module CDQ class CDQContextManager include CDQ::Deprecation BACKGROUND_SAVE_NOTIFICATION = 'com.infinitered.cdq.context.background_save_completed' DID_FINISH_IMPORT_NOTIFICATION = 'com.infinitered.cdq.context.did_finish_import' def initialize(opts = {}) @store_manager = opts[:store_manager] end def dealloc NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.removeObserver(self) if @observed_context super end # Push a new context onto the stack for the current thread, making that context the # default. If a block is supplied, push for the duration of the block and then # return to the previous state. # def push(context, options = {}, &block) @has_been_set_up = true if !context.is_a?(NSManagedObjectContext) context = create(context, options) elsif options[:named] assign_name(options[:named], context) end if block_given? save_stack do context = push_to_stack(context) context end else push_to_stack(context) end end # Pop the top context off the stack. If a block is supplied, pop for the # duration of the block and then return to the previous state. # def pop(&block) if block_given? save_stack do rval = pop_from_stack rval end else pop_from_stack end end # The current context at the top of the stack. # def current if stack.empty? && !@has_been_set_up push(NSMainQueueConcurrencyType) end stack.last end # An array of all contexts, from bottom to top of the stack. # def all stack.dup end # Remove all contexts. # def reset! self.stack = [] end # Create a new context by type, setting upstream to the topmost context if available, # or to the persistent store coordinator if not. Return the context but do NOT push it # onto the stack. # # Options: # # :named - Assign the context a name, making it available as cdq.contexts.. The # name is permanent, and should only be used for contexts that are intended to be global, # since the object will never get released. # def create(concurrency_type, options = {}, &block) @has_been_set_up = true case concurrency_type when :main context = NSManagedObjectContext.alloc.initWithConcurrencyType(NSMainQueueConcurrencyType) options[:named] = :main unless options.has_key?(:named) when :private_queue, :private context = NSManagedObjectContext.alloc.initWithConcurrencyType(NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType) when :root context = NSManagedObjectContext.alloc.initWithConcurrencyType(NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType) options[:named] = :root unless options.has_key?(:named) else context = NSManagedObjectContext.alloc.initWithConcurrencyType(concurrency_type) end if stack.empty? if @store_manager.invalid? raise "store coordinator not found. Cannot create the first context without one." else context.mergePolicy = NSMergePolicy.alloc.initWithMergeType(NSMergeByPropertyObjectTrumpMergePolicyType) context.performBlockAndWait ->{ coordinator = @store_manager.current context.persistentStoreCoordinator = coordinator NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.addObserver(self, selector:"did_finish_import:", name:NSPersistentStoreDidImportUbiquitousContentChangesNotification, object:nil) @observed_context = context } end else context.parentContext = stack.last end if options[:named] assign_name(options[:named], context) end context end # Save all passed contexts in order. If none are supplied, save all # contexts in the stack, starting with the current and working down. If # you pass a symbol instead of a context, it will look up context with # that name. # # Options: # # always_wait: If true, force use of performBlockAndWait for synchronous # saves. By default, private queue saves are performed asynchronously. # Main queue saves are always synchronous if performed from the main # queue. # def save(*contexts_and_options) if contexts_and_options.last.is_a? Hash options = contexts_and_options.pop else options = {} end if contexts_and_options.empty? contexts = stack.reverse else # resolve named contexts contexts = do |c| if c.is_a? Symbol send(c) else c end end end set_timestamps always_wait = options[:always_wait] contexts.each do |context| if context.concurrencyType == NSMainQueueConcurrencyType && NSThread.isMainThread with_error_object do |error| end elsif always_wait context.performBlockAndWait( -> { with_error_object do |error| end } ) elsif context.concurrencyType == NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType task_id = UIApplication.sharedApplication.beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler( -> { NSLog "CDQ Save Timed Out" } ) if task_id == UIBackgroundTaskInvalid context.performBlockAndWait( -> { with_error_object do |error| end } ) else context.performBlock( -> { # Let the application know we're doing something important with_error_object do |error| end UIApplication.sharedApplication.endBackgroundTask(task_id) NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.postNotificationName(BACKGROUND_SAVE_NOTIFICATION, object: context) } ) end else with_error_object do |error| end end end true end # Run the supplied block in a new context with a private queue. Once the # block exits, the context will be forgotten, so any changes made must be # saved within the block. # # Note that the CDQ context stack, which is used when deciding what to save # with `` is stored per-thread, so the stack inside the block is # different from the stack outside the block. If you push any more contexts # inside, they will also disappear when the thread terminates. # # The thread is also unique. If you call `background` multiple times, it will # be a different thread each time with no persisted state. # # Options: # wait: If true, run the block synchronously # def background(options = {}, &block) # Create a new private queue context with the main context as its parent context = create(NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType) on(context, options) do push(context, {}, &block) end end # Run a block on the supplied context using performBlock. If context is a # symbol, it will look up the corresponding named context and use that # instead. # # Options: # wait: If true, run the block synchronously # def on(context, options = {}, &block) if context.is_a? Symbol context = send(context) end if options[:wait] context.performBlockAndWait(block) else context.performBlock(block) end end def did_finish_import(notification) @observed_context.performBlockAndWait ->{ @observed_context.mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification(notification) NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.postNotificationName(DID_FINISH_IMPORT_NOTIFICATION, object:self, userInfo:{context: @observed_context}) } end private def assign_name(name, context) if respond_to?(name) raise "Cannot name a context '#{name}': conflicts with existing method" end self.class.send(:define_method, name) do context end end def push_to_stack(value) lstack = stack lstack << value self.stack = lstack value end def pop_from_stack lstack = stack value = lstack.pop self.stack = lstack value end def save_stack(&block) begin saved_stack = all ensure self.stack = saved_stack end end def stack Thread.current[:"cdq.context.stack.#{object_id}"] || [] end def stack=(value) Thread.current[:"cdq.context.stack.#{object_id}"] = value end def with_error_object(default = nil, &block) error = result = if error[0] print_error("Error while fetching", error[0]) raise "Error while fetching: #{error[0].debugDescription}" end result || default end def print_error(message, error, indent = "") puts indent + message + error.localizedDescription if error.userInfo['reason'] puts indent + error.userInfo['reason'] end if error.userInfo['metadata'] error.userInfo['metadata'].each do |key, value| puts indent + "#{key}: #{value}" end end if !error.userInfo[NSDetailedErrorsKey].nil? error.userInfo[NSDetailedErrorsKey].each do |key, value| if key.instance_of? NSError print_error("Sub-Error: ", key, indent + " ") else puts indent + "#{key}: #{value}" end end end end def set_timestamps now = current.insertedObjects.allObjects.each do |e| e.created_at = now if e.respond_to? :created_at= e.updated_at = now if e.respond_to? :updated_at= end current.updatedObjects.allObjects.each do |e| e.updated_at = now if e.respond_to? :updated_at= end end end end