require 'spec_helper' describe ReportsKit::Reports::Data::Generate do subject {, context_record: context_record).perform } let(:repo) { create(:repo) } let(:repo2) { create(:repo) } let(:context_record) { nil } let(:chart_data) do chart_data = subject[:chart_data].except(:options) chart_data[:datasets] = chart_data[:datasets].map do |dataset| dataset.except(:backgroundColor, :borderColor) end chart_data end let(:table_data) do subject[:table_data] end let(:chart_type) { subject[:type] } let(:chart_options) { subject[:chart_data][:options] } context 'with a datetime dimension' do context 'with default granularity' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(opened_at) } end let!(:issues) do [ create(:issue, repo: repo, opened_at: now - 2.weeks), create(:issue, repo: repo, opened_at: now - 2.weeks), create(:issue, repo: repo, opened_at: now) ] end it 'returns the type' do expect(chart_type).to eq('bar') end it 'returns the data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [ format_week_offset(2), format_week_offset(1), format_week_offset(0) ], datasets: [ { label: 'Issues', data: [2, 0, 1] } ] }) end context 'with an absolute datetime filter' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'issue', filters: [ { key: 'opened_at', criteria: { operator: 'between', value: "#{format_configuration_time(now - 1.week)} - #{format_configuration_time(now)}" } } ], dimensions: %w(opened_at) } end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [format_week_offset(1), format_week_offset(0)], datasets: [ { label: 'Issues', data: [0, 1] } ] }) end context 'with a old end date' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'issue', filters: [ { key: 'opened_at', criteria: { operator: 'between', value: "#{format_configuration_time(now - 2.weeks)} - #{format_configuration_time(now - 1.week)}" } } ], dimensions: %w(opened_at) } end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [format_week_offset(2), format_week_offset(1)], datasets: [ { label: 'Issues', data: [2, 0] } ] }) end end context 'with zero results' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'tag', filters: [ { key: 'created_at', criteria: { operator: 'between', value: "#{format_configuration_time(now - 1.week)} - #{format_configuration_time(now)}" } } ], dimensions: %w(created_at) } end it 'returns the data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [ format_week_offset(1), format_week_offset(0) ], datasets: [ { label: 'Tags', data: [0, 0] } ] }) end end context 'with multiple series and datetime filters with different keys' do let!(:tags) do [ create(:tag, repo: repo, created_at: now - 1.weeks), create(:tag, repo: repo, created_at: now) ] end let(:properties) do { series: [ { measure: 'issue', filters: %w(opened_at), dimensions: %w(opened_at) }, { measure: 'tag', filters: %w(created_at), dimensions: %w(created_at) } ], ui_filters: { created_at: "#{format_configuration_time(now - 1.week)} - #{format_configuration_time(now)}" } } end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [format_week_offset(2), format_week_offset(1), format_week_offset(0)], datasets: [ { label: 'Issues', data: [2, 0, 1] }, { label: 'Tags', data: [0, 1, 1] } ] }) end end end context 'with a relative datetime filter' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'issue', filters: [ { key: 'opened_at', criteria: { operator: 'between', value: '-1w - now' } } ], dimensions: %w(opened_at) } end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [format_week_offset(1), format_week_offset(0)], datasets: [ { label: 'Issues', data: [0, 1] } ] }) end context 'when a record\'s timestamp is closer to the beginning of the week than the current date' do let!(:issues) do [ create(:issue, repo: repo, opened_at: Date.parse('2009-12-22')) ] end it 'includes record' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [format_week_offset(1), format_week_offset(0)], datasets: [ { label: 'Issues', data: [1, 0] } ] }) end end end end context 'with day granularity' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'issue', dimensions: [{ key: 'opened_at', granularity: 'day' }] } end let!(:issues) do [ create(:issue, repo: repo, opened_at: now - 2.days), create(:issue, repo: repo, opened_at: now) ] end it 'returns the data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [ format_day_offset(2), format_day_offset(1), format_day_offset(0) ], datasets: [ { label: 'Issues', data: [1, 0, 1] } ] }) end end context 'with month granularity' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'issue', dimensions: [{ key: 'opened_at', granularity: 'month' }] } end let!