--- tcpip_client_interface.rb: parameters: - name: Host required: true description: Machine name to connect to. Can be either a named machine (DNS entry) or IP address. values: .+ - name: Write Port required: true description: Port which COSMOS writes commands to values: \d{2,5} - name: Read Port required: true description: Port which COSMOS reads telemetry from values: \d{2,5} - name: Write Timeout required: true description: Number of seconds to wait before aborting the write. Pass 'nil' to block on write. values: .+ - name: Read Timeout required: true description: Number of seconds to wait before aborting the read. Pass 'nil' to block on read. values: .+ - name: Protocol Type required: true description: Protocol to apply on the interface data values: <%= MetaConfigParser.load('protocols.yaml').to_meta_config_yaml(8) %> tcpip_server_interface.rb: parameters: - name: Write Port required: true description: Port which COSMOS writes commands to values: \d{2,5} - name: Read Port required: true description: Port which COSMOS reads telemetry from values: \d{2,5} - name: Write Timeout required: true description: Number of seconds to wait before aborting the write. Pass 'nil' to block on write. values: .+ - name: Read Timeout required: true description: Number of seconds to wait before aborting the read. Pass 'nil' to block on read. values: .+ - name: Protocol Type required: true description: Protocol to apply on the interface data values: <%= MetaConfigParser.load('protocols.yaml').to_meta_config_yaml(8) %> udp_interface.rb: description: The UDP interface uses UDP packets to send and receive telemetry from the target parameters: - name: Host required: true description: Machine name to connect to. Can be either a named machine (DNS entry) or IP address. values: .+ - name: Write Port required: true description: Port which COSMOS writes commands to values: \d{2,5} - name: Read Port required: true description: Port which COSMOS reads telemetry from values: \d{2,5} - name: Write Source Port required: false description: Port on the local machine to send commands from. Default is 'nil' (socket is not bound to an outgoing port). values: \d{2,5} - name: Inteface Address required: false description: If the remote machine supports multicast the interface address is used to configure the outgoing multicast address values: .+ - name: Time To Live required: false description: The number of intermediate routers allowed before dropping the packet values: .+ - name: Write Timeout required: false description: Number of seconds to wait before aborting the write. Default is 'nil' (block on write). values: .+ - name: Read Timeout required: false description: Number of seconds to wait before aborting the read. Default is 'nil' (block on read). values: .+ - name: Bind Address required: false description: Address to bind UDP ports to values: .+ serial_interface.rb: description: Connects to a target over a serial port. COSMOS provides drivers for both Windows and POSIX drivers for UNIX based systems. parameters: - name: Write Port required: true description: Name of the serial port to write, e.g. 'COM1' or '/dev/ttyS0'. Pass 'nil' to disable writing. values: \d{2,5} - name: Read Port required: true description: Name of the serial port to read, e.g. 'COM1' or '/dev/ttyS0'. Pass 'nil' to disable reading. values: \d{2,5} - name: Baud Rate required: true description: Baud rate to read and write values: .+ - name: Parity required: true description: Serial port parity values: ['NONE','EVENT','ODD'] - name: Stop Bits required: true description: Number of stop bits values: .+ - name: Write Timeout required: true description: Number of seconds to wait before aborting the write. Pass 'nil' to block on write. values: .+ - name: Read Timeout required: true description: Number of seconds to wait before aborting the read. Pass 'nil' to block on read. values: .+ - name: Protocol Type required: true description: Protocol to apply on the interface data values: <%= MetaConfigParser.load('protocols.yaml').to_meta_config_yaml(8) %> cmd_tlm_server_interface.rb: description: Provides a connection to the COSMOS Command and Telemetry Server. This allows scripts and other COSMOS tools to send commands to the CmdTlmServer to enable and disable logging. It also allows scripts and other tools to receive a COSMOS version information packet and a limits change packet which is sent when any telemetry items change limits states. The CmdTlmServer interface can be used by any COSMOS configuration. linc_interface.rb: description: The LINC interface uses a single TCPIP socket to talk to a Ball Aerospace LINC Labview target. parameters: - name: Host required: true description: Machine name to connect to. Can be either a named machine (DNS entry) or IP address. values: .+ - name: Port required: true description: Port to write commands to and read telemetry from values: \d{2,5} - name: Handshake Enabled required: false description: Enable command handshaking where commands block until the corresponding handshake message is received. Default is true. values: ['true','false'] - name: Response Timeout required: false description: Number of seconds to wait for a handshaking response. Default is 5 seconds values: \d+ - name: Read Timeout required: true description: Number of seconds to wait before aborting the read. Pass 'nil' to block on read. Default is nil. values: .+ - name: Write Timeout required: true description: Number of seconds to wait before aborting the write. Pass 'nil' to block on write. Default is 5 seconds. values: .+ - name: Length Bit Offset required: false description: The bit offset of the length field. Every packet using this interface must have the same structure such that the length field is the same size at the same location. Default is 0. values: \d+ - name: Length Bit Size required: false description: The size in bits of the length field. Default is 16 bits. values: \d+ - name: Length Value Offset required: false description: The offset to apply to the length field value. For example if the length field indicates packet length minus one, this value should be one. Default is 4. values: \d+ - name: GUID Fieldname required: false description: Fieldname of the GUID field. Default is 'HDR_GUID'. values: .+ - name: Length Endianness required: false description: The endianness of the length field. Default is BIG_ENDIAN. values: ['BIG_ENDIAN','LITTLE_ENDIAN'] - name: Length Fieldname required: false description: Fieldname of the length field. Defaults is 'HDR_LENGTH'. values: .+