require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../../spec_helper' describe OpenEHR::RM::Composition::Content::Entry::Entry do let(:name) { => 'entry package')} let(:language) { double('language',:code_string => 'ja')} let(:encoding) { double('encoding', :code_string => 'UTF-8')} let(:subject) { double('PartyProxy')} before(:each) do external_ref = stub(OpenEHR::RM::Support::Identification::PartyRef, :type => 'entry') subject = => external_ref) provider_external_ref = stub(OpenEHR::RM::Support::Identification::PartyRef, :type => 'provider') provider = => provider_external_ref) other_participations = stub(Array, :size => 3, :empty? => false) workflow_id = stub(OpenEHR::RM::Support::Identification::ObjectRef, :type => 'workflow') @entry = => 'at0001', :name => => 'entry test'), :language => language, :encoding => encoding, :subject => subject, :provider => provider, :other_participations => other_participations, :workflow_id => workflow_id) end it 'should be an instance of Entry' do @entry.should be_an_instance_of OpenEHR::RM::Composition::Content::Entry::Entry end it 'language should be assigned properly' do @entry.language.code_string.should == 'ja' end it 'should raise ArgumentError when nil assign to language' do lambda { @entry.language = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with invalid language code' do terminology_id = => 'ISO639-1') invalid_language = => 'jj', :terminology_id => terminology_id) expect {@entry.language = invalid_language}.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'encoding should be assigned properly' do @entry.encoding.code_string.should == 'UTF-8' end it 'should raise ArgumentError when nil assign to encoding' do lambda { @entry.encoding = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError with invalid encoding' do terminology_id = => 'ISO639-1') invalid_encoding = => terminology_id, :code_string => 'inv-19') expect {@entry.encoding = invalid_encoding}.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'subject should be assigned properly' do @entry.subject.external_ref.type.should == 'entry' end it 'should raise ArgumentError when nil assigned to subject' do lambda { @entry.subject = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'provider should be assigned properly' do @entry.provider.external_ref.type.should == 'provider' end it 'other_participations should be assigned properly' do @entry.other_participations.size.should be_equal 3 end it 'workflow_id should assigned properly' do @entry.workflow_id.type.should == 'workflow' end it 'subject_is_self? should be determined by subject class' do @entry.subject_is_self?.should be_false end it 'subject_is_self? should be true when subject is instance of PartySelf' do @entry.subject = @entry.subject_is_self?.should be_true end end