module Dryml class TemplateEnvironment class << self def inherited(subclass) subclass.compiled_local_names = [] end attr_accessor :load_time, :compiled_local_names def _register_tag_attrs(tag_name, attrs) @tag_attrs ||= {} @tag_attrs[tag_name] = attrs end def tag_attrs @tag_attrs ||= {} end alias_method :delayed_alias_method_chain, :alias_method_chain end include ActionView::Helpers include Helper ## FIXME remove def initialize(view=nil) unless view.nil? @view = view @_erb_binding = binding @_part_contexts = {} @_scoped_variables = @_polymorphic_tag_cache = {} # Make sure the "assigns" from the controller are available (instance variables) if view view.assigns.each do |key, value| instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value) end # copy view instance variables over view.instance_variables.each do |iv| instance_variable_set(iv, view.instance_variable_get(iv)) end end end end for attr in [:erb_binding, :part_contexts, :this, :this_parent, :this_field, :this_key, :form_this, :form_field_path, :form_field_names] class_eval "def #{attr}; @_#{attr}; end" end def path_for_form_field @_form_field_path.nil? and raise Dryml::DrymlException, "DRYML cannot provide the correct form-field name here (this_field = #{this_field.inspect}, this = #{this.inspect})" @_form_field_path end def this_key=(key) @_this_key = key end # The type of this, or when this is nil, the type that would be expected in the current field def this_type @_this_type ||= if this == false || this == true Hobo::Boolean elsif this this.class elsif this_parent && this_field && (parent_class = this_parent.class).respond_to?(:attr_type) type = parent_class.attr_type(this_field) if type.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Reflection::AssociationReflection) reflection = type if reflection.macro == :has_many Array elsif reflection.options[:polymorphic] # All we know is that it will be some active-record type ActiveRecord::Base else reflection.klass end else type end else # Nothing to go on at all Object end end def this_field_reflection this.try.proxy_reflection || (this_parent && this_field && this_parent.class.respond_to?(:reflections) && this_parent.class.reflections[this_field.to_sym]) end def attrs_for(name) self.class.tag_attrs[name.to_sym] end def add_classes!(attributes, *classes) classes ={|x|x} current = attributes[:class] attributes[:class] = (current ? current.split + classes : classes).uniq.join(' ') attributes end def add_classes(attributes, *classes) add_classes!(, classes) end def merge_attrs(attrs, overriding_attrs) return {}.update(attrs) if overriding_attrs.nil? attrs = attrs.with_indifferent_access unless attrs.is_a?(HashWithIndifferentAccess) classes = overriding_attrs[:class] attrs = add_classes(attrs, *classes.split) if classes attrs.update(overriding_attrs - [:class]) end def scope @_scoped_variables end def typed_id(object=nil, attribute=nil) if object.nil? # nothing passed -- use context if this_parent && this_field && !this_parent.respond_to?(:member_class) object, attribute = this_parent, this_field else object = this end end id = if (typed_id = object.try.typed_id) typed_id elsif object == @this "this" end attribute ? "#{id}:#{attribute}" : id end def call_part(part_node_id, part_name, *locals) res = '' new_context do @_part_contexts[part_node_id] = PartContext.for_call(part_name, self, locals) res = send("#{part_name}_part", *locals) end res end def refresh_part(encoded_context, session, dom_id) context = Dryml::PartContext.for_refresh(encoded_context, @this, session) with_part_context(context) do send("#{context.part_name}_part", *context.locals) end end def with_part_context(context, &block) this, this_field = context.this, context.this_field b = if context.form_field_path proc { with_form_context(:unknown, context.form_field_path, &block) } else block end if this && this_field new_object_context(this) { new_field_context(this_field, &b) } elsif this new_object_context(this, &b) else new_context(&b) end end def parse_for_type(attributes) t = attributes[:for_type] if t.nil? nil elsif t.is_a?(Class) t elsif t =~ /^[A-Z]/ t.constantize elsif t =~ /^[a-z]/ && defined?(HoboFields.to_class) HoboFields.to_class(t) else nil end end def call_polymorphic_tag(name, *args) name = name.to_s.gsub('-', '_') type = args.first.is_a?(Class) ? args.shift : nil attributes, parameters = args tag = find_polymorphic_tag(name, type) if tag != name send(tag, attributes || {}, parameters || {}) else block_given? ? yield : nil end end def find_polymorphic_tag(name, call_type=nil) call_type ||= (this.respond_to?