# Grammar for a simple subset of English language # It is called Zenlish require 'rley' # Load the Rley parsing library require_relative 'dictionary' ######################################## # Define a grammar for a highly English-like language builder = Rley::Syntax::GrammarBuilder.new do add_terminals(*Zenlish::Lang::Dictionary.terminals) rule 'zenlish' => 'prose' rule 'prose' => 'sentence Period' rule 'prose' => 'prose sentence Period' rule 'sentence' => 'simple_sentence' rule 'sentence' => 'complex_sentence' ################# # Simple sentence ################# rule 'simple_sentence' => 'front_adverb simple_sentence' rule 'front_adverb' => 'AdverbMaybe' rule 'front_adverb' => 'Adverb' rule 'simple_sentence' => 'declarative_simple_sentence' rule 'declarative_simple_sentence' => 'affirmative_sentence' rule 'declarative_simple_sentence' => 'existential_sentence' rule 'declarative_simple_sentence' => 'predicative_sentence' rule 'declarative_simple_sentence' => 'negative_sentence' rule 'declarative_simple_sentence' => 'inexistential_sentence' rule 'affirmative_sentence' => 'tense_phrase' rule 'affirmative_sentence' => 'prepositional_phrase Comma simple_sentence' # Case of time adjunct adverbial put in front position rule 'affirmative_sentence' => 'noun_phrase Adverb Comma simple_sentence' # there + (auxiliary/raising verb) + be + notional subject. rule 'existential_sentence' => 'ExistentialThere IrregularVerbBe existential_subject' rule 'negative_sentence' => 'negative_tense_phrase' rule 'negative_sentence' => 'negated_predicate_sentence' rule 'inexistential_sentence' => 'ExistentialThere IrregularVerbBe AdverbNot existential_subject' rule 'existential_subject' => 'noun_phrase adverb_phrase_opt' rule 'existential_subject' => 'prepositional_phrase' rule 'predicative_sentence' => 'noun_phrase affirmation' rule 'predicative_sentence' => 'conjunctive_prefix affirmation' rule 'negated_predicate_sentence' => 'noun_phrase adverb_phrase_opt negation' rule 'negated_predicate_sentence' => 'conjunctive_prefix negation' rule 'affirmation' => 'IrregularVerbBe predicative_complement' rule 'negation' => 'IrregularVerbBe AdverbNot predicative_complement' rule 'predicative_complement' => 'noun_phrase' rule 'predicative_complement' => 'adjective_phrase comparative_clause_opt' # 3-02d J is one that does this. rule 'predicative_complement' => 'adjective_phrase relative_clause_opt' # 2-28b X is alive before this moment. rule 'predicative_complement' => 'adjective_phrase adverb_phrase noun_phrase_opt' # X is far from the start. rule 'predicative_complement' => 'adverb_phrase_opt prepositional_phrase' ################# # Complex sentence ################# # Case of dropped ´that´ conjunction rule 'complex_sentence' => 'AdverbMaybe complex_sentence' rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause comma_opt subordinated_clause' rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause comma_opt relative_clause' rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause comma_opt coordinate_clause' rule 'complex_sentence' => 'subordinated_clause Comma main_clause' # 3-03b If J is not true, then K is true. rule 'complex_sentence' => 'subordinated_clause Comma LinkingAdverb main_clause' # CGE 287d: verb + direct object + infinitive clause (without to) rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause infinitive_clause' # Colon used to introduce an explanatory sentence. rule 'complex_sentence' => 'main_clause Colon sentence' rule 'comma_opt' => 'Comma' rule 'comma_opt' => [] ###################### # CLAUSES ###################### rule 'main_clause' => 'sentence' rule 'subordinated_clause' => 'subordination_marker dependent_clause' rule 'subordination_marker' => 'SubordinatingConjunction' rule 'subordination_marker' => 'SubordinatingConjunction PrepositionOf' rule 'dependent_clause' => 'simple_sentence' rule 'dependent_clause' => 'noun_phrase' rule 'infinitive_clause' => 'verb_phrase' # Too broad rule 'comparative_clause_opt' => 'comparative_clause' rule 'comparative_clause_opt' => [] rule 'comparative_clause' => 'comparative_start noun_phrase' rule 'comparative_clause' => 'comparative_start