(:issues) do [ create(:issue, repo: repo, opened_at: now - 2.days), create(:issue, repo: repo, opened_at: now) ] end it 'returns the data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [ ReportsKit::Reports::Data::Utils.format_display_time(issues.first.opened_at.beginning_of_month), ReportsKit::Reports::Data::Utils.format_display_time(issues.last.opened_at.beginning_of_month) ], datasets: [ { label: 'Issues', data: [1, 1] } ] }) end end end context 'with an association dimension' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(repo) } end let!(:issues) do [ create(:issue, repo: repo), create(:issue, repo: repo), create(:issue, repo: repo2) ] end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [repo.to_s, repo2.to_s], datasets: [{ label: 'Issues', data: [2, 1] }] }) end context 'with a context_record' do let(:context_record) { repo } it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [repo.to_s], datasets: [{ label: 'Issues', data: [2.0] }] }) end context 'with a namespaced context_record class' do let(:pro_repo) { create(:pro_repo) } let(:context_record) { pro_repo } let(:properties) do { measure: 'special_issue', dimensions: %w(repo) } end let!(:issues) do [ create(:issue, repo: pro_repo), create(:issue, repo: pro_repo), create(:issue, repo: pro_repo), create(:issue, repo: repo2) ] end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [pro_repo.to_s], datasets: [{ label: 'Special Issues', data: [3.0] }] }) end end end context 'with a limit' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(repo), limit: 1 } end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [repo.to_s], datasets: [{ label: 'Issues', data: [2] }] }) end end context 'with a dimension limit' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'issue', dimensions: [{ key: 'repo', limit: 1 }] } end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [repo.to_s], datasets: [{ label: 'Issues', data: [2] }] }) end end context 'with a custom aggregation' do let(:properties) do { measure: { key: 'issue', name: 'Average Durations', aggregation: 'average_duration' }, dimensions: %w(repo) } end let!(:issues) do [ create(:issue, repo: repo, opened_at: now, closed_at: now), create(:issue, repo: repo, opened_at: now - 2.weeks, closed_at: now), create(:issue, repo: repo2, opened_at: now - 2.weeks, closed_at: now) ] end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [repo2.to_s, repo.to_s], datasets: [{ label: 'Average Durations', data: [14, 7] }] }) end end context 'with a belongs_to association filter' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'issue', filters: [ { key: 'repo', criteria: { operator: 'include', value: [] } } ], dimensions: %w(repo) } end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [repo.to_s], datasets: [{ label: 'Issues', data: [2.0] }] }) end end context 'with a has_many association filter' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'issue', filters: [ { key: 'tags', criteria: { operator: 'include', value: [] } } ], dimensions: %w(repo) } end let(:tag) { create(:tag) } before(:each) do issues[0].tags << tag end it 'returns the chart_data' do chart_data expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [repo.to_s], datasets: [{ label: 'Issues', data: [1.0] }] }) end end context 'with a has_many :through association filter' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'issue', filters: [ { key: 'labels', criteria: { operator: 'include', value: [] } } ], dimensions: %w(repo) } end let(:label) { create(:label) } before(:each) do issues[0].labels << label end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [repo.to_s], datasets: [{ label: 'Issues', data: [1.0] }] }) end end end context 'with a boolean dimension' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(locked) } end let!(:issues) do [ create(:issue, locked: true), create(:issue, locked: false), create(:issue, locked: false) ] end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: ['false', 'true'], datasets: [{ label: 'Issues', data: [2, 1] }] }) end end context 'with datetime and association dimensions' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'issue', dimensions: [ { key: 'opened_at', label: nil }, { key: 'repo' } ] } end let!