require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w{development_support}) module Authorization module DevelopmentSupport # Ideas for improvement # * Algorithm # * Plan by tackling each condition separately # * e.g. two users have a permission through the same role, # one should lose that # * Consider privilege hierarchy # * Consider merging, splitting roles, role hierarchies # * Add privilege to existing rules # * Features # * Show consequences from changes: which users are affected, # show users in graph # * restructure GUI layout: more room for analyzing suggestions # * AI: planning: ADL-like, actions with preconditions and effects # * Removing need of intention # * Evaluation of approaches with Analyzer algorithms # * Consider constraints # # NOTE: # * user.clone needs to clone role_symbols # * user.role_symbols needs to respond to << # * user.login is needed # class ChangeAnalyzer < AbstractAnalyzer def find_approaches_for (change_action, type, options, &tests) raise ArgumentError, "Missing options" if !options[:on] or !options[:to] # * strategy for removing: [remove privilege, add privilege to different role] @seen_states = # * heuristic: change of failed tests; small number of policy items strategy = case [change_action, type] when [:remove, :permission] [:remove_role_from_user, :remove_privilege, :add_privilege, :add_role, :assign_role_to_user] when [:add, :permission] [:add_role, :add_privilege, :assign_role_to_user] else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown change action/type: #{[change_action, type].inspect}" end candidates = [] viable_approaches = [] approach_checker =, tests) starting_candidate =, options[:users], []) if starting_candidate.check(approach_checker) viable_approaches << starting_candidate else candidates << starting_candidate end step_count = 0 while !candidates.empty? and step_count < 100 next_step(viable_approaches, candidates, approach_checker, options[:to], options[:on], strategy) step_count += 1 end # remove subsets viable_approaches.sort! end class ApproachChecker attr_reader :failed_test_count, :users def initialize (analyzer, tests) @analyzer, @tests = analyzer, tests end def check (engine, users) @current_engine = engine @failed_test_count = 0 @users = users @ok = true instance_eval(&@tests) @ok end def assert (ok) @failed_test_count += 1 unless ok @ok &&= ok end def permit? (*args) @current_engine.permit?(*args) end end class Approach attr_reader :steps, :engine, :users def initialize (engine, users, steps) @engine, @users, @steps = engine, users, steps end def check (approach_checker) res = approach_checker.check(@engine, @users) @failed_test_count = approach_checker.failed_test_count #puts "CHECKING #{inspect} (#{res}, #{sort_value})" res end def clone_for_step (*step_params), @users.clone, @steps + []) end def changes {|step| step.length > 1} end def subset? (other_approach) other_approach.changes.length >= changes.length && changes.all? {|step| other_approach.changes.any? {|step_2| step_2.eql?(step)} } end def state_hash @engine.auth_rules.inject(0) do |memo, rule| memo + rule.privileges.hash + rule.contexts.hash + rule.attributes.hash + rule.role.hash end + @users.inject(0) {|memo, user| memo + user.role_symbols.hash } + @engine.privileges.hash + @engine.privilege_hierarchy.hash + @engine.roles.hash + @engine.role_hierarchy.hash end def sort_value (changes.length + 1) + steps.length / 2 + (@failed_test_count.to_i + 1) end def inspect "Approach (#{state_hash}): Steps: #{ * ', '}"# + # "\n Roles: #{AnalyzerEngine.roles(@engine).map(&:to_sym).inspect}; " + # "\n Users: #{}" end def <=> (other) sort_value <=> other.sort_value end end class Step < Array def eql? (other) # TODO use approach.users.index(self[idx]) == # other.approach.users.index(other[idx]) # instead of user.login other.is_a?(Array) && other.length == length && (0...length).all? {|idx| self[idx].class == other[idx].class && ((self[idx].respond_to?(:to_sym) && self[idx].to_sym == other[idx].to_sym) || (self[idx].respond_to?(:login) && self[idx].login == other[idx].login) || self[idx] == other[idx] ) } end def inspect collect {|info| info.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? info.to_sym : (info.respond_to?(:login) ? info.login :}.inspect end end protected def next_step (viable_approaches, candidates, approach_checker, privilege, context, strategy) candidate = candidates.shift next_in_strategy = strategy[candidate.steps.length % strategy.length] #if @seen_states.include?([candidate.state_hash, next_in_strategy]) # puts "SKIPPING #{next_in_strategy}; #{candidate.inspect}" #end return if @seen_states.include?([candidate.state_hash, next_in_strategy]) @seen_states << [candidate.state_hash, next_in_strategy] candidate.steps << [next_in_strategy] candidates << candidate new_approaches = [] #puts "#{next_in_strategy} on #{candidate.inspect}" case next_in_strategy when :add_role # ensure non-existent name approach = candidate.clone_for_step(:add_role, :new_role_for_change_analyzer) if AnalyzerEngine.apply_change(approach.engine, approach.changes.last) #AnalyzerEngine.apply_change(approach.engine, [:add_privilege, privilege, context, :new_role_for_change_analyzer]) new_approaches << approach end when :assign_role_to_user candidate.users.each do |user| relevant_roles(candidate).each do |role| next if user.role_symbols.include?(role.to_sym) approach = candidate.clone_for_step(:assign_role_to_user, role, user) # beware of shallow copies! cloned_user = user.clone approach.users[approach.users.index(user)] = cloned_user # possible on real user objects? cloned_user.role_symbols << role.to_sym new_approaches << approach end end when :remove_role_from_user candidate.users.each do |user| user.role_symbols.each do |role_sym| approach = candidate.clone_for_step(:remove_role_from_user, role_sym, user) # beware of shallow copies! cloned_user = user.clone approach.users[approach.users.index(user)] = cloned_user # possible on real user objects? cloned_user.role_symbols.delete(role_sym) new_approaches << approach end end when :add_privilege relevant_roles(candidate).each do |role| approach = candidate.clone_for_step(:add_privilege, privilege, context, role) AnalyzerEngine.apply_change(approach.engine, approach.changes.last) new_approaches << approach end when :remove_privilege relevant_roles(candidate).each do |role| approach = candidate.clone_for_step(:remove_privilege, privilege, context, role) if AnalyzerEngine.apply_change(approach.engine, approach.changes.last) new_approaches << approach end end else raise "Unknown next strategy step #{next_in_strategy}" end new_approaches.each do |new_approach| if new_approach.check(approach_checker) unless viable_approaches.any? {|viable_approach| viable_approach.subset?(new_approach) } #puts "New: #{new_approach.changes.inspect}\n #{}" viable_approaches.delete_if {|viable_approach| new_approach.subset?(viable_approach)} viable_approaches << new_approach unless viable_approaches.find {|v_a| v_a.state_hash == new_approach.state_hash} end else candidates << new_approach end end candidates.sort! end def relevant_roles (approach) #return AnalyzerEngine.roles(approach.engine) (AnalyzerEngine.relevant_roles(approach.engine, approach.users) + (approach.engine.roles.include?(:new_role_for_change_analyzer) ? [AnalyzerEngine::Role.for_sym(:new_role_for_change_analyzer, approach.engine)] : [])).uniq end end end end