module Datapimp module Sync class S3Bucket < Hashie::Mash include Datapimp::Logging # returns the s3 bucket via fog def s3 @s3 ||= storage.directories.get(remote).tap do |bucket| if setup_website == true bucket.public = true storage.put_bucket_website(remote, 'index.html', key: 'error.html') end if redirect == true log "Should be creating a redirect bucket" end end end def cloudfront @cloudfront ||= remote) end def storage end def website_hostname "#{s3.key}.s3-website-#{ s3.location }" end def website_url(proto="http") "#{proto}://#{ website_hostname }" end def local_path Pathname(local) end def deploy_manifest_path Datapimp.config.deploy_manifests_path .tap {|p| FileUtils.mkdir_p(p) } .join(remote.to_s.parameterize + '.json') end def deploy_manifest @deploy_manifest ||= (JSON.parse( || {} rescue {}) end def build_deploy_manifest_from_remote # TODO # Implement end # builds a manifest of MD5 hashes for each file # so that we aren't deploying stuff which is the # same since last time we deployed def prepare_manifest_for(entries) deploy_manifest end def run_update_acl_action(options={}) s3.files.each do |file| file.acl = 'public-read' log "Updated acl for #{ file.key } to public-read" end end def asset_fingerprints deploy_manifest['asset_fingerprints'] ||= {} end def run_push_action(options={}) require 'rack' unless defined?(::Rack) entries = Dir[local_path.join('**/*')].map(&:to_pathname) prepare_manifest_for(entries) entries.reject! { |entry| entry.to_s.match(/\.DS_Store/) } entries.reject!(&:directory?) uploaded = deploy_manifest['uploaded'] = [] entries.each do |entry| destination = entry.relative_path_from(local_path).to_s.without_leading_slash fingerprint = Digest::MD5.hexdigest( if asset_fingerprints[destination] == fingerprint #log "Skipping #{ destination }: found in manifest" next end content_type = Rack::Mime.mime_type(File.extname(destination.split("/").last)) if existing = s3.files.get(destination) if existing.etag == fingerprint log "Skipping #{ destination }: similar etag" else existing.body = existing.acl = 'public-read' existing.content_type = content_type log "Updated #{ destination }; content-type: #{ content_type }" uploaded << destination end else log "Uploaded #{ destination }; content-type: #{ content_type }" s3.files.create(key: destination, body:, acl: 'public-read', content_type: content_type) uploaded << destination end asset_fingerprints[destination] = fingerprint end if count == 0 return end log "Saving deploy manifest. #{ deploy_manifest.keys.length } entries""w+") {|fh| fh.write(deploy_manifest.to_json) } end def run_pull_action(options={}) directories = bucket = directories.get(remote) options = options.to_mash if options.reset == true FileUtils.rm_rf(local_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(local_path) end bucket.files.each do |file| local_file = local_path.join(file.key) next if local_file.exist? && file.etag == Digest::MD5.hexdigest( FileUtils.mkdir_p(local_file.dirname)"w+") {|fh| log("Updated #{ file.key }"); fh.write(file.body) } end end def run_create_action(options={}) directories = bucket = if existing = directories.get(remote) existing else directories.create(key:remote, public: true) end storage.put_bucket_website(remote, :IndexDocument => 'index.html', :ErrorDocument => 'error.html') bucket end def run(action, options={}) action = action.to_sym if action == :push run_push_action(options) elsif action == :create run_create_action(options) elsif action == :update_acl run_update_acl_action(options) elsif action == :pull run_pull_action(options) end end end end end