Search youtube via this simple ruby api - simple - no dependencies Install ======= sudo gem install youtube_search Or rails plugin install git:// Usage ====='boat').first { "title"=>"Killer Whale Imitates Boat Motor", "published"=>"2011-09-29T15:30:43.000Z", "id"=>"", "video_id"=>"0b2U5r7Jwkc", "content"=>"Top YouTube Videos on ...", "updated"=>"2011-10-13T20:20:54.000Z", "raw" => , "embeddable" => true, ... } page / per_page are supported'cats', :page => 10, :per_page => 4).first and [standard youtube options]('cats', 'time' => 'this_week', 'orderby' => 'viewCount').first ### I can haz iframe: # DISCLAIMER this iframe may steal 4 minutes of your life ;) id ='lolcats').first['video_id'] %{} ### Searching playlists YoutubeSearch.search_playlists('cats').first ### Retrieve videos by playlist ID videos = YoutubeSearch.playlist_videos('5F23DAF4BFE3D14C') TODO ==== - more detailed xml parsing (you can fetch everything via 'raw', but more defaults would be nice) - parse dates into ruby objects Author ====== ### [Contributors]( - [David Gil]( - [Jim Jones]( [Michael Grosser](
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