--- title: Structure nav_order: 11 --- Ufo creates a `.ufo` folder within your project which contains the required files used by ufo to build and deploy docker images to ECS. The standard directory structure of the `.ufo` folder looks like this: ```sh .ufo ├── output ├── params.yml ├── settings.yml ├── settings/cfn/default.yml ├── settings/network/default.yml ├── task_definitions.rb ├── templates | └── main.json.erb └── variables ├── base.rb ├── production.rb └── development.rb ``` The table below covers the purpose of each folder and file. File / Directory | Description ------------- | ------------- output/ | The folder where the generated task definitions are written to. The way the task definitions are generated is covered in [ufo tasks build]({% link _docs/tutorial-ufo-tasks-build.md %}). params | This is where you can adjust the params that get send to the aws-sdk api calls for the [ufo task](https://ufoships.com/reference/ufo-task/) command. More info at [Params]({% link _docs/ufo-task-params.md %}). settings.yml | Ufo's general settings file, where you adjust the default [settings]({% link _docs/settings.md %}). settings/cfn/default.yml | Ufo's cfn settings. You can customize the CloudFormation resource properties here. settings/network/default.yml | Ufo's network settings. You can customize the vpc and subnets to used here. task_definitions.rb | This is where you define the task definitions and specify the variables to be used by the ERB templates. templates/ | The ERB templates with the task definition json code. The templates are covered in more detail in [ufo tasks build]({% link _docs/tutorial-ufo-tasks-build.md %}). templates/main.json.erb | This is the main and starter template task definition json file that ufo initially generates. variables | This is where you can define shared variables that are made available to the `template_definitions.rb` and your templates. More info at [Variables]({% link _docs/variables.md %}). Now that you know where the ufo configurations are located and what they look like, let’s use ufo! {% include prev_next.md %}