module Cucumber module MultilineArgument class DataTable class DiffMatrices #:nodoc: attr_accessor :cell_matrix, :other_table_cell_matrix, :options def initialize(cell_matrix, other_table_cell_matrix, options) @cell_matrix = cell_matrix @other_table_cell_matrix = other_table_cell_matrix @options = options end def call prepare_diff perform_diff fill_in_missing_values raise_error if should_raise? end private attr_reader :row_indices, :original_width, :original_header, :padded_width, :missing_row_pos, :insert_row_pos def prepare_diff @original_width = cell_matrix[0].length @original_header = other_table_cell_matrix[0] pad_and_match @padded_width = cell_matrix[0].length @row_indices = { |n| n } end # Pads two cell matrices to same column width and matches columns according to header value. def pad_and_match cols = cell_matrix.transpose unmatched_cols = other_table_cell_matrix.transpose header_values = matched_cols = [] header_values.each_with_index do |v, i| mapped_index = unmatched_cols.index { |unmapped_col| unmapped_col.first == v } if mapped_index matched_cols << unmatched_cols.delete_at(mapped_index) else mark_as_missing(cols[i]) empty_col = ensure_2d(other_table_cell_matrix).collect {, self, -1) } empty_col.first.value = v matched_cols << empty_col end end unmatched_cols.each do empty_col = cell_matrix.collect {, self, -1) } cols << empty_col end self.cell_matrix = ensure_2d(cols.transpose) self.other_table_cell_matrix = ensure_2d((matched_cols + unmatched_cols).transpose) end def mark_as_missing(col) col.each do |cell| cell.status = :undefined end end def ensure_2d(array) array[0].is_a?(Array) ? array : [array] end def perform_diff inserted = 0 missing = 0 last_change = nil changes.each do |change| if change.action == '-' @missing_row_pos = change.position + inserted cell_matrix[missing_row_pos].each { |cell| cell.status = :undefined } row_indices.insert(missing_row_pos, nil) missing += 1 else # '+' @insert_row_pos = change.position + missing inserted_row = change.element inserted_row.each { |cell| cell.status = :comment } cell_matrix.insert(insert_row_pos, inserted_row) row_indices[insert_row_pos] = nil inspect_rows(cell_matrix[missing_row_pos], inserted_row) if last_change == '-' inserted += 1 end last_change = change.action end end def changes require 'diff/lcs' diffable_cell_matrix = cell_matrix.dup.extend(::Diff::LCS) diffable_cell_matrix.diff(other_table_cell_matrix).flatten end def inspect_rows(missing_row, inserted_row) missing_row.each_with_index do |missing_cell, col| inserted_cell = inserted_row[col] if missing_cell.value != inserted_cell.value && missing_cell.value.to_s == inserted_cell.value.to_s missing_cell.inspect! inserted_cell.inspect! end end end def fill_in_missing_values other_table_cell_matrix.each_with_index do |other_row, i| row_index = row_indices.index(i) row = cell_matrix[row_index] if row_index next unless row (original_width..padded_width).each do |col_index| surplus_cell = other_row[col_index] row[col_index].value = surplus_cell.value if row[col_index] end end end def missing_col cell_matrix[0].find { |cell| cell.status == :undefined } end def surplus_col padded_width > original_width end def misplaced_col cell_matrix[0] != original_header end def raise_error table = DataTable.from([[]]) table.instance_variable_set :@cell_matrix, cell_matrix raise Different, table if should_raise? end def should_raise? [ missing_row_pos && options.fetch(:missing_row, true), insert_row_pos && options.fetch(:surplus_row, true), missing_col && options.fetch(:missing_col, true), surplus_col && options.fetch(:surplus_col, false), misplaced_col && options.fetch(:misplaced_col, false) ].any? end end private_constant :DiffMatrices end end end