# VCloud Walker Vcloud-walker is a command line tool, to describe different VMware vCloud Director 5.1 entities. It uses Fog under the hood. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'vcloud-walker' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install vcloud-walker ## Usage To find usage, run `vcloud-walk`. You can perform following operations with walker. #### Walk vdcs: vcloud-walk vdcs describes all vdcs within given organization. This includes vapp, vm and network information. #### Walk catalogs: vcloud-walk catalogs describes all catalogs and catalog items within given organization. #### Walk organization networks: vcloud-walk networks describes all organization networks. #### Walk edgegateways: vcloud-walk edgegateways describes all edgegateway for given organization. Each edgegateway includes configuration for firewall, load balancer and nat services. #### Walk entire organization: vcloud-walk organization describes the entire organization, which includes edgegateway, catalogs, networks and vdcs within an organization. ## Credentials vCloud Walker is based around [fog](http://fog.io/). To use it you'll need to give it credentials that allow it to talk to a vCloud Director environment. 1. Create a '.fog' file in your home directory. For example: test_credentials: vcloud_director_host: 'host.api.example.com' vcloud_director_username: 'username@org_name' vcloud_director_password: '' 2. Obtain a session token. First, curl the API: curl -D- -d '' \ -H 'Accept: application/*+xml;version=5.1' -u '@' \ https:///api/sessions This will prompt for your password. From the headers returned, the value of the `x-vcloud-authorization` header is your session token, and this will be valid for 30 minutes idle - any activity will extend its life by another 30 minutes. 3. Specify your credentials and session token at the beginning of the command. For example: FOG_CREDENTIAL=test_credentials \ FOG_VCLOUD_TOKEN=AAAABBBBBCCCCCCDDDDDDEEEEEEFFFFF= \ vcloud-walk organization You may find it easier to export one or both of the values as environment variables. **NB** It is also possible to sidestep the need for the session token by saving your password in the fog file. This is **not recommended**. ### Output Walker can output data in JSON or YAML format. The default output format is JSON. You can use command line option ```--yaml``` for yaml output. Find sample json output in docs/examples directory. ## The vCloud API vCloud Tools currently use version 5.1 of the [vCloud API](http://pubs.vmware.com/vcd-51/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.vmware.vcloud.api.doc_51%2FGUID-F4BF9D5D-EF66-4D36-A6EB-2086703F6E37.html). Version 5.5 may work but is not currently supported. You should be able to access the 5.1 API in a 5.5 environment, and this *is* currently supported. The default version is defined in [Fog](https://github.com/fog/fog/blob/244a049918604eadbcebd3a8eaaf433424fe4617/lib/fog/vcloud_director/compute.rb#L32). If you want to be sure you are pinning to 5.1, or use 5.5, you can set the API version to use in your fog file, e.g. `vcloud_director_api_version: 5.1` ## Debugging `export EXCON_DEBUG=true` - this will print out the API requests and responses. `export DEBUG=true` - this will show you the stack trace when there is an exception instead of just the message. ## Testing Run the default suite of tests (e.g. lint, unit, features): bundle exec rake Run the integration tests (slower and requires a real environment): bundle exec rake integration