declarative_simple_sentence' # rule 'comparative_clause' => 'comparative_start DefiniteArticle Adjective Cardinal' rule 'comparative_start' => 'PrepositionThan' rule 'comparative_start' => 'ComparativeParticle' rule 'conjunctive_prefix' => 'ConjunctivePronoun noun_phrase verb_phrase' rule 'identifying_clause' => 'RelativePronoun tense_verb_phrase' rule 'relative_clause_opt' => 'relative_clause' rule 'relative_clause_opt' => [] rule 'relative_clause' => 'RelativePronoun tense_phrase' # Sentence 3-Bxa 'Lisa sees a living thing that is very big. rule 'relative_clause' => 'RelativePronoun affirmation' rule 'relative_clause' => 'identifying_clause' rule 'coordinate_clause' => 'Coordinator simple_sentence' # Sentence 3-11b K happens because J happens or because J does something. rule 'coordinate_clause' => 'Coordinator subordinated_clause' # Implicit subject. 3-05b: I saw this thing and touched some of its parts. rule 'coordinate_clause' => 'Coordinator tense_verb_phrase' ############## # TENSE PHRASE ############## # Leading adverb phrase: now I see it. now is an adjunct) rule 'tense_phrase' => 'adverb_phrase_opt noun_phrase tense_verb_phrase' rule 'negative_tense_phrase' => 'noun_phrase negative_tense_verb_phrase' rule 'tense_verb_phrase' => 'tense_opt verb_phrase' rule 'negative_tense_verb_phrase' => 'tense_opt AdverbNot verb_phrase' rule 'tense_opt' => 'tense' rule 'tense_opt' => [] rule 'tense' => 'AuxiliaryBe' rule 'tense' => 'AuxiliaryDo' rule 'tense' => 'ModalVerbCan' ############# # NOUN PHRASE ############# rule 'noun_phrase_opt' => 'noun_phrase' rule 'noun_phrase_opt' => [] rule 'noun_phrase' => 'pre_head_np head_np post_head_np' rule 'noun_phrase' => 'noun_phrase Coordinator noun_phrase' # someone, somebody, something, somewhere; no one, nobody, nothing, # nowhere; anyone, anybody, anything, anywhere; everyone, everybody, # everything, everywhere, the attributive adjective phrase occurs as a postmodifier rule 'pre_head_np' => 'determiners adjective_phrase_opt' rule 'head_np' => 'CommonNoun' rule 'head_np' => 'ProperNoun' rule 'head_np' => 'PersonalPronoun' rule 'head_np' => 'DemonstrativePronoun' rule 'head_np' => 'IndefinitePronoun' # rule 'head_np' => 'Cardinal' # ... as indefinite pronoun in complement "There were three pies. I ate one." rule 'post_head_np' => 'adjective_phrase_opt prepositional_phrases clause_noun_opt' rule 'clause_noun_opt' => 'clause_noun' rule 'clause_noun_opt' => [] rule 'clause_noun' => 'comparative_clause' rule 'clause_noun' => 'dependent_clause' ############# # DETERMINERS ############# rule 'determiners' => 'predeterminer_opt central_determiner_opt postdeterminers' rule 'determiners' => 'partitive_determiner PrepositionOf main_determiner_opt postdeterminers' # Pre-determiner rule 'predeterminer_opt' => 'predeterminer' rule 'predeterminer_opt' => [] rule 'predeterminer' => 'FrontingQuantifier' # all, both # FOR_LATER 'predeterminer' => 'multipler' # twice, thrice, n times # FOR_LATER 'predeterminer' => 'fraction' # half, third, ... # FOR_LATER 'predeterminer' => 'intensifier' # what (exclamative), such, quite, rather # Central determiners: article, demonstrative or possessive rule 'central_determiner_opt' => 'main_determiner' rule 'central_determiner_opt' => 'DistributiveDeterminer' # each, every, either, neither # FOR_LATER 'central_determiner_opt' => 'InterrogativeDeterminer' # what, which, whose rule 'central_determiner_opt' => [] rule 'main_determiner_opt' => 'main_determiner' rule 'main_determiner_opt' => [] rule 'main_determiner' => 'article' rule 'main_determiner' => 'DemonstrativeDeterminer' # 'this', .., that, these, those rule 'main_determiner' => 'PossessiveDeterminer' # my, your, his, her, its, our, their rule 'article' => 'DefiniteArticle' # 'the' rule 'article' => 'IndefiniteArticle' # 'a/an', .., any, some, that, those, # Post-determiners # FOR_LATER 'postdeterminers' => 'ordinal_opt cardinal_opt other_quantifiers' # Example 3-14b: There are two or more things. rule 'postdeterminers' => 'postdeterminers Coordinator postdeterminers' rule 'postdeterminers' => 'cardinal_opt other_quantifiers' rule 'postdeterminers' => [] rule 'other_quantifiers' => 