module JsDuck # Takes data from doc-comment and code that follows it and combines # these to pieces of information into one. The code comes from # JsDuck::Parser and doc-comment from JsDuck::DocParser. # # The main method merge() produces a hash as a result. class Merger def merge(docs, code) case detect_doc_type(docs, code) when :class create_class(docs, code) when :event create_event(docs, code) when :method create_method(docs, code) when :cfg create_cfg(docs, code) when :property create_property(docs, code) when :css_var create_css_var(docs, code) when :css_mixin create_css_mixin(docs, code) end end # Detects whether the doc-comment is for class, cfg, event, method or property. def detect_doc_type(docs, code) doc_map = build_doc_map(docs) if doc_map[:class] :class elsif doc_map[:event] :event elsif doc_map[:method] :method elsif doc_map[:property] || doc_map[:type] :property elsif doc_map[:css_var] :css_var elsif code[:type] == :ext_define :class elsif code[:type] == :assignment && class_name?(*code[:left]) :class elsif code[:type] == :function && class_name?(code[:name]) :class elsif code[:type] == :css_mixin :css_mixin elsif doc_map[:cfg] :cfg elsif code[:type] == :function :method elsif code[:type] == :assignment && code[:right] && code[:right][:type] == :function :method else :property end end # Class name begins with upcase char def class_name?(*name_chain) return name_chain.last =~ /\A[A-Z]/ end def create_class(docs, code) groups = group_class_docs(docs) result = create_bare_class(groups[:class], code) result[:members] = create_class_members(groups, result[:name]) result[:statics] = Class.default_members_hash result end # Gathers all tags until first @cfg or @constructor into the first # bare :class group. We have a special case for @xtype which in # ExtJS comments often appears after @constructor - so we # explicitly place it into :class group. # # Then gathers each @cfg and tags following it into :cfg group, so # that it becomes array of arrays of tags. This is to allow some # configs to be marked with @private or whatever else. # # Finally gathers tags after @constructor into its group. def group_class_docs(docs) groups = {:class => [], :cfg => [], :constructor => []} group_name = :class docs.each do |tag| if tag[:tagname] == :cfg || tag[:tagname] == :constructor group_name = tag[:tagname] if tag[:tagname] == :cfg groups[:cfg] << [] end end if tag[:tagname] == :xtype groups[:class] << tag elsif group_name == :cfg groups[:cfg].last << tag else groups[group_name] << tag end end groups end def create_bare_class(docs, code) doc_map = build_doc_map(docs) return add_shared({ :tagname => :class, :name => detect_name(:class, doc_map, code, :full_name), :doc => detect_doc(docs), :extends => detect_extends(doc_map, code), :mixins => detect_list(:mixins, doc_map, code), :alternateClassNames => detect_list(:alternateClassNames, doc_map, code), :xtypes => detect_xtypes(doc_map, code), :meta => detect_meta(doc_map), :singleton => detect_singleton(doc_map, code), :requires => detect_list(:requires, doc_map, code), :uses => detect_list(:uses, doc_map, code), # Used by Aggregator to determine if we're dealing with Ext4 code :code_type => code[:type], }, doc_map) end def create_class_members(groups, owner) members = Class.default_members_hash members[:cfg] = groups[:cfg].map { |tags| create_cfg(tags, {}, owner) } if groups[:constructor].length > 0 constr = create_method(groups[:constructor], {}) constr[:owner] = owner members[:method] << constr end members end def create_method(docs, code) doc_map = build_doc_map(docs) name = detect_name(:method, doc_map, code) return add_shared({ :tagname => :method, :name => name, :owner => detect_owner(doc_map), :doc => detect_doc(docs), :params => detect_params(docs, code), :return => detect_return(doc_map, name == "constructor" ? "Object" : "undefined"), :template => !!doc_map[:template], }, doc_map) end def create_event(docs, code) doc_map = build_doc_map(docs) return add_shared({ :tagname => :event, :name => detect_name(:event, doc_map, code), :owner => detect_owner(doc_map), :doc => detect_doc(docs), :params => detect_params(docs, code), }, doc_map) end def create_cfg(docs, code, owner = nil) doc_map = build_doc_map(docs) return add_shared({ :tagname => :cfg, :name => detect_name(:cfg, doc_map, code), :owner => detect_owner(doc_map) || owner, :type => detect_type(:cfg, doc_map, code), :doc => detect_doc(docs), :required => detect_required(:cfg, doc_map), :default => detect_default(:cfg, doc_map, code), :properties => detect_subproperties(docs, :cfg), :accessor => !!doc_map[:accessor], }, doc_map) end def create_property(docs, code) doc_map = build_doc_map(docs) return add_shared({ :tagname => :property, :name => detect_name(:property, doc_map, code), :owner => detect_owner(doc_map), :type => detect_type(:property, doc_map, code), :doc => detect_doc(docs), :properties => detect_subproperties(docs, :property), }, doc_map) end def create_css_var(docs, code) doc_map = build_doc_map(docs) return add_shared({ :tagname => :css_var, :name => detect_name(:css_var, doc_map, code), :owner => detect_owner(doc_map), :type => detect_type(:css_var, doc_map, code), :doc => detect_doc(docs), }, doc_map) end def create_css_mixin(docs, code) doc_map = build_doc_map(docs) return add_shared({ :tagname => :css_mixin, :name => detect_name(:css_mixin, doc_map, code), :owner => detect_owner(doc_map), :doc => detect_doc(docs), :params => detect_params(docs, code), }, doc_map) end # Detects properties common for each doc-object and adds them def add_shared(hash, doc_map) hash.merge!({ :private => !!doc_map[:private], :protected => !!doc_map[:protected], :static => !!doc_map[:static], :inheritable => !!doc_map[:inheritable], :deprecated => detect_deprecated(doc_map), :alias => doc_map[:alias] ? doc_map[:alias].first : nil, }) hash[:id] = create_member_id(hash) return hash end def create_member_id(m) "#{m[:static] ? 'static-' : ''}#{m[:tagname]}-#{m[:name]}" end def detect_name(tagname, doc_map, code, name_type = :last_name) main_tag = doc_map[tagname] ? doc_map[tagname].first : {} if main_tag[:name] main_tag[:name] elsif doc_map[:constructor] "constructor" elsif code[:type] == :function || code[:type] == :css_mixin code[:name] elsif code[:type] == :assignment name_type == :full_name ? code[:left].join(".") : code[:left].last elsif code[:type] == :ext_define name_type == :full_name ? code[:name] : code[:name].split(/\./).last else "" end end def detect_owner(doc_map) if doc_map[:member] doc_map[:member].first[:member] else nil end end def detect_type(tagname, doc_map, code) main_tag = doc_map[tagname] ? doc_map[tagname].first : {} if main_tag[:type] return main_tag[:type] elsif doc_map[:type] return doc_map[:type].first[:type] elsif code_matches_doc?(tagname, doc_map, code) if code[:type] == :function return "Function" elsif code[:type] == :assignment && code[:right] if code[:right][:type] == :function return "Function" elsif code[:right][:type] == :literal return code[:right][:class] end end end return "Object" end def detect_extends(doc_map, code) if doc_map[:extends] cls = doc_map[:extends].first[:extends] # Ignore extending of the Object class cls == "Object" ? nil : cls elsif code[:type] == :assignment && code[:right] && code[:right][:type] == :ext_extend code[:right][:extend].join(".") elsif code[:type] == :ext_define # Classes defined with Ext.define will automatically inherit from Ext.Base code[:extend] || "Ext.Base" end end def detect_default(tagname, doc_map, code) main_tag = doc_map[tagname] ? doc_map[tagname].first : {} if main_tag[:default] main_tag[:default] elsif code_matches_doc?