## 0.14.2

##### Breaking

* When building with Swift 5.6 and not passing `—-module` to Jazzy, declarations
  may not be correctly identified as undocumented and docs may include unwanted
  extensions.  Pass `—-module MyModuleName` to fix this.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Enhancements

* Support using pre-generated symbolgraph files in Swift symbolgraph mode.  
  [Nathan Wong](https://github.com/esteluk)

* Issue a warning on some combinations of Objective-C flags.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Support Swift 5.6.  The bundled `sourcekitten` is a universal binary.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* In Swift symbolgraph mode, stop including extensions to types that are beneath
  the minimum ACL.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.14.1

##### Breaking

* Support Swift SPI groups.  Swift declarations marked `@_spi` are no longer
  included in docs when `--min-acl` is set to `public` or `open`.  Use
  `--include-spi-declarations` to include docs for these declarations.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Enhancements

* Correct line number references with Xcode 13.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Support `union` declarations in Objective-C headers.  
  [Brian Osborn](https://github.com/bosborn)
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Support Swift concurrency features: identify actors and asynchronous
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* Improve HTML5 correctness, all themes.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.14.0

##### Breaking

* Require at least Ruby 2.6.3.  

##### Enhancements

* Support DocC-style autolinks and callouts in markdown.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Add `--source-host` option to support projects hosted on GitLab and
  Bitbucket as well as GitHub.  Options `--source-host-url` and
  `--source-host-files-url` and new Mustache tags replace the 'github' versions
  which remain as back-compatibility aliases.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Add `rel="noopener"` to all `target="_blank"` links.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix source-host line number references in Swift symbolgraph mode, and
  in ObjC mode for references to one-line declarations.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Fix crash with `` ` ` `` in markdown.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Fix symbolgraph mode with Xcode 13.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.13.7

The next release of Jazzy will require a minimum of Ruby 2.6.

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Update JavaScript libraries: jQuery 3.6.0, Lunr 2.3.9,
  KaTeX 0.13.5.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Support the markdown [footnotes](https://www.markdownguide.org/extended-syntax/#footnotes) extension in all themes.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix parameter doc comments in Swift symbolgraph mode.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.13.6

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Support documentation generation from `.swiftmodule` binaries using
  `--swift-build-tool symbolgraph` with Swift 5.3.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* Always bypass codesigning when building Xcode projects.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.13.5

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Add search function to `apple` theme.  
  [Giles Payne](https://github.com/komakai)

* Add option `--[no-]separate-global-declarations` to always create separate
  documentation pages for top-level declarations as well as classes,
  structures, enums etc. even if they don't have members. As part of this,
  improve the main page declaration in all modes.  
  [Nikolay Volosatov](https://github.com/bamx23)
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* Style fixes for `apple` and `jony` themes to codeblocks inside lists and
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.13.4

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Update JavaScript libraries: jQuery 3.5.1 (all themes), Lunr 2.3.8,
  typeahead.js 1.3.1 (`fullwidth` theme only).  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix warnings from Ruby 2.7.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Accept `root_url` without trailing slash.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.13.3

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Added a config option to provide sources of privately hosted pod
  dependencies when using the `--podspec` option.
  `--pod-sources url1,url2,…urlN`.  
  [Jonathan Bailey](https://github.com/jon889)

* Improve Dash docset support: support online redirection when
  `--root-url` is set, and provide `--docset-playground-url` to
  support docset playground links.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix module version not being used from podspec.  
  [Jonathan Bailey](https://github.com/jon889)

* Autolink Swift custom attributes/property wrappers.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.13.2

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Support Xcode 11.4.  Default Objective-C property attributes are now
  stripped from declarations: turn this off with
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Render LaTeX expressions written using `$equation$` or `$$equation$$`
  [Arthur Guiot](https://github.com/arguiot)
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Wrap long method names on category pages.  Use `name_html` in custom
  mustache templates to take advantage of this.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Support Dash-style `apple_ref` links to specific API items, for more
  stable and human-readable links from external docs.  
  [Paul Cantrell](https://github.com/pcantrell)

##### Bug Fixes

* Don't generate documentation if the `xcodebuild` command fails.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Use multi-line parsed declarations in more places including protocol
  methods and typealiases.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.13.1

