ROOT = Dir.pwd unless defined? ROOT module Pushify module Juggernaut if (File.exist?("#{ROOT}/config/juggernaut_hosts.yml")) CONFIG_FILE = "#{ROOT}/config/juggernaut_hosts.yml" else CONFIG_FILE = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../install/juggernaut_hosts.yml" end CONFIG = YAML::load( CR = "\0" class << self def send_to_all(data) fc = { :command => :broadcast, :body => data, :type => :to_channels, :channels => [] } send_data(fc) end def send_data(hash, response = false) hash[:channels] = Array(hash[:channels]) if hash[:channels] hash[:client_ids] = Array(hash[:client_ids]) if hash[:client_ids] res = [] hosts.each do |address| begin hash[:secret_key] = address[:secret_key] if address[:secret_key] @socket =[:host], address[:port]) # the \0 is to mirror flash @socket.print(hash.to_json + CR) @socket.flush res << @socket.readline(CR) if response ensure @socket.close if @socket and !@socket.closed? end end res.collect {|r| ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(r.chomp!(CR)) } if response end private def hosts CONFIG[:hosts].select {|h| !h[:environment] or h[:environment].to_s == ENV['RAILS_ENV'] } end end end end