installed library using library name"}} {:library_file=>File.expand_path(__FILE__), :commands=>commands, :namespace=>false} end def get(url, options={}) %w{uri net/http}.each {|e| require e } if options[:success_only] url = URI.parse(url) res = Net::HTTP.start(, url.port) {|http| http.get(url.request_uri) } res.code == '200' ? res.body : nil else Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(url)) end rescue raise "Error opening #{url}" end def post(url, options={}) %w{uri net/http}.each {|e| require e } Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(url), options) end def install(url, options={}) options[:name] ||= strip_name_from_url(url) return puts("Please give a library name for this url.") if options[:name].empty? filename = File.join Boson.repo.commands_dir, "#{options[:name]}.rb" return puts("Library name #{options[:name]} already exists. Try a different name.") if File.exists?(filename) && !options[:force], 'w') {|f| f.write get(url) } if options[:method_wrap] || options[:module_wrap] file_string = file_string = "def #{options[:name]}\n#{file_string}\nend" if options[:method_wrap] unless (mod_name = Boson::Util.camelize(options[:name])) return puts("Can't wrap install with name #{options[:name]}") end file_string = "module #{mod_name}\n#{file_string}\nend", 'w') {|f| f.write file_string } end puts "Saved to #{filename}." end # non-mac users should override this with the launchy gem def browser(*urls) system('open', *urls) end private def strip_name_from_url(url) url[/\/([^\/.]+)(\.[a-z]+)?$/, 1].to_s.gsub('-', '_').gsub(/[^a-zA-Z_]/, '') end end