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Allow inline html tags in ObjC doc comments.  
  [Chris Williams](https://github.com/ultramiraculous)

* Support code formatting in ObjC doc comments with `@c`, `@code` and
  [Bryce Pauken](https://github.com/brycepauken)

* Add `custom_categories_unlisted_prefix` configuration setting. This
  is the prefix for navigation section names that aren't explicitly
  listed in `custom_categories`. Defaults to 'Other '.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Add `hide_unlisted_documentation` configuration setting. Setting this
  to `true` hides documentation entries in the sidebar from the
  `documentation` config value that aren't explicitly listed in
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix crash when SourceKit returns out of bounds string byte offsets.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Pick the right version of declarations with type attributes.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.13.0

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Add section headings for members added by Swift conditional conformances.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Parse markdown in MARK comments, make the html available to themes via
  `name_html` mustache tag key for section headings.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Include protocol conformances added by extensions in Swift docs.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* Render bullet lists correctly when followed by a callout.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Render markup of text inside double quotes.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Fix `sourcekitten_sourcefile` used from config file.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.12.0

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Support for mixed Swift-ObjC modules: generate two sets of SourceKitten
  json and pass them on using `--sourcekitten-sourcefile`.  
  [Joe Susnick](https://github.com/joesus)
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* Stop displaying type attributes on extension declarations.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Show ObjC and Swift classes (etc.) in the same category.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Merge Swift extensions into ObjC classes.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)
  [Joe Susnick](https://github.com/joesus)

## 0.11.2

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* None.

##### Bug Fixes

* Generate Swift docs with Xcode 11 and paths with spaces.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Reinstate guessing of module name from podspec, broken in 0.11.0.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.11.1

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* None.

##### Bug Fixes

* Don't use SwiftPM if there is an Xcode workspace or project in a non-root
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.11.0

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Sass support now provided by `libsass` via `sassc` instead of the
  deprecated Ruby Sass gem.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Update bundled jQuery to 3.4.1 (all themes).  
  [Paul Idstein](https://github.com/idstein)

* Support Xcode 11 Swift projects that pass a response file to the Swift
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Generate Swift docs from a Swift Package Manager package without
  requiring an Xcode project file.  Add `--swift-build-tool` to choose
  the build method if both `.xcodeproj` and `Package.swift` files are
  present.  Add `--build-tool-flags` as a preferred alias for
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* Preserve non-latin characters in guide filenames and heading IDs.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Generate correct html for custom categories containing special
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Fix crash on files with misplaced documentation comments.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.10.0

##### Breaking

* The included `sourcekitten` binary is built with Xcode 10.2.  This means
  it does not run on macOS earlier than 10.14.4 without the *Swift 5 Runtime
  Support for Command Line Tools* being installed.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Enhancements

* Support CocoaPods 1.6+.  Use the `swift_version[s]` dsl in `--podspec` mode
  to set the Swift language version.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Show the extension declaration when documenting Swift extensions.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Allow docs title customization.  Include `--module-version` when it is set
  and support `--title` to fully customize the title.  Pass `{{module_version}}`
  and `{{docs_title}}` to templates.  
  [Maximilian Alexander](https://github.com/mbalex99)
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* Unfold member documentation when linked to from current web page.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Generate docs when there are unusual characters in source pathnames.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Generate docs for signed modules with Xcode 10.2.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Use correct module name when only target name is supplied.  
  [Chris Zielinski](https://github.com/chriszielinski)

## 0.9.6

This is (probably) the last release to support Ruby earlier than 2.3.
This is due to a change in a dependency.

This is (probably) the last release to support macOS earlier than 10.14.4
without the *Swift 5 Runtime Support for Command Line Tools* package installed.
This is a consequence of Swift 5 ABI stability.

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Swift 5 support: suppress unwanted newlines and `deinit` declarations.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Update JavaScript libraries: jQuery 3.3.1 (all themes), Lunr 2.3.5,
  typeahead.js 1.2.1 (`fullwidth` theme only).  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Avoid `clean build` when using the new Xcode build system.  
  [Norio Nomura](https://github.com/norio-nomura)

##### Bug Fixes

* None.

## 0.9.5

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Link to documentation pages from contents pages.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Call out unavailable and deprecated Objective-C declarations.  
  [Stefan Kieleithner](https://github.com/steviki)
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* Support Swift 4.2 with `--podspec`.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Fix multiline copyright for `apple` theme.  
  [Fabien Lydoire](https://github.com/fabienlydoire)
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.9.4

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* None.

