/* Copyright (c) 2020 Contrast Security, Inc. See * https://www.contrastsecurity.com/enduser-terms-0317a for more details. */ #include "cs__common.h" #include <ruby.h> #include <dlfcn.h> /* Globals */ /* These are defined w/ `extern` in the header */ VALUE contrast, agent, patching, policy, assess; VALUE core_extensions, core_assess; VALUE assess_policy, assess_propagator; VALUE funchook_path; VALUE rb_sym_enter_scope; VALUE rb_sym_exit_scope; VALUE rb_sym_in_scope; VALUE rb_sym_skip_contrast_analysis; VALUE rb_sym_skip_assess_analysis; VALUE rb_sym_method; VALUE rb_sym_cs_tracked; /* end globals */ void patch_via_funchook(void *original_function, void *hook_function) { VALUE funchook_module_wrapper = rb_define_module("Funchook"); funchook_path = rb_iv_get(funchook_module_wrapper, "@path"); void *funchook_lib_handle; void *funchook_reference, *(*funchook_create)(void); int prepareResult, (*funchook_prepare)(void*, void**, void*); int installResult, (*funchook_install)(void*, int); funchook_lib_handle = dlopen(StringValueCStr(funchook_path), RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL); /* Load the funchook methods we need */ funchook_create = (void* (*)(void))dlsym(funchook_lib_handle, "funchook_create"); funchook_prepare = (int (*)(void*, void**, void*))dlsym(funchook_lib_handle, "funchook_prepare"); funchook_install = (int (*)(void*, int))dlsym(funchook_lib_handle, "funchook_install"); funchook_reference = (void*)(*funchook_create)(); prepareResult = (*funchook_prepare)(funchook_reference, (void**)original_function, hook_function); installResult = (*funchook_install)(funchook_reference, 0); } void contrast_alias_method(const VALUE target, const char *to, const char *from) { rb_funcall(target, cs__send_method, 3, cs__alias_method_sym, ID2SYM(rb_intern(to)), ID2SYM(rb_intern(from))); } VALUE contrast_patcher() { return patcher; } VALUE contrast_register_patch(const char *module_name, const char *method_name, VALUE(c_fn)(const int, const VALUE*, const VALUE) ) { return _contrast_register_patch(module_name, method_name, c_fn, IMPL_ALIAS_INSTANCE); } VALUE contrast_register_singleton_patch(const char *module_name, const char *method_name, VALUE(c_fn)(const int, const VALUE*, const VALUE) ) { return _contrast_register_patch(module_name, method_name, c_fn, IMPL_ALIAS_SINGLETON); } VALUE contrast_register_singleton_prepend_patch(const char *module_name, const char *method_name, VALUE(c_fn)(const int, const VALUE*, const VALUE) ) { return _contrast_register_patch(module_name, method_name, c_fn, IMPL_PREPEND); } static VALUE _contrast_register_patch(const char *module_name, const char *method_name, VALUE(c_fn)(const int, const VALUE*, const VALUE), patch_impl patch ) { VALUE contrast_bind_module = rb_funcall(rb_cModule, rb_intern("new"), 0); VALUE unbound_method = Qnil; VALUE rb_str_module_name = rb_str_new_cstr(module_name); VALUE rb_str_method_name = rb_str_new_cstr(method_name); /* We register the c function as an instance method on an * anonymous module, and then unbind it. This creates * an UnboundMethod object that we register. This * UnboundMethod object can then be bound to a class * with define_method: * * my_method = get_patch_from_c_somehow() * * class MyClass * define_method('name', my_method.bind(self)) * end * * MyClass.new.name # calls my_method */ /* This is an anonymous module, upon which we define C functions * as Ruby functions. We immediately unbind and undef them. * This module doesn't do anything. */ rb_define_method(contrast_bind_module, method_name, (VALUE(*)())c_fn, -1); VALUE rb_sym_instance_method = rb_intern("instance_method"); unbound_method = rb_funcall(contrast_bind_module, rb_sym_instance_method, 1, rb_str_method_name); rb_undef_method(contrast_bind_module, method_name); /* map impl enum -> ruby symbol */ VALUE impl = Qnil; switch(patch) { case IMPL_ALIAS_INSTANCE: impl = ID2SYM(rb_sym_alias_instance); break; case IMPL_ALIAS_SINGLETON: impl = ID2SYM(rb_sym_alias_singleton); break; case IMPL_PREPEND: impl = ID2SYM(rb_sym_prepend); break; } VALUE underlying_method_name = rb_funcall(contrast_patcher(), rb_sym_register_c_patch, 3, rb_str_module_name, unbound_method, impl); return SYM2ID(underlying_method_name); } void Init_cs__common(void) { cs__send_method = rb_intern("send"); cs__alias_method_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("alias_method")); /* Define symbols */ rb_sym_enter_scope = rb_intern("enter_contrast_scope!"); rb_sym_exit_scope = rb_intern("exit_contrast_scope!"); rb_sym_in_scope = rb_intern("in_contrast_scope?"); rb_sym_skip_contrast_analysis = rb_intern("skip_contrast_analysis?"); rb_sym_skip_assess_analysis = rb_intern("skip_assess_analysis?"); rb_sym_method = rb_intern("__method__"); rb_sym_cs_tracked = rb_intern("cs__tracked?"); /* Used for returning unbound C functions */ rb_sym_register_c_patch = rb_intern("register_c_patch"); rb_sym_alias_instance = rb_intern("alias_instance"); rb_sym_alias_singleton = rb_intern("alias_singleton"); rb_sym_prepend = rb_intern("prepend"); /* Ensure definition of core Contrast instrumentation modules */ contrast = rb_define_module("Contrast"); agent = rb_define_module_under(contrast, "Agent"); assess = rb_define_module_under(agent, "Assess"); patching = rb_define_module_under(agent, "Patching"); policy = rb_define_module_under(patching, "Policy"); patcher = rb_define_module_under(policy, "Patch"); assess_policy = rb_define_module_under(assess, "Policy"); assess_propagator = rb_define_module_under(assess_policy, "Propagator"); core_extensions = rb_define_module_under(contrast, "Extension"); core_assess = rb_define_module_under(core_extensions, "Assess"); }