'other_quantifiers Quantifier' rule 'other_quantifiers' => [] rule 'partitive_determiner' => 'predeterminer' rule 'partitive_determiner' => 'DistributiveDeterminer' # FOR_LATER 'partitive_determiner' => 'Ordinal' # FOR_LATER 'partitive_determiner' => 'GeneralOrdinal' rule 'partitive_determiner' => 'Cardinal' rule 'partitive_determiner' => 'Quantifier' ############# # VERB PHRASE ############# rule 'verb_phrase' => 'pre_head_vp head_vp post_head_vp' # Rule specific to linking/copular verbs (CEG 288b). Example: I feel very bad. rule 'verb_phrase' => 'pre_head_vp linking_verb adjective_phrase' # Sentence 3-12b: Maybe when some people hear J is true rule 'verb_phrase' => 'pre_head_vp linking_verb dependent_clause' rule 'pre_head_vp' => 'adverb_phrase_opt' rule 'head_vp' => 'lexical_verb' rule 'head_vp' => 'IrregularVerbSay direct_speech' rule 'head_vp' => 'RegularVerbWant Preposition head_vp post_head_vp' # Cover case where ´that´ conjunction is dropped. rule 'head_vp' => 'mental_verb dependent_clause' # ex. 2-23c rule 'head_vp' => 'mental_verb identifying_clause' rule 'post_head_vp' => 'noun_phrase_opt adverb_phrase_opt prepositional_phrases adverb_phrase_opt' rule 'lexical_verb' => 'RegularVerb' rule 'lexical_verb' => 'RegularVerbWant' rule 'lexical_verb' => 'IrregularVerb' rule 'lexical_verb' => 'IrregularLinkingVerb' rule 'lexical_verb' => 'IrregularVerbBe' rule 'lexical_verb' => 'IrregularVerbDo' rule 'lexical_verb' => 'IrregularVerbHave' rule 'lexical_verb' => 'IrregularVerbKnow' rule 'lexical_verb' => 'IrregularVerbSay' rule 'lexical_verb' => 'IrregularVerbThink' rule 'linking_verb' => 'IrregularLinkingVerb' rule 'mental_verb' => 'IrregularVerbKnow' rule 'mental_verb' => 'IrregularVerbThink' rule 'direct_speech' => 'Colon Quote prose Quote' rule 'direct_speech' => 'Preposition noun_phrase Colon Quote declarative_simple_sentence Period Quote' rule 'direct_speech' => 'Colon sentence' ################## # ADJECTIVE PHRASE ################## rule 'adjective_phrase_opt' => 'adjective_phrase' rule 'adjective_phrase_opt' => [] rule 'adjective_phrase' => 'premodifiers_adj head_adjective postmodifiers_adj' rule 'premodifiers_adj' => 'adverb_phrase_opt' rule 'head_adjective' => 'head_adjective Adjective' # sequence of adjectives (rem: could be comma separated or anded) rule 'head_adjective' => 'Adjective' rule 'postmodifiers_adj' => 'prepositional_phrase' # TODO: multiple prepositional phrases, gerund and to + infinitive # Adverbs such as enough, indeed can post-modify an adjective rule 'postmodifiers_adj' => [] ################ # ADJVERB PHRASE ################ rule 'adverb_phrase_opt' => 'adverb_phrase' rule 'adverb_phrase_opt' => [] rule 'adverb_phrase' => 'premodifiers_adv head_adverb' rule 'premodifiers_adv' => 'adverb_occurrence' rule 'premodifiers_adv' => [] rule 'head_adverb' => 'adverb_occurrence' rule 'adverb_occurrence' => 'Adverb' rule 'adverb_occurrence' => 'DegreeAdverb' rule 'adverb_occurrence' => 'LinkingAdverb' ###################### # PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE ###################### rule 'prepositional_phrases' => 'prepositional_phrases prepositional_phrase' rule 'prepositional_phrases' => [] rule 'prepositional_phrase' => 'premodifier_prep preposition_head preposition_object' # premodifier_prep => # "A degree word" example 1: _straight_ across the street example 2: _right_ from the start rule 'premodifier_prep' => [] rule 'preposition_head' => 'Preposition' rule 'preposition_head' => 'PrepositionOf' rule 'preposition_object' => 'noun_phrase' # (noun and pronoun) # complementation by a verb: gerund -ing form... rule 'preposition_object' => 'noun_phrase_opt lexical_verb post_head_vp' # preposition_object => "a gerund (a verb form ending in "-ing") that acts as a noun # Example: He beat Lee without overly trying. rule 'preposition_object' => 'conjunctive_prefix' # It's obvious from _what he said_. rule 'preposition_object' => [] ###################### # REMAINING RULES ###################### rule 'cardinal_opt' => 'Cardinal' rule 'cardinal_opt' => [] rule 'numeral' => 'Cardinal' end # And now build the grammar... ZenlishGrammar = builder.grammar