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix crash with pre-existing `Docs` directory.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Fix crash with unicode scalars in string literals.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Fix error compiling a Swift podspec in Xcode 10.  
  [Minh Nguyễn](https://github.com/1ec5)

## 0.9.3

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* None.

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix crash when specifying empty Swift version. Now correctly uses the default
  Swift version.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Fix jony theme selection.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.9.2

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Add a new 'jony' theme similar to the 2017 Apple documentation style.  
  [Harshil Shah](https://github.com/HarshilShah)

* Add the ability to limit documentation to certain files by passing in an
  `-i`/`--include` argument.  
  [Nick Fox](https://github.com/nicholasffox)

* Improve Swift declarations to look more like the Xcode Quick Help version,
  for example including `{ get set }`, and include all attributes.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* Preserve `MARK` comment headings associated with extensions and enum cases.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Fix issue where Overview items were invalidly being referenced with NULL
  types in the generated Dash docset index.  
  [Andrew De Ponte](https://github.com/cyphactor)

* Don't display FIXME or TODO comments as section markers.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.9.1

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Added a config option (`--undocumented-text UNDOCUMENTED_TEXT`) to set the
  default text for undocumented symbols.  
  [Akhil Batra](https://github.com/akhillies)

* Added a config option to hide Objective-C or Swift declarations:
  `--hide-declarations [objc|swift]`.  
  [Ibrahim Ulukaya](https://github.com/ulukaya)

* Automatically use Swift or Objective-C syntax highlighting for code blocks
  in documentation comments.  Improve Swift highlighting with latest Rouge.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix Swift declarations when generating Objective-C docs for generic types.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Don't create documentation nodes for generic type parameters.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.9.0

##### Breaking

* Generate documentation coverage badge locally. Since this avoids the failable
  HTTP request to shields.io previously used to obtain the badge, we've removed
  the `--[no-]download-badge` flag and the corresponding `download_badge`
  YAML configuration key.  
  [Samuel Giddins](https://github.com/segiddins)

##### Enhancements

* None.

##### Bug Fixes

* Fixed issue that prevented Jazzy from running on case sensitive file systems.  
  [Jeremy David Giesbrecht](https://github.com/SDGGiesbrecht)

* Fixed issue preventing `--podspec` from working with `test_spec`s.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Always display correct declaration for undocumented symbols.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Trim common indentation in multiline declarations.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.8.4

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Align jazzy terminology with Apple usage.  
  [Xiaodi Wu](https://github.com/xwu)
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Add `url` attribute that can be more accurate than `{{section}}.html` as a URL
  in custom templates.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix crash when specifying `swift_version` as a floating point value in
  `.jazzy.yaml` rather than a string.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Autolink from parameter documentation and from external markdown documents
  including README.  Autolink to symbols containing & < >.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Fix Swift 4 declarations containing ampersands (`&`) being truncated.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

## 0.8.3

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Generate Swift declaration for more Objective-C declarations.  
  [Zheng Li](https://github.com/ainopara)

* Improve quality & accuracy of Swift interfaces for Objective-C declarations
  when generating Objective-C docs.  
  [Norio Nomura](https://github.com/norio-nomura)

* Process Swift 3.2/4 doc comments.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix missing doc comments on some extensions.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Fix failure when attempting to download documentation coverage badge with
  jazzy using macOS system Ruby, or a Ruby built with outdated versions of
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Stop `--skip-undocumented` from skipping documented items nested
  inside extensions of types from other modules.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Fix members added to extensions of a nested type showing up in the parent.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.8.2

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Report number of included and skipped declarations in CLI output.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Build ObjC docs with clang modules enabled by default (`-fmodules` flag).  
  [Maksym Grebenets](https://github.com/mgrebenets)

* Shave ~1MB from jazzy's gem distribution.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix support for Ruby 2.2.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Fix many cases of incorrect, missing or superfluous docs on Swift
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.8.1

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Allow all markdown in returns and parameter description callouts.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix a crash that occurred when a documentation comment ended with an extended
  grapheme cluster.  
  [Lukas Stührk](https://github.com/Lukas-Stuehrk)

## 0.8.0

##### Breaking

* `undocumented.json` is now only in the output directory and is no longer
  copied into docsets.  
  [Jeremy David Giesbrecht](https://github.com/SDGGiesbrecht)

##### Enhancements

* Add `--[no-]download-badge` flag to skip downloading the documentation
  coverage badge from shields.io. Useful if generating docs offline.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Bug Fixes

* Blank line no longer needed before lists or code blocks.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Linking to headers in apple theme gives correct vertical alignment.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

* Headers in source code markdown no longer cause corruption.  
  [John Fairhurst](https://github.com/johnfairh)

## 0.7.5

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* None.

