module Katello module Resources module Candlepin TOTAL_COUNT_HEADER = :x_total_count # as parsed by rest_client class CandlepinResource < HttpResource cfg = SETTINGS[:katello][:candlepin] url = cfg[:url] uri = URI.parse(url) self.prefix = uri.path = "#{uri.scheme}://#{}:#{uri.port}" self.consumer_secret = cfg[:oauth_secret] self.consumer_key = cfg[:oauth_key] self.ca_cert_file = cfg[:ca_cert_file] class << self def process_response(response) debug_level = response.code >= 400 ? :error : :debug logger.send(debug_level, "Candlepin request #{response.headers[:x_candlepin_request_uuid]} returned with code #{response.code}") super end end def self.logger ::Foreman::Logging.logger('katello/cp_rest') end def self.default_headers(uuid = nil) # There are cases where virt-who needs to act on behalf of hypervisors it is managing. # If the uuid is specified, then that consumer is used in the headers rather than the # virt-who consumer uuid. # Current example is creating a hypervisor that in turn needs to get compliance. if !uuid.nil? && User.consumer? cp_oauth_header = { 'cp-consumer' => uuid } else cp_oauth_header = User.cp_oauth_header end headers = {'accept' => 'application/json', 'accept-language' => I18n.locale, 'content-type' => 'application/json'} request_id = ::Logging.mdc['request'] headers['X-Correlation-ID'] = request_id if request_id headers.merge!(cp_oauth_header) end def self.name_to_key(a_name)' ', '_') end def self.included_list(included) { |value| "include=#{value}" }.join('&') end def self.fetch_paged(page_size = -1) if page_size == -1 page_size = SETTINGS[:katello][:candlepin][:bulk_load_size] end page = 0 content = [] loop do page += 1 data = yield("per_page=#{page_size}&page=#{page}") content.concat(data) break if data.size < page_size end content end end class UpstreamCandlepinResource < CandlepinResource extend ::Katello::Util::HttpProxy self.prefix = '/subscription' class << self delegate :[], to: :json_resource def resource(url = + self.path, client_cert = self.client_cert, client_key = self.client_key, ca_file = nil, options = {}), :ssl_client_cert =>, :ssl_client_key =>, :ssl_ca_file => ca_file, :verify_ssl => ca_file ? OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER : OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE, :open_timeout => Setting[:manifest_refresh_timeout], :timeout => Setting[:manifest_refresh_timeout], :proxy => self.proxy_uri, **options ) end def json_resource(url = + self.path, client_cert = self.client_cert, client_key = self.client_key, ca_file = nil, options = {}) options.deep_merge!(headers: self.default_headers) resource(url, client_cert, client_key, ca_file, options) end def rest_client(_http_type = nil, method = :get, path = self.path) # No oauth upstream self.consumer_secret = nil self.consumer_key = nil resource( + path, client_cert, client_key, nil, http_method: method) end def client_cert upstream_id_cert['cert'] end def client_key upstream_id_cert['key'] end def upstream_api_uri URI.parse(upstream_consumer['apiUrl']) end def site "#{upstream_api_uri.scheme}://#{}" end def upstream_id_cert unless upstream_consumer && upstream_consumer['idCert'] && upstream_consumer['idCert']['cert'] && upstream_consumer['idCert']['key'] Rails.logger.error "Upstream identity certificate not available" fail _("Upstream identity certificate not available") end upstream_consumer['idCert'] end def upstream_owner_id JSON.parse(Katello::Resources::Candlepin::UpstreamConsumer.resource.get.body)['owner']['key'] rescue RestClient::Exception => e Rails.logger.error "Unable to find upstream owner for consumer" raise e end def upstream_consumer_id upstream_consumer['uuid'] end def upstream_consumer fail _("Current organization not set.") unless Organization.current upstream_consumer = Organization.current.owner_details['upstreamConsumer'] fail _("Current organization has no manifest imported.") unless upstream_consumer upstream_consumer end end # class << self end # UpstreamCandlepinResource module ConsumerResource def path(id = nil) "#{self.prefix}/consumers/#{id}" end end module OwnerResource def path(id = nil) "#{self.prefix}/owners/#{id}" end end module PoolResource def path(id = nil, owner_label = nil) if owner_label && id "#{prefix}/owners/#{owner_label}/pools/#{id}" elsif owner_label "#{prefix}/owners/#{owner_label}/pools/" else "#{prefix}/pools/#{id}" end end end end end end