(tagname, doc_map, code) && code[:type] == :assignment && code[:right] code[:right][:value] end end # True if the name detected from code matches with explicitly documented name. # Also true when no explicit name documented. def code_matches_doc?(tagname, doc_map, code) explicit_name = detect_name(tagname, doc_map, {}) implicit_name = detect_name(tagname, {}, code) return explicit_name == "" || explicit_name == implicit_name end def detect_required(tagname, doc_map) main_tag = doc_map[tagname] ? doc_map[tagname].first : {} return main_tag[:optional] == false end # for detecting mixins and alternateClassNames def detect_list(type, doc_map, code) if doc_map[type] doc_map[type].map {|d| d[type] }.flatten elsif code[:type] == :ext_define && code[type] code[type] else [] end end def detect_xtypes(doc_map, code) if doc_map[:xtype] {"widget" => doc_map[:xtype].map {|tag| tag[:name] } } elsif code[:alias] xtypes = {} code[:alias].each do |a| if a =~ /^(\w+)\.(\w+)$/ if xtypes[$1] xtypes[$1] << $2 else xtypes[$1] = [$2] end end end xtypes else {} end end def detect_meta(doc_map) doc_map[:meta] ? doc_map[:meta].map {|tag| {:name => tag[:name], :content => tag[:content]} } : [] end def detect_deprecated(doc_map) doc_map[:deprecated] ? doc_map[:deprecated].first : nil end def detect_singleton(doc_map, code) !!(doc_map[:singleton] || code[:type] == :ext_define && code[:singleton]) end def detect_params(docs, code) implicit = detect_implicit_params(code) explicit = detect_explicit_params(docs) # Override implicit parameters with explicit ones # But if explicit ones exist, don't append the implicit ones. params = [] (explicit.length > 0 ? explicit.length : implicit.length).times do |i| im = implicit[i] || {} ex = explicit[i] || {} doc = ex[:doc] || im[:doc] || "" params << { :type => ex[:type] || im[:type] || "Object", :name => ex[:name] || im[:name] || "", :doc => doc, :optional => ex[:optional] || false, :default => ex[:default], :properties => ex[:properties] || [], } end params end def detect_implicit_params(code) if code[:type] == :function code[:params] elsif code[:type] == :assignment && code[:right] && code[:right][:type] == :function code[:right][:params] else [] end end def detect_explicit_params(docs) combine_properties(docs.find_all {|tag| tag[:tagname] == :param}) end def detect_subproperties(docs, tagname) prop_docs = docs.find_all {|tag| tag[:tagname] == tagname} prop_docs.length > 0 ? combine_properties(prop_docs)[0][:properties] : [] end def combine_properties(raw_items) # First item can't be namespaced, if it is ignore the rest. if raw_items[0] && raw_items[0][:name] =~ /\./ return [raw_items[0]] end # build name-index of all items index = {} raw_items.each {|it| index[it[:name]] = it } # If item name has no dots, add it directly to items array. # Otherwise look up the parent of item and add it as the # property of that parent. items = [] raw_items.each do |it| if it[:name] =~ /^(.+)\.([^.]+)$/ it[:name] = $2 parent = index[$1] parent[:properties] = [] unless parent[:properties] parent[:properties] << it else items << it end end items end def detect_return(doc_map, default_type="undefined") ret = doc_map[:return] ? doc_map[:return].first : {} return { :type => ret[:type] || default_type, :name => ret[:name] || "return", :doc => ret[:doc] || "", :properties => doc_map[:return] ? detect_subproperties(doc_map[:return], :return) : [] } end # Combines :doc-s of most tags # Ignores tags that have doc comment themselves and subproperty tags def detect_doc(docs) ignore_tags = [:param, :return] doc_tags = docs.find_all { |tag| !ignore_tags.include?(tag[:tagname]) && !subproperty?(tag) } { |tag| tag[:doc] }.compact.join(" ") end def subproperty?(tag) (tag[:tagname] == :cfg || tag[:tagname] == :property) && tag[:name] =~ /\./ end # Build map of at-tags for quick lookup def build_doc_map(docs) map = {} docs.each do |tag| if map[tag[:tagname]] map[tag[:tagname]] << tag else map[tag[:tagname]] = [tag] end end map end end end