// ----------------------------------------------------- // SPRITES MAKER // Combine multiple PNGs into one // - Image's type must be PNG // - Image's name can't start with number or contains special symbol like `@` // // Special Thanks: // www.gayadesign.com/diy/retina-sprites-for-compass // ----------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------- // Loop through sprite-map // -------------------------- @mixin _loop-sprite( $map, $is-retina : false , $prefix : "") { $divide-by : 1; // for retina sprites' scaling $sprite-url : ""; @if $is-retina { $divide-by : 2; $sprite-url : sprite-url($map); } @each $i in sprite_names($map) { &.#{$prefix}#{$i} { // It makes sure that if the sprite doesn't exist in Retina folder, // it uses sprite from the Standard one. @if $is-retina { background: $sprite-url; background-size: (image-width(sprite-path($map)) / 2) (image-height(sprite-path($map)) / 2); } background-position: round(nth(sprite-position($map, $i), 1) / $divide-by) round(nth(sprite-position($map, $i), 2) / $divide-by); height : image-height(sprite-file($map, $i)) / $divide-by; width : image-width(sprite-file($map, $i)) / $divide-by; } } } // -------------------------- // Generate standard sprites // -------------------------- @mixin sprite( $folder : "sprites", $class : "sprite", $prefix : "") { $sprites: sprite-map("#{$folder}/*.png", $layout: smart); .#{$class} { background: $sprites; display: inline-block; @include _loop-sprite($sprites, false, $prefix); @content; // placeholder for retina sprites } } // --------------------------------------------- // Generate both Retina and Standard sprites // - Folder's name for Retina must be EXACT SAME as Standard one with the addition of `@2x` // - Image's name must be EXACT SAME for standard and retina // ---------------------------------------------------------- @mixin sprite-retina( $folder : "sprites", $class : "sprite", $prefix : "") { @include sprite($folder, $class, $prefix) { $sprites : sprite-map("#{$folder}/*.png", $layout: smart); $sprites-2x : sprite-map("#{$folder}@2x/*.png", $layout: smart); @include below(retina) { // If all images in Retina and Standard folder is the same @if length(sprite_names($sprites) ) == length(sprite_names($sprites-2x) ) { background: $sprites-2x; background-size: (image-width(sprite-path($sprites-2x)) / 2) (image-height(sprite-path($sprites-2x)) / 2); } // If there's missing images in retina folder @else { @include _loop-sprite($sprites-2x, true, $prefix); } } } }