(:member_class) && this.member_class) || this_type begin found = nil while true # would return 'Time' # so we add an exception to pick the right datetime type type_name = ( call_type == ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone ? 'datetime' :'/', '__') if respond_to?(poly_name = "#{name}__for_#{type_name}") found = poly_name break else if call_type == ActiveRecord::Base || call_type == Object found = name break else call_type = call_type.superclass end end end found end end def repeat_attribute(string_or_array) res = nil if string_or_array.instance_of?(String) new_field_context(string_or_array) do res = context_map { yield } end else res = context_map(string_or_array) { yield } end res.safe_join end def new_context ctx = [ @_this, @_this_parent, @_this_field, @_this_type, @_form_field_path, @_form_field_paths_by_object ] @_this_type = nil res = nil outer_res = @view.with_output_buffer { res = yield } Rails.logger.error("new_context: #{caller.first}") if !outer_res.blank? && outer_res.to_s != res.to_s @_this, @_this_parent, @_this_field, @_this_type, @_form_field_path, @_form_field_paths_by_object = ctx res.to_s end def new_object_context(new_this) new_context do if new_this.respond_to?(:origin) @_this_parent, @_this_field = new_this.origin, new_this.origin_attribute else @_this_parent, @_this_field = [nil, nil] end @_this = new_this # We might have lost track of where 'this' is relative to the form_this # check if this or this_parent are objects we've seen before in this form @_form_field_path = find_form_field_path(new_this) if @_form_field_path yield end end def new_field_context(field_path, new_this=nil) new_context do path = if field_path.is_a? String field_path.split('.') else Array(field_path) end if new_this raise ArgumentError, "invlaid context change" unless path.length == 1 @_this_parent, @_this_field, @_this = this, path.first, new_this else parent, field, obj = Dryml.get_field_path(this, path) @_this, @_this_parent, @_this_field = obj, parent, field end if @_form_field_path @_form_field_path += path @_form_field_paths_by_object[@_this] = @_form_field_path end yield end end def find_form_field_path(object) back = [] while object path = @_form_field_paths_by_object[object] if path path = path + back unless back.empty? return path end if object.respond_to? :origin back.unshift object.origin_attribute object = object.origin else return nil end end end def _tag_context(attributes) with = attributes[:with] field = attributes[:field] if with && field new_object_context(with) { new_field_context(field) { yield } } elsif field new_field_context(field) { yield } elsif attributes.has_key?(:with) new_object_context(with) { yield } else new_context { yield } end end def with_form_context(form_this=this, form_field_path=[]) ctx = [@_form_this, @_form_field_path, @_form_field_paths_by_object] @_form_this = form_this @_form_field_path = form_field_path @_form_field_paths_by_object = { form_this => form_field_path } res = scope.new_scope :in_form => true, :form_field_names => [] do yield end @_form_this, @_form_field_path, @_form_field_paths_by_object = ctx res end def register_form_field(name) scope.form_field_names << name end def _tag_locals(attributes, locals) attributes = attributes.symbolize_keys #ensure with and field are not in attributes attributes.delete(:with) attributes.delete(:field) # declared attributes don't appear in the attributes hash stripped_attributes = locals.each {|a| stripped_attributes.delete(a.to_sym) } # Return locals declared as local variables (attrs="...") {|a| attributes[a.to_sym]} + [stripped_attributes] end def call_tag_parameter_with_default_content(the_tag, attributes, default_content, overriding_content_proc) if the_tag.is_one_of?(String, Symbol) && body = if overriding_content_proc new_context { { default_content._?.call(nil) }) } elsif default_content new_context { } else nil end element(the_tag, attributes, body) else d = if overriding_content_proc proc { |default| { default_content._?.call(default) }) } else proc { |default| default_content._?.call(default) } end send(the_tag, attributes, { :default => d }) end end def call_tag_parameter(the_tag, attributes, parameters, caller_parameters, param_name) overriding_proc = caller_parameters[param_name] replacing_proc = caller_parameters[:"#{param_name}_replacement"] unless param_name == the_tag || param_name == :default classes = attributes[:class] param_class = param_name.to_s.gsub('_', '-') attributes[:class] = if classes classes =~ /\b#{param_class}\b/ ? classes : "#{classes} #{param_class}" else param_class end end if param_name == :default && overriding_proc && overriding_proc.arity>0 # :default content is handled specially call_tag_parameter_with_default_content(the_tag, attributes, parameters[:default], overriding_proc) elsif