Sync Settings
URL of the registry you want to sync. Example: or
Content synced depends on the specifity of the URL and/or the optional requirements.yaml specified below
URL to the repository base. Example:
For On Demand synchronization, only the metadata is downloaded during sync and packages are fetched and stored on the filesystem when clients request them.
On Demand is not recommended for custom repositories unless the upstream repository maintains older versions of packages within the repository.
The Immediate option will download all metadata and packages immediately during the sync.
- Additive: new content available during sync will be added to the repository, and no content will be removed.
- Mirror Content Only: any new content available during sync will be added to the repository and any content removed from the upstream repository will be removed from the local repository.
- Mirror Complete: a sync behaves exactly like "Mirror Content Only", but also mirrors metadata as well. This is the fastest method, and preserves repository signatures, but is only supported by yum and not by all upstream repositories.
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