h1. Xero API wrapper h2. Introduction This library is designed to help ruby / rails based applications communicate with the publicly available API for Xero. If you are unfamiliar with the API, you should first read the documentation, located here "http://blog.xero.com/developer/":http://blog.xero.com/developer/ h2. Usage
    require 'xero_gateway'
h2. Authenticating with OAuth OAuth is built into this library in a very similar manner to the Twitter gem by John Nunemaker ("http://github.com/jnunemaker/twitter":http://github.com/jnunemaker/twitter). So if you've used that before this will all seem familiar. h3. Consumer Key & Secret First off, you'll need to get a Consumer Key/Secret pair for your application from Xero. Head to "http://api.xero.com":http://api.xero.com, log in and then click My Applications > Add Application. If you want to create a private application (that accesses your own Xero account rather than your users), you'll need to generate an RSA keypair and an X509 certificate. This can be done with OpenSSL as below:
    openssl genrsa –out privatekey.pem 1024
    openssl req –newkey rsa:1024 –x509 –key privatekey.pem –out publickey.cer –days 365
    openssl pkcs12 –export –out public_privatekey.pfx –inkey privatekey.pem –in publickey.cer
On the right-hand-side of your application's page there's a box titled "OAuth Credentials". Use the Key and Secret from this box in order to set up a new Gateway instance. (If you're unsure about the Callback URL, specify nothing - it will become clear a bit later) h3. Xero Gateway Initialization
    require 'xero_gateway'
or for private applications
    require 'xero_gateway'
h3. Request Token You'll then need to get a Request Token from Xero.

    request_token = gateway.request_token
You should keep this around - you'll need it to exchange for an Access Token later. (If you're using Rails, this means storing it in the session or something similar) Next, you need to redirect your user to the authorisation url for this request token. In Rails, that looks something like this:

    redirect_to request_token.authorize_url
(Note that Xero doesn't support the OAuth Callback parameter here) h3. Retrieving an Access Token If you've specified a Callback URL when setting up your application, your user will be redirected to that URL with an OAuth Verifier as a GET parameter. You can then exchange your Request Token for an Access Token like this (assuming Rails, once again):

    gateway.authorize_from_request(request_token.token, request_token.secret, :oauth_verifier => params[:oauth_verifier])
(If you haven't specified a Callback URL, the user will be presented with a numeric verifier which they must copy+paste into your application; see examples/oauth.rb for an example) Now you can access Xero API methods:

h3. Storing Access Tokens You can also store the Access Token/Secret pair so that you can access the API without user intervention. Currently, these access tokens are only valid for 30 minutes, and will raise a XeroGateway::OAuth::TokenExpired exception if you attempt to access the API beyond the token's expiry time.

    access_token, access_secret = gateway.access_token
h3. Examples Open examples/oauth.rb and change CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECRET to the values for a Test OAuth Application in order to see an example of OAuth at work. If you're working with Rails, a controller similar to this might come in handy:

  class XeroSessionsController < ApplicationController
    before_filter :get_xero_gateway

    def new
      session[:request_token]  = @xero_gateway.request_token.token
      session[:request_secret] = @xero_gateway.request_token.secret

      redirect_to @xero_gateway.request_token.authorize_url

    def create
      @xero_gateway.authorize_from_request(session[:request_token], session[:request_secret],
                                           :oauth_verifier => params[:oauth_verifier])

      session[:xero_auth] = { :access_token  => @xero_gateway.access_token.token, 
                              :access_secret => @xero_gateway.access_token.secret }

      session.data.delete(:request_token); session.data.delete(:request_secret)

    def destroy
      def get_xero_gateway
        @xero_gateway = XeroGateway::Gateway.new(YOUR_OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, YOUR_OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET)