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix issue where using a custom theme would crash jazzy when using Ruby 2.4.  
  [Jason Wray](https://github.com/friedbunny)

* Fix support for Ruby 2.0.0.  
  [Jason Wray](https://github.com/friedbunny)

* Fix issue where header files are not found if inside subdirectories of the
  framework_root specified folder.  
  [Christopher Gretzki](https://github.com/gretzki)

## 0.7.4

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Generate shields.io badge for documentation coverage, unless
  `hide_documentation_coverage` is set.  
  [Harlan Haskins](https://github.com/harlanhaskins)

* Add support for searching docs when using the `fullwidth` theme. A new option,
  `--disable-search`, lets you turn this off.  
  [Esad Hajdarevic](https://github.com/esad)
  [Tom MacWright](https://github.com/tmcw)
  [Nadia Barbosa](https://github.com/captainbarbosa)

* New config option `use_safe_filenames` encodes unsafe characters when
  generating filenames. By default, documentation may receive filenames like
  `/(_:_:).html`. With `use_safe_filenames`, the same file will receive the name
  `_2F_28_5F_3A_5F_3A_29.html` instead.  
  [Jeremy David Giesbrecht](https://github.com/SDGGiesbrecht)

* References to Objective-C methods are now autolinked.  
  [Minh Nguyễn](https://github.com/1ec5)

* Print documentation coverage percentage and the number of undocumented
  methods to the command line when running jazzy.  
  [Jason Wray](https://github.com/friedbunny)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix issue where existing abstracts for non custom sections would be completely
  overwritten when using extra abstract injection with --abstract.  
  [Thibaud Robelain](https://github.com/thibaudrobelain)

* Fix issue where generic type parameters registered as undocumented symbols.  
  [Jeremy David Giesbrecht](https://github.com/SDGGiesbrecht)

* Fix issue where parameter and return callouts were duplicated in documentation.  
  [Jeremy David Giesbrecht](https://github.com/SDGGiesbrecht)

* Fix issue where Objective-C superclass in declaration was unlinked.  
  [Minh Nguyễn](https://github.com/1ec5)

* Fix issue where multiple Objective-C categories of the same external class
  in different files were merged into one and named after the first category
  [Minh Nguyễn](https://github.com/1ec5)

* String literals in code listings are no longer wrapped in `<q>` tags (`apple`
  and `fullwidth` themes only).  
  [Minh Nguyễn](https://github.com/1ec5)

* Fix issue where passing a `--podspec` argument would use a malformed
  `SWIFT_VERSION` value, causing compilation to fail.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

## 0.7.3

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Podspec-based documentation will take trunk's `pushed_with_swift_version`
  attribute into account when generating documentation by default.  
  [Orta Therox](https://github.com/orta)

* Podspec-based documentation respects the `swift-version` config option.  
  [Orta Therox](https://github.com/orta)

##### Enhancements

* Support Objective-C class properties.  
  [Jérémie Girault](https://github.com/jeremiegirault)
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Support documenting Swift 3 operator precedence groups.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Bug Fixes

* Rename Dash typedef type from "Alias" to "Type".  
  [Bogdan Popescu](https://github.com/Kapeli)

* Fix crash when sorting multiple identically named declarations with no USR,
  which is very common when generating docs for podspecs supporting multiple
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Fix Xcode not being found when specifying a custom Swift version
  [Samuel Giddins](https://github.com/segiddins)
  [Paul Cantrell](https://github.com/pcantrell)

* Fix crash when generating Objective-C docs for projects with "@" directives in
  documentation comments with Xcode 8.1 or later.  
  [Jérémie Girault](https://github.com/jeremiegirault)

## 0.7.2

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* None.