(:issues) do [ create(:issue, repo: repo, opened_at: now), create(:issue, repo: repo, opened_at: now - 2.weeks), create(:issue, repo: repo2, opened_at: now) ] end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [format_week_offset(2), format_week_offset(1), format_week_offset(0)], datasets: [ { label: repo.to_s, data: [1, 0, 1] }, { label: repo2.to_s, data: [0, 0, 1] } ] }) end context "with format: 'csv'" do subject { 'csv'), context_record: context_record).perform } it 'returns the table_data' do expect(table_data).to eq([ [nil, repo.to_s, repo2.to_s], [format_csv_week_offset(2), 1, 0], [format_csv_week_offset(1), 0, 0], [format_csv_week_offset(0), 1, 1] ]) end context 'with a data_format_method that adds HTML tags' do subject { 'csv', report_options: { data_format_method: 'add_label_link' }), context_record: context_record).perform } it 'returns the table_data without the HTML tags' do expect(table_data).to eq([ [nil, repo.to_s, repo2.to_s], ["#{format_csv_week_offset(2)} Bar", 1, 0], ["#{format_csv_week_offset(1)} Bar", 0, 0], ["#{format_csv_week_offset(0)} Bar", 1, 1] ]) end end context 'with a csv_data_format_method' do subject { 'csv', report_options: { csv_data_format_method: 'prepend_column' }), context_record: context_record).perform } it 'returns the table_data' do expect(table_data).to eq([ [nil, 'Day of Month', repo.to_s, repo2.to_s], [format_csv_week_offset(2), 13, 1, 0], [format_csv_week_offset(1), 20, 0, 0], [format_csv_week_offset(0), 27, 1, 1] ]) end end context 'with both a data_format_method and a csv_data_format_method' do subject { 'csv', report_options: { data_format_method: 'add_label_link', csv_data_format_method: 'prepend_column' }), context_record: context_record).perform } it 'returns the table_data' do expect(table_data).to eq([ [nil, 'Day of Month', repo.to_s, repo2.to_s], ["#{format_csv_week_offset(2)} Bar", 13, 1, 0], ["#{format_csv_week_offset(1)} Bar", 20, 0, 0], ["#{format_csv_week_offset(0)} Bar", 27, 1, 1] ]) end end context 'with a csv_data_format_method and aggregations' do subject { 'csv', report_options: report_options), context_record: context_record).perform } let(:report_options) do { csv_data_format_method: 'prepend_column', aggregations: [ { from: 'columns', operator: 'sum', label: 'Total' } ] } end it 'returns the table_data' do expect(table_data).to eq([ [nil, 'Day of Month', repo.to_s, repo2.to_s], [format_csv_week_offset(2), 13, 1, 0], [format_csv_week_offset(1), 20, 0, 0], [format_csv_week_offset(0), 27, 1, 1], ['Total', nil, 2, 1] ]) end end end context "with format: 'table'" do subject { 'table'), context_record: context_record).perform } it 'returns the table_data' do expect(table_data).to eq([ [nil, repo.to_s, repo2.to_s], [format_week_offset(2), 1, 0], [format_week_offset(1), 0, 0], [format_week_offset(0), 1, 1] ]) end context 'with a data_format_method that adds HTML tags' do subject { 'table', report_options: { data_format_method: 'add_label_link' }), context_record: context_record).perform } it 'returns the table_data with the HTML tags' do expect(table_data).to eq([ [nil, repo.to_s, repo2.to_s], ["#{format_week_offset(2)} Bar", 1, 0], ["#{format_week_offset(1)} Bar", 0, 0], ["#{format_week_offset(0)} Bar", 1, 1] ]) end end end context 'with a data_format_method' do subject { { data_format_method: 'add_label_suffix' }), context_record: context_record).perform } it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: ["#{format_week_offset(2)} Foo", "#{format_week_offset(1)} Foo", "#{format_week_offset(0)} Foo"], datasets: [ { label: repo.to_s, data: [1, 0, 1] }, { label: repo2.to_s, data: [0, 0, 1] } ] }) end context 'with dependence on the context_record' do subject { { data_format_method: 'add_context_record_suffix' }), context_record: context_record).perform } let(:context_record) { repo } it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: ["#{format_week_offset(2)} #{context_record}", "#{format_week_offset(1)} #{context_record}", "#{format_week_offset(0)} #{context_record}"], datasets: [ { label: repo.to_s, data: [1, 0, 1] } ] }) end end end context 'with an edit_relation_method' do subject { { edit_relation_method: 'empty_result_set_for_relation' }), context_record: context_record).perform } it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [], datasets: [ { label: 'Issues', data: [] } ] }) end end end context 'with a dimension with a blank label' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(repo) } end before do allow_any_instance_of(Repo).to receive(:to_s).and_return(nil) end it 'hides the dimension' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [], datasets: [ { label: 'Issues', data: [] } ] }) end end context 'with two series' do let(:properties) do { series: [ { measure: 'issue', dimensions: [{ key: 'created_at', label: nil }] }, { measure: 'tag', dimensions: %w(created_at) } ] } end let!(:issues) do [ create(:issue, repo: repo, created_at: now), create(:issue, repo: repo, created_at: now - 2.weeks), create(:issue, repo: repo2, created_at: now) ] end let!