Note that I'm just storing the Access Token + Secret in the session here - you could equally store them in the database if you felt like refreshing them every 30 minutes ;) h2. Implemented interface methods h3. GET /api.xro/2.0/contact (get_contact_by_id) Gets a contact record for a specific Xero organisation
    result = gateway.get_contact_by_id(contact_id)
    contact = result.contact if result.success?
h3. GET /api.xro/2.0/contact (get_contact_by_number) Gets a contact record for a specific Xero organisation
h3. GET /api.xro/2.0/contacts (get_contacts) Gets all contact records for a particular Xero customer.
    gateway.get_contacts(:type => :all, :sort => :name, :direction => :desc)
    gateway.get_contacts(:type => :all, :updated_after => 1.month.ago) # modified since 1 month ago
h3. PUT /api.xro/2.0/contact Saves a contact record for a particular Xero customer.
    contact = gateway.build_contact
    contact.name = "The contacts name"
    contact.email = "whoever@something.com"
    contact.phone.number = "555 123 4567"
    contact.address.line_1 = "LINE 1 OF THE ADDRESS"
    contact.address.line_2 = "LINE 2 OF THE ADDRESS"
    contact.address.city = "WELLINGTON"
    contact.address.region = "WELLINGTON"
    contact.address.country = "NEW ZEALAND"
    contact.address.post_code = "6021"

h3. POST /api.xro/2.0/contact Updates an existing contact record.
    contact_retrieved_from_xero.email = "something_new@something.com"
h3. POST /api.xro/2.0/contacts Creates a list of contacts or updates them if they have a matching contact_id, contact_number or name. This method uses only a single API request to create/update multiple contacts.
    contacts = [XeroGateway::Contact.new(:name => 'Joe Bloggs'), XeroGateway::Contact.new(:name => 'Jane Doe')]
    result = gateway.update_contacts(contacts)
h3. GET /api.xro/2.0/invoice (get_invoice_by_id) Gets an invoice record for a specific Xero organisation
h3. GET /api.xro/2.0/invoice (get_invoice_by_number) Gets an invoice record for a specific Xero organisation
h3. GET /api.xro/2.0/invoices (get_invoices) Gets all invoice records for a particular Xero customer.
    gateway.get_invoices(1.month.ago) # modified since 1 month ago
h3. PUT /api.xro/2.0/invoice Inserts an invoice for a specific organization in Xero (Currently only adding new invoices is allowed). Invoice and line item totals are calculated automatically.
    invoice = gateway.build_invoice({
      :invoice_type => "ACCREC",
      :due_date => 1.month.from_now,
      :invoice_number => "YOUR INVOICE NUMBER",
      :tax_inclusive => true,
      :includes_tax => false
    invoice.contact.name = "THE NAME OF THE CONTACT"
    invoice.contact.phone.number = "12345"
    invoice.contact.address.line_1 = "LINE 1 OF THE ADDRESS"    
      :description => "THE DESCRIPTION OF THE LINE ITEM",
      :unit_amount => 1000,
      :tax_amount => 125,
      :tracking_category => "THE TRACKING CATEGORY FOR THE LINE ITEM",
      :tracking_option => "THE TRACKING OPTION FOR THE LINE ITEM"
h3. PUT /api.xro/2.0/invoices Inserts multiple invoices for a specific organization in Xero (currently only adding new invoices is allowed). This method uses only a single API request to create/update multiple contacts.
    invoices = [XeroGateway::Invoice.new(...), XeroGateway::Invoice.new(...)]
    result = gateway.create_invoices(invoices)
h3. GET /api.xro/2.0/accounts Gets all accounts for a specific organization in Xero.
For more advanced (and cached) access to the accounts list, use the following.
    accounts_list = gateway.get_accounts_list
Finds account with code of '200'
    sales_account = accounts_list.find_by_code(200)
Finds all EXPENSE accounts. For a list of valid account types see XeroGateway::Account::TYPE
   all_expense_accounts = accounts_list.find_all_by_type('EXPENSE')
Finds all accounts with tax_type == 'OUTPUT'. For a list of valid tax types see XeroGateway::Account::TAX_TYPE
   all_output_tax_accounts = accounts_list.find_all_by_tax_type('OUTPUT')
h3. GET /api.xro/2.0/tracking Gets all tracking categories and their options for a specific organization in Xero.
h3. GET /api.xero/2.0/Organisation Retrieves organisation details for the authorised application.
h3. GET /api.xero/2.0/Currencies Retrieves currencies in use for the authorised application.
h3. GET /api.xero/2.0/TaxRates Retrieves Tax Rates in use for the authorised application.
h2. Logging You can specify a logger to use (so you can track down those tricky exceptions) by using:
  gateway.logger = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.new("log_file_name.log")
It doesn't have to be a buffered logger - anything that responds to "info" will do just fine.