##### Bug Fixes

* Declarations marked `@available(..., unavailable, ...)` are no longer
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Treat the `open` ACL as more public than `public`.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

## 0.7.1

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Added support for the new access control specifiers of fileprivate and open.  
  [Shmuel Kallner](https://github.com/shmuelk)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix issue where jazzy could not be installed from Gemfile due to
  SourceKitten symlinks already being present.  
  [William Meleyal](https://github.com/meleyal)

* The lint report in `undocumented.json` is more human-readable: includes fully
  qualified symbol names, pretty printed.  
  [Paul Cantrell](https://github.com/pcantrell)

* The `exclude` option now properly supports wildcards.  
  [Paul Cantrell](https://github.com/pcantrell)

## 0.7.0

##### Breaking

* The `docset_platform` option is no longer available. The module name will
  now be used instead of `jazzy`.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Enhancements

* Improved auto-linking behavior to link declarations within declarations and
  fix cases where declarations would link to themselves or their current page.  
  [Esad Hajdarevic](https://github.com/esad)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix issue where single-line declaration + bodies in Swift would include the
  body in the parsed declaration.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Fix issue where some sections would become empty when using custom groups.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Fix issue where directories ending with `.swift` would be considered Swift
  source files.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

## 0.6.3

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* `--exclude` flag now supports excluding directories in addition to files.  

* The `cocoapods` gem was updated to 1.0.1 and `rouge` to 1.11.0.  
  [Samuel Giddins](https://github.com/segiddins)

* Extra markdown documentation can now be included as their own pages in the
  sidebar using the `--documentation` option and in the generated Dash docset
  as Guides.  
  [Karl Bowden](https://github.com/agentk)

* Section headings can now include additional markdown content using the
  `--abstract` option.  
  [Karl Bowden](https://github.com/agentk)

* If Swift version is not specified, look for Swift toolchain or clang location
  in the following order:

    * `xcrun -find swift`
    * `/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain`
    * `/Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain`
    * `~/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain`
    * `~/Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain`

  This will be especially useful once jazzy supports generating docs for
  Swift Package Manager modules with a toolchain not tied to an Xcode release.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Bug Fixes

* Don't document clang-unexposed Objective-C declarations.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

## 0.6.2

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Include one level of nested classes, structs, protocols and enums in the
  navigation bar.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Bug Fixes

* None.

## 0.6.1

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Objective-C documentation now also includes Swift declarations.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Default to the Xcode version selected in `xcode-select` if no Swift version is
  [Samuel Giddins](https://github.com/segiddins)

##### Bug Fixes

* Uses GitHub-Flavored Markdown syntax for anchors when rendering README pages.  
  [Zachary Waldowski](https://github.com/zwaldowski)

* Fix crash when using unexposed declarations in Objective-C.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* No longer document Swift extensions on types with an ACL lower than `min-acl`
  when they contain `MARK`s.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

## 0.6.0

##### Breaking

* Config files now use the same option names as the command line. If you are
  using one of the keys that has changed in your `.jazzy.yaml`, you will receive
  a warning. See the [pull request](https://github.com/realm/jazzy/pull/456) for
  a complete list of changed options. As always, you can get a list of all
  options with `jazzy --help config`.  
  [Paul Cantrell](https://github.com/pcantrell)

* Jazzy's undocumented.txt has been replaced with undocumented.json. This new
  format includes contextual information that one might use to lint
  documentation in an automated fashion.  
  [Jeff Verkoeyen](https://github.com/jverkoey)

* `--swift-version` now defaults to 2.2 instead of 2.1.1.  
  [Tamar Nachmany](https://github.com/tamarnachmany)

##### Enhancements

* Add `--skip-documentation` flag. Skips site generation phase. `undocumented.json`
  is still generated.  
  [Jeff Verkoeyen](https://github.com/jverkoey)

* Merge Objective-C categories into their parent type documentation to match
  Swift behavior.  
  [Esad Hajdarevic](https://github.com/esad)

* Add support for documenting Swift 2.2 `associatedtype`s and infix, postfix &
  prefix operators.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Bug Fixes

* Add support for Objective-C module imports.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Workaround for an apparent SourceKit bug which sometimes caused extensions
  to be merged into the wrong type.  
  [Paul Cantrell](https://github.com/pcantrell)

## 0.5.0

##### Breaking

* `--swift-version` now defaults to 2.1.1 instead of 2.1.  
  [Nikita Lutsenko](https://github.com/nlutsenko)

* Swift 1.x is no longer supported.