replacing_proc # The caller is replacing this parameter. Don't call the tag # at all, just the overriding proc, but pass the restorable # tag as a parameter to the overriding proc tag_restore = proc do |restore_attrs, restore_params| # Call the replaced tag with the attributes and parameters # as given in the original tag definition, and with the # specialisation given on the 'restore' call if overriding_proc overriding_attributes, overriding_parameters = restore_attrs = overriding_attributes.merge(restore_attrs) restore_params = overriding_parameters.merge(restore_params) end override_and_call_tag(the_tag, attributes, parameters, restore_attrs, restore_params) end else overriding_attributes, overriding_parameters = overriding_proc._?.call override_and_call_tag(the_tag, attributes, parameters, overriding_attributes, overriding_parameters) end end def override_and_call_tag(the_tag, general_attributes, general_parameters, overriding_attributes, overriding_parameters) attributes = overriding_attributes ? merge_attrs(general_attributes, overriding_attributes) : general_attributes if overriding_parameters overriding_default_content = overriding_parameters.delete(:default) parameters = general_parameters.merge(overriding_parameters) else parameters = general_parameters end default_content = parameters[:default] if the_tag.is_one_of?(String, Symbol) && body = if overriding_default_content new_context { { if default_content }) } elsif default_content new_context { } else nil end element(the_tag, attributes, body) else if default_content || overriding_default_content d = if overriding_default_content proc { |default| { if default_content }) } else proc { |default| if default_content } end parameters = parameters.merge(:default => d) end if the_tag.is_one_of?(String, Symbol) # It's a defined DRYML tag send(the_tag, attributes, parameters) else # It's a proc - restoring a replaced parameter, parameters) end end end # This method is used where 'param' is declared on a tag that is # itself a parameter tag. Takes two procs that each return a pair # of hashes (attributes and parameters). Returns a single proc # that also returns a pair of hashes - the merged atributes and # parameters. def merge_tag_parameter(general_proc, overriding_proc) if overriding_proc.nil? general_proc else if overriding_proc.arity == 1 # The override is a replace parameter - just pass it on overriding_proc else proc do overriding_attrs, overriding_parameters = general_attrs, general_parameters = attrs = merge_attrs(general_attrs, overriding_attrs) overriding_default = overriding_parameters.delete(:default) params = merge_parameter_hashes(general_parameters, overriding_parameters) # The overrider should provide its :default as the new # 'default_content' if overriding_default params[:default] = if general_parameters[:default] proc do |default| { new_context { concat(general_parameters[:default].call(default)) } } ) end else proc do |default| end end end [attrs, params] end end end end def merge_parameter_hashes(given_parameters, overriding_parameters) to_merge = given_parameters.keys & overriding_parameters.keys no_merge = overriding_parameters.keys - to_merge result = given_parameters.dup no_merge.each { |k| result[k] = overriding_parameters[k] } to_merge.each { |k| result[k] = merge_tag_parameter(given_parameters[k], overriding_parameters[k])} result end def part_contexts_storage PartContext.client_side_storage(@_part_contexts, session) end def render_tag(tag_name, attributes) method_name = tag_name.to_s.gsub('-', '_') if respond_to?(method_name) send(method_name, attributes).strip else false end end def element(name, attributes, content=nil, escape = true, empty = false, &block) unless attributes.blank? attrs = [] if escape attributes.each do |key, value| next unless value key = key.to_s.gsub("_", "-") value = if ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES.include?(key) key else # escape once value.to_s.gsub(/[\"><]|&(?!([a-zA-Z]+|(#\d+));)/) { |special| ERB::Util::HTML_ESCAPE[special] } end attrs << %(#{key}="#{value}") end else attrs = do |key, value| key = key.to_s.gsub("_", "-") %(#{key}="#{value}") end end attr_string = " #{attrs.sort * ' '}" unless attrs.empty? end content = capture { new_context &block } if block_given? res = if empty "<#{name}#{attr_string}#{scope.xmldoctype ? ' /' : ''}>".html_safe else "<#{name}#{attr_string}>".html_safe + content + "".html_safe end if content.is_a? ActionView::NonConcattingString concat res else res end end def session @view ? @view.session : {} end def method_missing(name, *args, &b) if @view @view.send(name, *args, &b) else raise NoMethodError, name.to_s end end end end