module Commands def Commands.rake(options) print_rake_help end private def Commands.print_rake_help puts <<-END.gsub(/^ {6}/, '') Use rake to drive p4util commands Example usage in your Rakefile: require 'p4util/tasks' do |p4util| p4util.version = 'r14.2' p4util.p4_init_dir = 'spec/init.base' end This defines three tasks for you: * `p4init` - See 'p4util help init' * `p4kill` - See 'p4util help kill' * `p4reset` - Calls p4kill then removes the /tmp/p4util/p4droot folder (This assumes you have installed p4util or setup the p4util gem dependency.) The `version` property specifies the version of p4d to download and run. It mirrors the version directory names of at the moment. The `p4_init_dir` property indicates a directory of ruby scripts that define the script files for the p4util init command. END end end