* `--templates-directory` and `--assets-directory` have been deprecated in favor
  of `--theme`. Specify either 'apple' (default), 'fullwidth' or the path to
  your mustache templates and other assets for a custom theme.  
  [Karl Bowden](https://github.com/agentk)
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Enhancements

* Add `--sdk [iphone|watch|appletv][os|simulator]|macosx` option for Objective-C
  [Jeff Verkoeyen](https://github.com/jverkoey)

* Add `--head` option to inject custom HTML into `<head></head>`.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix an issue where extension documentation would use the original type
  documentation block rather than the comment immediately preceding the
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Fix multi-byte documentation issues.  
  [Norio Nomura](https://github.com/norio-nomura)

## 0.4.1

*Note: this is the last official release of jazzy supporting Swift 1.x.*

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Support "wall of asterisk" documentation comments.  
  [Jeff Verkoeyen](https://github.com/jverkoey)

* Expanding a token no longer causes the document to 'jump' to the hash.  
  [Jeff Verkoeyen](https://github.com/jverkoey)

* Autolinking improvements:
  - Autolinks only match `` `ThingsInBackticks` ``, and must match the entire
    string. This prevents spurious matching in prose and sample code.
  - Autolinks supports siblings, ancestors, top-level elements, and
    dot-separated chains starting with any of the above: `someProperty`,
  - New `...` wildcard prevents you from having to list all method parameters:

  [Paul Cantrell](https://github.com/pcantrell)

* Miscellaneous minor font size, weight, and color adjustments.  
  [Jeff Verkoeyen](https://github.com/jverkoey)

* In-page anchors now appear below the header.  
  [Jeff Verkoeyen](https://github.com/jverkoey)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fix an out-of-bounds exception when generating pragma marks.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Add support for C/C++ struct, field & ivar types.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Links to source files on GitHub are no longer broken when `source_directory`
  does not point to the current working directory.  
  [Paul Cantrell](https://github.com/pcantrell)

* When `excluded_files` is specified in a config file, it is now resolved
  relative to the file (like other options) instead of relative to the working
  [Paul Cantrell](https://github.com/pcantrell)

## 0.4.0

##### Breaking

* `--swift-version` now defaults to 2.1 instead of 2.0.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Enhancements

* Support for documenting Objective-C projects! 🎉
  Pass `--objc`, `--umbrella-header ...` and `-framework-root ...`.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Mentions of top-level declarations in documentation comments are now
  automatically hyperlinked to their reference.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Jazzy can now read options from a configuration file. The command line
  provides comprehensive help for available options via `jazzy -h config`.  
  [Paul Cantrell](https://github.com/pcantrell)

* Render special list items (e.g. Throws, See, etc.). See
  https://ericasadun.com/2015/06/14/swift-header-documentation-in-xcode-7/ for
  a complete list.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Support for Swift 2.1.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Swift extensions are now merged with their extended type, rendering a note
  to describe extension default implementations and extension methods.  
  [Paul Cantrell](https://github.com/pcantrell)

##### Bug Fixes

* None.

## 0.3.2

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* None.

##### Bug Fixes

* Fixed an issue that prevented building projects with different schema & module
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Hide documentation coverage from header using `--hide-documentation-coverage`.  

* Print a more informative error when unable to find an Xcode that has the
  requested Swift version.  
  [Samuel Giddins](https://github.com/segiddins)

## 0.3.1

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* None.

##### Bug Fixes

* Added missing Swift 2 declaration types.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

## 0.3.0

##### Breaking

* `--swift-version` now defaults to 2.0 instead of 1.2.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Enhancements

* Now supports Swift 2.0 (previous Swift versions are still supported).  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)
  [Samuel Giddins](https://github.com/segiddins)

* Declarations can now be grouped by custom categories defined in a JSON or YAML
  file passed to `--categories`.  
  [Paul Cantrell](https://github.com/pcantrell)

##### Bug Fixes

* "View on GitHub" is now only generated if a GitHub URL is specified.  

