# 3.1.1 * Fix: typescript definitions weren't in the published package. # 3.1.0 * Fixed numerous bugs in attribute nodes relating to the handling of comments and whitespace. There's significant changes to `attrNode.spaces` and `attrNode.raws` since the `3.0.0` release. * Added `Attribute#offsetOf(part)` to get the offset location of attribute parts like `"operator"` and `"value"`. This is most often added to `Attribute#sourceIndex` for error reporting. # 3.0.0 ## Breaking changes * Some tweaks to the tokenizer/attribute selector parsing mean that whitespace locations might be slightly different to the 2.x code. * Better attribute selector parsing with more validation; postcss-selector-parser no longer uses regular expressions to parse attribute selectors. * Added an async API (thanks to @jacobp100); the default `process` API is now async, and the sync API is now accessed through `processSync` instead. * `process()` and `processSync()` now return a string instead of the Processor instance. * Tweaks handling of Less interpolation (thanks to @jwilsson). * Removes support for Node 0.12. ## Other changes * `ast()` and `astSync()` methods have been added to the `Processor`. These return the `Root` node of the selectors after processing them. * `transform()` and `transformSync()` methods have been added to the `Processor`. These return the value returned by the processor callback after processing the selectors. * Set the parent when inserting a node (thanks to @chriseppstein). * Correctly adjust indices when using insertBefore/insertAfter (thanks to @tivac). * Fixes handling of namespaces with qualified tag selectors. * `process`, `ast` and `transform` (and their sync variants) now accept a `postcss` rule node. When provided, better errors are generated and selector processing is automatically set back to the rule selector (unless the `updateSelector` option is set to `false`.) * Now more memory efficient when tokenizing selectors. ### Upgrade hints The pattern of: `rule.selector = processor.process(rule.selector).result.toString();` is now: `processor.processSync(rule)` # 2.2.3 * Resolves an issue where the parser would not reduce multiple spaces between an ampersand and another simple selector in lossy mode (thanks to @adam-26). # 2.2.2 * No longer hangs on an unescaped semicolon; instead the parser will throw an exception for these cases. # 2.2.1 * Allows a consumer to specify whitespace tokens when creating a new Node (thanks to @Semigradsky). # 2.2.0 * Added a new option to normalize whitespace when parsing the selector string (thanks to @adam-26). # 2.1.1 * Better unquoted value handling within attribute selectors (thanks to @evilebottnawi). # 2.1.0 * Added: Use string constants for all node types & expose them on the main parser instance (thanks to @Aweary). # 2.0.0 This release contains the following breaking changes: * Renamed all `eachInside` iterators to `walk`. For example, `eachTag` is now `walkTags`, and `eachInside` is now `walk`. * Renamed `Node#removeSelf()` to `Node#remove()`. * Renamed `Container#remove()` to `Container#removeChild()`. * Renamed `Node#raw` to `Node#raws` (thanks to @davidtheclark). * Now parses `&` as the *nesting* selector, rather than a *tag* selector. * Fixes misinterpretation of Sass interpolation (e.g. `#{foo}`) as an id selector (thanks to @davidtheclark). and; * Fixes parsing of attribute selectors with equals signs in them (e.g. `[data-attr="foo=bar"]`) (thanks to @montmanu). * Adds `quoted` and `raw.unquoted` properties to attribute nodes (thanks to @davidtheclark). # 1.3.3 * Fixes an infinite loop on `)` and `]` tokens when they had no opening pairs. Now postcss-selector-parser will throw when it encounters these lone tokens. # 1.3.2 * Now uses plain integers rather than `str.charCodeAt(0)` for compiled builds. # 1.3.1 * Update flatten to v1.x (thanks to @shinnn). # 1.3.0 * Adds a new node type, `String`, to fix a crash on selectors such as `foo:bar("test")`. # 1.2.1 * Fixes a crash when the parser encountered a trailing combinator. # 1.2.0 * A more descriptive error is thrown when the parser expects to find a pseudo-class/pseudo-element (thanks to @ashelley). * Adds support for line/column locations for selector nodes, as well as a `Node#sourceIndex` method (thanks to @davidtheclark). # 1.1.4 * Fixes a crash when a selector started with a `>` combinator. The module will now no longer throw if a selector has a leading/trailing combinator node. # 1.1.3 * Fixes a crash on `@` tokens. # 1.1.2 * Fixes an infinite loop caused by using parentheses in a non-pseudo element context. # 1.1.1 * Fixes a crash when a backslash ended a selector string. # 1.1.0 * Adds support for replacing multiple nodes at once with `replaceWith` (thanks to @jonathantneal). * Parser no longer throws on sequential IDs and trailing commas, to support parsing of selector hacks. # 1.0.1 * Fixes using `insertAfter` and `insertBefore` during iteration. # 1.0.0 * Adds `clone` and `replaceWith` methods to nodes. * Adds `insertBefore` and `insertAfter` to containers. * Stabilises API. # 0.0.5 * Fixes crash on extra whitespace inside a pseudo selector's parentheses. * Adds sort function to the container class. * Enables the parser to pass its input through without transforming. * Iteration-safe `each` and `eachInside`. # 0.0.4 * Tidy up redundant duplication. * Fixes a bug where the parser would loop infinitely on universal selectors inside pseudo selectors. * Adds `length` getter and `eachInside`, `map`, `reduce` to the container class. * When a selector has been removed from the tree, the root node will no longer cast it to a string. * Adds node type iterators to the container class (e.g. `eachComment`). * Adds filter function to the container class. * Adds split function to the container class. * Create new node types by doing `parser.id(opts)` etc. * Adds support for pseudo classes anywhere in the selector. # 0.0.3 * Adds `next` and `prev` to the node class. * Adds `first` and `last` getters to the container class. * Adds `every` and `some` iterators to the container class. * Add `empty` alias for `removeAll`. * Combinators are now types of node. * Fixes the at method so that it is not an alias for `index`. * Tidy up creation of new nodes in the parser. * Refactors how namespaces are handled for consistency & less redundant code. * Refactors AST to use `nodes` exclusively, and eliminates excessive nesting. * Fixes nested pseudo parsing. * Fixes whitespace parsing. # 0.0.2 * Adds support for namespace selectors. * Adds support for selectors joined by escaped spaces - such as `.\31\ 0`. # 0.0.1 * Initial release.