# encoding: utf-8

module ICU
  # A result is the outcome of a game from the perspective of one of the players.
  # If the game was not a bye or a walkover and involved a second player, then
  # that second player will also have a result for the same game, and the two
  # results will be mirror images of each other.
  # A result always involves a round number, a player number and a score, so these
  # three attributes must be supplied in the constructor.
  #   result = ICU::Result.new(2, 10, 'W')
  # The above example represents player 10 winning in round 2. As it stands, it represends
  # a bye or walkover since there is no opponent. Without an opponent, it is unrateable.
  #   result.rateable     # => false
  # The player's colour and the number of their opponent can be set as follows:
  #   result.colour = 'B'
  #   result.opponent = 13
  # Specifying an opponent always makes a result rateable.
  #   result.rateable     # => true
  # This example now represents a win by player 10 with the black pieces over player number 13 in round 2.
  # Alternatively, all this can been specified in the constructor.
  #   result = ICU::Result.new(2, 10, 'W', :opponent => 13, :colour => 'B')
  # To make a game unratable, even if it involves an opponent, set the _rateable_ atribute explicity:
  #   result.rateable = false
  # or include it in the constructor:
  #   result = ICU::Result.new(2, 10, 'W', :opponent => 13, :colour => 'B', :rateable => false)
  # The result of the same game from the perspective of the opponent is:
  #   tluser = result.reverse
  # which, with the above example, would be:
  #   tluser.player       # => 13
  #   tluser.opponent     # => 10
  #   tluser.score        # => 'L'
  #   tluser.colour       # => 'B'
  #   tluser.round        # => 2
  # The _rateable_ attribute is the same in a result and it's reverse.
  # A result which has no opponent is not reversible (the _reverse_ method returns _nil_).
  # The return value from the _score_ method is always one of _W_, _L_ or _D_. However,
  # when setting the score, a certain amount of variation is permitted as long as it is
  # clear what is meant. For eample, the following would all be converted to _D_:
  #   result.score = ' D '
  #   result.score = 'd'
  #   result.score = '='
  #   result.score = '0.5'
  #   result.score = '½'
  # The _points_ read-only accessor always returns a floating point number: either 0.0, 0.5 or 1.0.
  # Two results are <em>eql?</em> if all there attributes are the same, unless exceptions are specified.
  #   r  = ICU::Result.new(1, 1, 'W', :opponent => 2)
  #   r1 = ICU::Result.new(1, 1, 'W', :opponent => 2)
  #   r2 = ICU::Result.new(1, 1, 'W', :opponent => 2, :rateable => false)
  #   r3 = ICU::Result.new(1, 1, 'L', :opponent => 2, :rateable => false)
  #   r.eql?(r1)                                   # => true
  #   r.eql?(r2)                                   # => false
  #   r.eql?(r3)                                   # => false
  #   r.eql?(r2, :except => :rateable)             # => true
  #   r.eql?(r3, :except => [:rateable, :score])   # => true
  class Result
    extend ICU::Util::Accessor
    attr_positive :round
    attr_integer :player

    attr_reader :score, :colour, :opponent, :rateable

    # Constructor. Round number, player number and score must be supplied.
    # Optional hash attribute are _opponent_, _colour_ and _rateable_.
    def initialize(round, player, score, opt={})
      self.round  = round
      self.player = player
      self.score  = score
      [:colour, :opponent].each { |a| self.send("#{a}=", opt[a]) unless opt[a].nil? }
      self.rateable = opt[:rateable]  # always attempt to set this, and do it last, to get the right default

    # Score for the game, even if a default. One of 'W', 'L' or 'D'. Reasonable inputs like 1, 0, =, ½, etc will be converted.
    def score=(score)
      @score = case score.to_s.strip
        when /^(1\.0|1|\+|W|w)$/ then 'W'
        when /^(0\.5|½|\=|D|d)$/ then 'D'
        when /^(0\.0|0|\-|L|l)$/ then 'L'
        else raise "invalid score (#{score})"

    # Return the score as a floating point number.
    def points
      case @score
        when 'W' then 1.0
        when 'L' then 0.0
        else 0.5

    # Colour. Either 'W' (white) or 'B' (black).
    def colour=(colour)
      @colour = case colour.to_s
        when ''   then nil
        when /W/i then 'W'
        when /B/i then 'B'
        else raise "invalid colour (#{colour})"

    # Opponent player number. Either absent (_nil_) or any integer except the player number.
    def opponent=(opponent)
      @opponent = case opponent
        when nil     then nil
        when Fixnum  then opponent
        when /^\s*$/ then nil
        else opponent.to_i
      raise "invalid opponent number (#{opponent})" if @opponent == 0 && !opponent.to_s.match(/\d/)
      raise "opponent number and player number (#{@opponent}) must be different" if @opponent == player
      self.rateable = true if @opponent

    # Rateable flag. If false, result is not rateable. Can only be true if there is an opponent.
    def rateable=(rateable)
      if opponent.nil?
        @rateable = false
      @rateable = case rateable
        when nil   then true   # default is true
        when false then false  # this is the only way to turn it off
        else true

    # Return a reversed version (from the opponent's perspective) of a result.
    def reverse
      return unless @opponent
      r = Result.new(@round, @opponent, @score == 'W' ? 'L' : (@score == 'L' ? 'W' : 'D'))
      r.opponent = @player
      r.colour = 'W' if @colour == 'B'
      r.colour = 'B' if @colour == 'W'
      r.rateable = @rateable

    # Renumber the player and opponent (if there is one) according to the supplied hash. Return self.
    def renumber(map)
      raise "result player number #{@player} not found in renumbering hash" unless map[@player]
      self.player = map[@player]
      if @opponent
        raise "result opponent number #{@opponent} not found in renumbering hash" unless map[@opponent]
        old_rateable = @rateable
        self.opponent = map[@opponent]
        self.rateable = old_rateable  # because setting the opponent has a side-effect which is undesirable in this context
    # Short descrition mainly for debugging.
    def inspect
      "R#{@round}P#{@player}O#{@opponent || '-'}#{@score}#{@colour || '-'}#{@rateable ? 'R' : 'U'}"

    # Equality. True if all attributes equal, exceptions allowed.
    def eql?(other, opt={})
      return true if equal?(other)
      return unless other.is_a? Result
      except = Hash.new
      if opt[:except]
        if opt[:except].is_a?(Array)
          opt[:except].each { |x| except[x.to_sym] = true }
          except[opt[:except].to_sym] = true
      [:round, :player, :opponent, :colour, :score, :rateable].each do |m|
        return false unless except[m] || self.send(m) == other.send(m)