require "asciidoctor/standoc/utils" require_relative "./validate_section.rb" require "nokogiri" require "jing" require "pp" require "iev" module Asciidoctor module Standoc module Validate SOURCELOCALITY = "./termsource/origin/locality[@type = 'clause']/referenceFrom".freeze def iev_validate(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//term").each do |t| /^IEC 60050-/.match(t&.at("./termsource/origin/@citeas")&.text) or next pref = t.xpath("./preferred").inject([]) { |m, x| m << x&.text&.downcase } locality = t.xpath(SOURCELOCALITY)&.text or next iev = @iev.fetch(locality, xmldoc&.at("//language")&.text || "en") or next pref.include?(iev.downcase) or warn %(Term "#{pref[0]}" does not match IEV #{locality} "#{iev}") end end def content_validate(doc) section_validate(doc) iev_validate(doc.root) end def schema_validate(doc, filename)".tmp.xml", "w:UTF-8") { |f| f.write(doc.to_xml) } begin errors =".tmp.xml") rescue Jing::Error => e abort "what what what #{e}" end warn "Valid!" if errors.none? errors.each do |error| warn "#{error[:message]} @ #{error[:line]}:#{error[:column]}" end end # RelaxNG cannot cope well with wildcard attributes. So we strip # any attributes from FormattedString instances (which can contain # xs:any markup, and are signalled with @format) before validation. def formattedstr_strip(doc) doc.xpath("//*[@format]").each do |n| n.elements.each do |e| e.traverse do |e1| next unless e1.element? e1.each { |k, _v| e.delete(k) } end end end doc end def validate(doc) content_validate(doc) schema_validate(formattedstr_strip(doc.dup), File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "isodoc.rng")) end end end end