* Empty extensions are no longer documented.  
  [Paul Cantrell](https://github.com/pcantrell)

* Undocumented enum cases are now supported.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

## 0.2.4

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Improved how SourceKitten is vendored.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Show type declaration under its title.  
  [Paul Cantrell](https://github.com/pcantrell)

* Added support for custom assets: pass `--assets-directory` to jazzy.  

* Added support for custom copyright text: pass `--copyright` to jazzy.  

##### Bug Fixes

* Fixed a crash when parsing an empty documentation comment.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* `--exclude` now works properly if its argument is a relative path.  
  [Paul Cantrell](https://github.com/pcantrell)

## 0.2.3

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* The `jazzy` CLI now accepts a `--swift-version` option (defaulting to 1.2),
  and will automatically find an appropriate Xcode installation.  
  [Samuel Giddins](https://github.com/segiddins)

##### Bug Fixes

* Declarations with no USR will no longer be documented.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

## 0.2.2

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Added support for custom templates: use the `-t`/`--template-directory`
  argument to jazzy.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Bug Fixes

* None.

## 0.2.1

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Added the ability to ignore certain files by passing in an `-e`/`--exclude`
  argument to jazzy.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Bug Fixes

* None.

## 0.2.0

##### Breaking

* Jazzy now only supports projects using Swift 1.2.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Increase default minimum ACL to public.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Enhancements

* Use `key.accessibility` to determine ACL (value coming from SourceKit, which
  is generally more accurate than parsing the declaration for an accessibility
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Bug Fixes

* None.

## 0.1.6

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* None.

##### Bug Fixes

* Make the gem installable.  
  [Samuel Giddins](https://github.com/segiddins)

## 0.1.5

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Added `--readme` command line option.  

* Cleaned up front end HTML & CSS.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* "Show on GitHub" links now link to line-ranges for multi-line definitions.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fixed issue where docset would contain duplicate files.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Fixed installation issues on case-sensitive file systems.  

* Fixed out-of-bounds exception when parsing the declaration in files starting
  with a declaration.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Fixed out-of-bounds exception and inaccurate parsed declarations when using
  multibyte characters.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Fixed parsing issues with keyword functions such as `subscript`, `init` and
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Fixed issues where USR wasn't accurate because dependencies couldn't be
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Allow using a version of Xcode that is symlinked to
  [Samuel Giddins](https://github.com/segiddins)

## 0.1.4

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* None.

##### Bug Fixes

* No longer count undocumented externally declared tokens as undocumented.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

## 0.1.3

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Improve the styling of `dl` elements (parsed key-value pairs).  

* Raise exceptions if Xcode requirements aren't met.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Bug Fixes

* No longer count initializers with parameters as undocumented.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* No longer crash when a token is missing a USR.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Fixed encoding issues in some environments.  
  [James Barrow](https://github.com/Baza207)

* No longer count undocumented externally declared tokens as undocumented.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Fixed `--source-directory` CLI option.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

## 0.1.2

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Use Menlo for code everywhere.  

##### Bug Fixes

* (Really) fixes installation as a RubyGem.  

## 0.1.1

##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* None.

##### Bug Fixes

* Fixes installation as a RubyGem.  
  [Samuel Giddins](https://github.com/segiddins)

## 0.1.0


##### Breaking

* None.

##### Enhancements

* Add the ability to document a Pod from just a podspec, which allows jazzy to
  run on cocoadocs.org.  
  [Samuel Giddins](https://github.com/segiddins)

##### Bug Fixes

* De-duplicate the sidebar list of extensions and show all children for an
  extension, regardless of how many extensions on a type there are.  
  [Samuel Giddins](https://github.com/segiddins)

## 0.0.20


##### Breaking

* Don't skip declarations with no documentation comments by default.
  Allow skipping using `--skip-undocumented`.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Enhancements

* Combine abstract and discussion in page overview.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Bug Fixes

* Don't show 'Show in Github' link for types declared in system frameworks.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

## 0.0.19


##### Breaking


##### Enhancements

* Added CHANGELOG.md.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Include parse errors in the JSON output & print to STDERR.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

##### Bug Fixes

* Fixed crash when files contained a declaration on the first line.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Fixed invalid JSON issue when last file in an Xcode project failed to parse.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)

* Fixed crash when attempting to parse the declaration of `extension Array`.  
  [JP Simard](https://github.com/jpsim)