# # Author:: Thomas Bishop (<bishop.thomas@gmail.com>) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2011 Thomas Bishop # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'spec_helper' describe Chef::Knife::CookbookDelete do before(:each) do @knife = Chef::Knife::CookbookDelete.new @knife.name_args = ['foobar'] @knife.cookbook_name = 'foobar' @stdout = StringIO.new @knife.ui.stub(:stdout).and_return(@stdout) @stderr = StringIO.new @knife.ui.stub(:stderr).and_return(@stderr) end describe 'run' do it 'should print usage and exit when a cookbook name is not provided' do @knife.name_args = [] @knife.should_receive(:show_usage) @knife.ui.should_receive(:fatal) lambda { @knife.run }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end describe 'when specifying a cookbook name' do it 'should delete the cookbook without a specific version' do @knife.should_receive(:delete_without_explicit_version) @knife.run end describe 'and a version' do it 'should delete the specific version of the cookbook' do @knife.name_args << '1.0.0' @knife.should_receive(:delete_explicit_version) @knife.run end end describe 'with -a or --all' do it 'should delete all versions of the cookbook' do @knife.config[:all] = true @knife.should_receive(:delete_all_versions) @knife.run end end describe 'with -p or --purge' do it 'should prompt to purge the files' do @knife.config[:purge] = true @knife.should_receive(:confirm). with(/.+Are you sure you want to purge files.+/) @knife.should_receive(:delete_without_explicit_version) @knife.run end end end end describe 'delete_explicit_version' do it 'should delete the specific cookbook version' do @knife.cookbook_name = 'foobar' @knife.version = '1.0.0' @knife.should_receive(:delete_object).with(Chef::CookbookVersion, 'foobar version 1.0.0', 'cookbook').and_yield() @knife.should_receive(:delete_request).with('cookbooks/foobar/1.0.0') @knife.delete_explicit_version end end describe 'delete_all_versions' do it 'should prompt to delete all versions of the cookbook' do @knife.cookbook_name = 'foobar' @knife.should_receive(:confirm).with('Do you really want to delete all versions of foobar') @knife.should_receive(:delete_all_without_confirmation) @knife.delete_all_versions end end describe 'delete_all_without_confirmation' do it 'should delete all versions without confirmation' do versions = ['1.0.0', '1.1.0'] @knife.should_receive(:available_versions).and_return(versions) versions.each do |v| @knife.should_receive(:delete_version_without_confirmation).with(v) end @knife.delete_all_without_confirmation end end describe 'delete_without_explicit_version' do it 'should exit if there are no available versions' do @knife.should_receive(:available_versions).and_return(nil) lambda { @knife.delete_without_explicit_version }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it 'should delete the version if only one is found' do @knife.should_receive(:available_versions).at_least(:once).and_return(['1.0.0']) @knife.should_receive(:delete_explicit_version) @knife.delete_without_explicit_version end it 'should ask which version(s) to delete if multiple are found' do @knife.should_receive(:available_versions).at_least(:once).and_return(['1.0.0', '1.1.0']) @knife.should_receive(:ask_which_versions_to_delete).and_return(['1.0.0', '1.1.0']) @knife.should_receive(:delete_versions_without_confirmation).with(['1.0.0', '1.1.0']) @knife.delete_without_explicit_version end end describe 'available_versions' do before(:each) do @rest_mock = double('rest') @knife.should_receive(:rest).and_return(@rest_mock) @cookbook_data = { 'foobar' => { 'versions' => [{'version' => '1.0.0'}, {'version' => '1.1.0'}, {'version' => '2.0.0'} ]} } end it 'should return the list of versions of the cookbook' do @rest_mock.should_receive(:get_rest).with('cookbooks/foobar').and_return(@cookbook_data) @knife.available_versions.should == ['1.0.0', '1.1.0', '2.0.0'] end it 'should raise if an error other than HTTP 404 is returned' do exception = Net::HTTPServerException.new('500 Internal Server Error', '500') @rest_mock.should_receive(:get_rest).and_raise(exception) lambda { @knife.available_versions }.should raise_error Net::HTTPServerException end describe "if the cookbook can't be found" do before(:each) do @rest_mock.should_receive(:get_rest). and_raise(Net::HTTPServerException.new('404 Not Found', '404')) end it 'should print an error' do @knife.available_versions @stderr.string.should match /error.+cannot find a cookbook named foobar/i end it 'should return nil' do @knife.available_versions.should == nil end end end describe 'ask_which_version_to_delete' do before(:each) do @knife.stub(:available_versions).and_return(['1.0.0', '1.1.0', '2.0.0']) end it 'should prompt the user to select a version' do prompt = /Which version\(s\) do you want to delete\?.+1\. foobar 1\.0\.0.+2\. foobar 1\.1\.0.+3\. foobar 2\.0\.0.+4\. All versions.+/m @knife.should_receive(:ask_question).with(prompt).and_return('1') @knife.ask_which_versions_to_delete end it "should print an error and exit if a version wasn't specified" do @knife.should_receive(:ask_question).and_return('') @knife.ui.should_receive(:error).with(/no versions specified/i) lambda { @knife.ask_which_versions_to_delete }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it 'should print an error if an invalid choice was selected' do @knife.should_receive(:ask_question).and_return('100') @knife.ui.should_receive(:error).with(/100 is not a valid choice/i) @knife.ask_which_versions_to_delete end it 'should return the selected versions' do @knife.should_receive(:ask_question).and_return('1, 3') @knife.ask_which_versions_to_delete.should == ['1.0.0', '2.0.0'] end it "should return all of the versions if 'all' was selected" do @knife.should_receive(:ask_question).and_return('4') @knife.ask_which_versions_to_delete.should == [:all] end end describe 'delete_version_without_confirmation' do it 'should delete the cookbook version' do @knife.should_receive(:delete_request).with('cookbooks/foobar/1.0.0') @knife.delete_version_without_confirmation('1.0.0') end it 'should output that the cookbook was deleted' do @knife.stub(:delete_request) @knife.delete_version_without_confirmation('1.0.0') @stdout.string.should match /deleted cookbook\[foobar\]\[1.0.0\]/im end describe 'with --print-after' do it 'should display the cookbook data' do object = '' @knife.config[:print_after] = true @knife.stub(:delete_request).and_return(object) @knife.should_receive(:format_for_display).with(object) @knife.delete_version_without_confirmation('1.0.0') end end end describe 'delete_versions_without_confirmation' do it 'should delete each version without confirmation' do versions = ['1.0.0', '1.1.0'] versions.each do |v| @knife.should_receive(:delete_version_without_confirmation).with(v) end @knife.delete_versions_without_confirmation(versions) end describe 'with -a or --all' do it 'should delete all versions without confirmation' do versions = [:all] @knife.should_receive(:delete_all_without_confirmation) @knife.delete_versions_without_confirmation(versions) end end end end