module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class MokaGateway < Gateway self.test_url = '' self.live_url = '' self.supported_countries = %w[GB TR US] self.default_currency = 'TRY' self.money_format = :dollars self.supported_cardtypes = %i[visa master american_express discover] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'Moka' ERROR_CODE_MAPPING = { '000' => 'General error', '001' => '3D Not authenticated', '002' => 'Limit is insufficient', '003' => 'Credit card number format is wrong', '004' => 'General decline', '005' => 'This process is invalid for the card owner', '006' => 'Expiration date is wrong', '007' => 'Invalid transaction', '008' => 'Connection with the bank not established', '009' => 'Undefined error code', '010' => 'Bank SSL error', '011' => 'Call the bank for the manual authentication', '012' => 'Card info is wrong - Kart Number or CVV2', '013' => '3D secure is not supported other than Visa MC cards', '014' => 'Invalid account number', '015' => 'CVV is wrong', '016' => 'Authentication process is not present', '017' => 'System error', '018' => 'Stolen card', '019' => 'Lost card', '020' => 'Card with limited properties', '021' => 'Timeout', '022' => 'Invalid merchant', '023' => 'False authentication', '024' => '3D authorization is successful but the process cannot be completed', '025' => '3D authorization failure', '026' => 'Either the issuer bank or the card is not enrolled to the 3D process', '027' => 'The bank did not allow the process', '028' => 'Fraud suspect', '029' => 'The card is closed to the e-commerce operations' } def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :dealer_code, :username, :password) super end def purchase(money, payment, options = {}) post = {} post[:PaymentDealerRequest] = {} options[:pre_auth] = 0 add_auth_purchase(post, money, payment, options) commit('purchase', post) end def authorize(money, payment, options = {}) post = {} post[:PaymentDealerRequest] = {} options[:pre_auth] = 1 add_auth_purchase(post, money, payment, options) commit('authorize', post) end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) post = {} post[:PaymentDealerRequest] = {} add_payment_dealer_authentication(post) add_transaction_reference(post, authorization) add_additional_transaction_data(post, options) commit('capture', post) end def refund(money, authorization, options = {}) post = {} post[:PaymentDealerRequest] = {} add_payment_dealer_authentication(post) add_transaction_reference(post, authorization) add_additional_transaction_data(post, options) add_void_refund_reason(post) add_amount(post, money) commit('refund', post) end def void(authorization, options = {}) post = {} post[:PaymentDealerRequest] = {} add_payment_dealer_authentication(post) add_transaction_reference(post, authorization) add_additional_transaction_data(post, options) add_void_refund_reason(post) commit('void', post) end def verify(credit_card, options = {}) do |r| r.process { authorize(100, credit_card, options) } r.process(:ignore_result) { void(r.authorization, options) } end end def supports_scrubbing? true end def scrub(transcript) transcript. gsub(%r(("CardNumber\\?":\\?")[^"]*)i, '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r(("CvcNumber\\?":\\?")[^"]*)i, '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r(("DealerCode\\?":\\?"?)[^"?]*)i, '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r(("Username\\?":\\?")[^"]*)i, '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r(("Password\\?":\\?")[^"]*)i, '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r(("CheckKey\\?":\\?")[^"]*)i, '\1[FILTERED]') end private def add_auth_purchase(post, money, payment, options) add_payment_dealer_authentication(post) add_invoice(post, money, options) add_payment(post, payment) add_additional_auth_purchase_data(post, options) add_additional_transaction_data(post, options) add_buyer_information(post, payment, options) add_basket_product(post, options[:basket_product]) if options[:basket_product] end def add_payment_dealer_authentication(post) post[:PaymentDealerAuthentication] = { DealerCode: @options[:dealer_code], Username: @options[:username], Password: @options[:password], CheckKey: check_key } end def check_key str = "#{@options[:dealer_code]}MK#{@options[:username]}PD#{@options[:password]}" Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(str) end def add_invoice(post, money, options) post[:PaymentDealerRequest][:Amount] = amount(money) || 0 post[:PaymentDealerRequest][:Currency] = options[:currency] || 'TL' end def add_payment(post, card) post[:PaymentDealerRequest][:CardHolderFullName] = post[:PaymentDealerRequest][:CardNumber] = card.number post[:PaymentDealerRequest][:ExpMonth] = card.month post[:PaymentDealerRequest][:ExpYear] = card.year post[:PaymentDealerRequest][:CvcNumber] = card.verification_value end def add_amount(post, money) post[:PaymentDealerRequest][:Amount] = money || 0 end def add_additional_auth_purchase_data(post, options) post[:PaymentDealerRequest][:IsPreAuth] = options[:pre_auth] post[:PaymentDealerRequest][:Description] = options[:order_id] if options[:order_id] post[:SubMerchantName] = options[:sub_merchant_name] if options[:sub_merchant_name] post[:IsPoolPayment] = options[:is_pool_payment] || 0 end def add_buyer_information(post, card, options) obj = {} obj[:BuyerFullName] = || '' obj[:BuyerEmail] = options[:email] if options[:email] obj[:BuyerAddress] = options[:billing_address][:address1] if options[:billing_address] obj[:BuyerGsmNumber] = options[:billing_address][:phone] if options[:billing_address] post[:PaymentDealerRequest][:BuyerInformation] = obj end def add_basket_product(post, basket_options) basket = [] basket_options.each do |product| obj = {} obj[:ProductId] = product[:product_id] if product[:product_id] obj[:ProductCode] = product[:product_code] if product[:product_code] obj[:UnitPrice] = amount(product[:unit_price]) if product[:unit_price] obj[:Quantity] = product[:quantity] if product[:quantity] basket << obj end post[:PaymentDealerRequest][:BasketProduct] = basket end def add_additional_transaction_data(post, options) post[:PaymentDealerRequest][:ClientIP] = options[:ip] if options[:ip] post[:PaymentDealerRequest][:OtherTrxCode] = options[:order_id] if options[:order_id] end def add_transaction_reference(post, authorization) post[:PaymentDealerRequest][:VirtualPosOrderId] = authorization end def add_void_refund_reason(post) post[:PaymentDealerRequest][:VoidRefundReason] = 2 end def commit(action, parameters) response = parse(ssl_post(url(action), post_data(parameters), request_headers)) success_from(response), message_from(response), response, authorization: authorization_from(response), test: test?, error_code: error_code_from(response) ) end def url(action) host = (test? ? test_url : live_url) endpoint = endpoint(action) "#{host}/PaymentDealer/#{endpoint}" end def endpoint(action) case action when 'purchase', 'authorize' 'DoDirectPayment' when 'capture' 'DoCapture' when 'void' 'DoVoid' when 'refund' 'DoCreateRefundRequest' end end def request_headers { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } end def post_data(parameters = {}) JSON.generate(parameters) end def parse(body) JSON.parse(body) end def success_from(response) response.dig('Data', 'IsSuccessful') end def message_from(response) response.dig('Data', 'ResultMessage').presence || response['ResultCode'] end def authorization_from(response) response.dig('Data', 'VirtualPosOrderId') end def error_code_from(response) codes = [response['ResultCode'], response.dig('Data', 'ResultCode')].flatten codes.reject! { |code| code.blank? || code.casecmp('success').zero? } { |code| ERROR_CODE_MAPPING[code] || code }.join(', ') end end end end