(:tags) do [ create(:tag, repo: repo, created_at: now - 1.week), create(:tag, repo: repo, created_at: now - 2.weeks) ] end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [format_week_offset(2), format_week_offset(1), format_week_offset(0)], datasets: [ { label: 'Issues', data: [1, 0, 2] }, { label: 'Tags', data: [1, 1, 0] } ] }) end context 'with edit_dimension_keys_method and a dimension without data' do let(:properties) do { series: [ { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(repo) }, { measure: 'tag', dimensions: %w(repo) } ], report_options: { edit_dimension_keys_method: 'all_repo_ids' } } end let!(:repo3) { create(:repo) } it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [repo, repo2, repo3].map(&:to_s), datasets: [ { label: 'Issues', data: [2, 1, 0] }, { label: 'Tags', data: [2, 0, 0] } ] }) end end context 'with concurrent queries enabled' do around :each do |example| ReportsKit.configuration.use_concurrent_queries = true ReportsKit.configuration.use_concurrent_queries = false end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [format_week_offset(2), format_week_offset(1), format_week_offset(0)], datasets: [ { label: 'Issues', data: [1, 0, 2] }, { label: 'Tags', data: [1, 1, 0] } ] }) end end context "with format: 'table'" do subject { 'table'), context_record: context_record).perform } it 'returns the table_data' do expect(table_data).to eq([ [nil, 'Issues', 'Tags'], [format_week_offset(2), 1, 1], [format_week_offset(1), 0, 1], [format_week_offset(0), 2, 0] ]) end end end context 'with two dimensions' do context 'with a custom aggregation' do let(:properties) do { measure: { key: 'issue', aggregation: 'average_duration' }, dimensions: %w(repo created_at) } end let!(:issues) do [ create(:issue, repo: repo, opened_at: now, closed_at: now), create(:issue, repo: repo, opened_at: now - 2.weeks, closed_at: now), create(:issue, repo: repo2, opened_at: now - 2.weeks, closed_at: now) ] end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [repo2.to_s, repo.to_s], datasets: [{ label: format_week_offset(0), data: [14, 7] }] }) end end end describe 'configuration' do let(:properties) do { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(repo) } end let!(:issues) do [ create(:issue, repo: repo), create(:issue, repo: repo), create(:issue, repo: repo2) ] end context 'with default_properties' do around :each do |example| ReportsKit.configuration.default_properties = { chart: { options: { foo: 'bar' } } } ReportsKit.configuration.default_properties = nil end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(subject[:chart_data][:options][:foo]).to eq('bar') end end end describe 'composite series' do context 'with two series' do let(:properties) do { name: name, composite_operator: composite_operator, series: [ { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(created_at) }, { measure: 'tag', dimensions: %w(created_at) } ] } end let!(:issues) do [ create(:issue, repo: repo, created_at: now), create(:issue, repo: repo, created_at: now - 2.weeks), create(:issue, repo: repo2, created_at: now) ] end let!(:tags) do [ create(:tag, repo: repo, created_at: now), create(:tag, repo: repo, created_at: now - 1.week), create(:tag, repo: repo, created_at: now - 1.week) ] end let(:name) { 'My Name' } context 'with +' do let(:composite_operator) { '+' } it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [format_week_offset(2), format_week_offset(1), format_week_offset(0)], datasets: [ { label: name, data: [1, 2, 3] } ] }) end end context 'with %' do let(:composite_operator) { '%' } it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [format_week_offset(2), format_week_offset(1), format_week_offset(0)], datasets: [ { label: name, data: [0, 0, 200] } ] }) end end context 'with % and a custom value_format_method' do let(:composite_operator) { '%' } let(:properties) do { name: name, composite_operator: composite_operator, value_format_method: 'format_percentage', series: [ { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(created_at) }, { measure: 'tag', dimensions: %w(created_at) } ] } end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [format_week_offset(2), format_week_offset(1), format_week_offset(0)], datasets: [ { label: name, data: ['0%', '0%', '200%'] } ] }) end end context 'with a limit' do let(:properties) do { name: name, composite_operator: '+', limit: 1, series: [ { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(repo) }, { measure: 'tag', dimensions: %w(repo) } ] } end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [repo.to_s], datasets: [ { label: name, data: [5] } ] }) end end context 'with a limit and an order' do context 'with an ascending order' do let(:properties) do { name: name, composite_operator: '%', limit: 1, order: '1', series: [ { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(repo) }, { measure: 'tag', dimensions: %w(repo) } ] } end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [repo2.to_s], datasets: [ { label: name, data: [0] } ] }) end end context 'with a descending order' do let(:properties) do { name: name, composite_operator: '%', limit: 1, order: '1 desc', series: [ { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(repo) }, { measure: 'tag', dimensions: %w(repo) } ] } end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [repo.to_s], datasets: [ { label: name, data: [66.7] } ] }) end end end context 'with a boolean dimension' do let!(:issues) do [ create(:issue, locked: true), create(:issue, locked: false), create(:issue, locked: false) ] end let(:composite_operator) { '+' } let(:properties) do { name: name, composite_operator: composite_operator, series: [ { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(locked) }, { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(locked) } ] } end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: ['false', 'true'], datasets: [ { label: name, data: [4, 2] } ] }) end end context 'with a nested composite series' do let(:properties) do { series: [ { name: name, composite_operator: '+', series: [ { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(created_at) }, { measure: 'tag', dimensions: %w(created_at) } ] }, { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(created_at) }, { measure: 'tag', dimensions: %w(created_at) } ] } end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [format_week_offset(2), format_week_offset(1), format_week_offset(0)], datasets: [ { label: name, data: [1, 2, 3] }, { label: 'Issues', data: [1, 0, 2] }, { label: 'Tags', data: [0, 2, 1] } ] }) end context 'with ui_filters' do let(:properties) do { series: [ { name: name, composite_operator: '+', series: [ { measure: 'issue', filters: %w(created_at), dimensions: %w(created_at) }, { measure: 'tag', filters: %w(created_at), dimensions: %w(created_at) } ] }, { measure: 'issue', filters: %w(created_at), dimensions: %w(created_at) }, { measure: 'tag', filters: %w(created_at), dimensions: %w(created_at) } ], ui_filters: { created_at: "#{format_configuration_time(now - 1.week)} - #{format_configuration_time(now)}" } } end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [format_week_offset(1), format_week_offset(0)], datasets: [ { label: name, data: [2, 3] }, { label: 'Issues', data: [0, 2] }, { label: 'Tags', data: [2, 1] } ] }) end end context 'with two dimensions' do let(:properties) do { series: [ { name: name, composite_operator: '+', series: [ { measure: 'issue', dimensions: %w(created_at repo) }, { measure: 'tag', dimensions: %w(created_at repo) } ] } ] } end it 'returns the chart_data' do expect(chart_data).to eq({ labels: [format_week_offset(2), format_week_offset(1), format_week_offset(0)], datasets: [ { label: repo.to_s, data: [1, 2, 2] }, { label: repo2.to_s, data: [0, 0, 1] } ] }) end end end end end # These examples allow for quick comparisons of many types of inputs and outputs. # When making functional modifications, run these to see whether the modifications impact the output in any cases. # If the output effects are desired, run `REWRITE_RESULTS=1 rspec` to write them to the outputs YAML file, then verify that the output # modifications are desired, then commit the result and uncomment the `skip`. describe 'YAML-based output comparisons' do FIXTURES_DIRECTORY = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..', 'fixtures')) let(:inputs) { YAML.load_file("#{FIXTURES_DIRECTORY}/generate_inputs.yml") } let(:outputs_path) { "#{FIXTURES_DIRECTORY}/generate_outputs.yml" } let(:outputs) { YAML.load_file(outputs_path) } let!(:repo) { create(:repo, full_name: 'foo/bar1') } let!(:repo2) { create(:repo, full_name: 'foo/bar2') } let!(:issues) do [ create(:issue, repo: repo, state: 'open', opened_at: now - 2.weeks), create(:issue, repo: repo, state: 'closed', opened_at: now) ] end let!(:labels) do [ create(:label, repo: repo), create(:label, repo: repo2), create(:label, repo: repo2) ] end context 'input examples' do YAML.load_file("#{FIXTURES_DIRECTORY}/generate_inputs.yml").each.with_index do |inputs, index| it "returns the expected output for input ##{index}: #{inputs.to_json}" do expect( eq(outputs[index].to_yaml) end end end context 'writing the outputs' do it 'writes the outputs' do # For documentation about this `skip`, see the comment at the top of this `describe` block. skip unless ENV['REWRITE_RESULTS'] == '1' outputs = do |example| end File.write(outputs_path, outputs.to_yaml) end end end end