require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' require 'tempfile' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'minitest/reporters' require 'mocha/minitest' require 'stringio' require 'json' $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) require 'sshkit' Dir[File.expand_path('test/support/*.rb')].each { |file| require file } class UnitTest < Minitest::Test def setup SSHKit.reset_configuration! end SSHKit::Backend::ConnectionPool.class_eval do alias_method :old_flush_connections, :flush_connections def flush_connections Thread.current[:sshkit_pool] = {} end end end class FunctionalTest < Minitest::Test def setup unless VagrantWrapper.running? warn "Vagrant VMs are not running. Please, start it manually with `vagrant up`" end end private def create_user_with_key(username, password = :secret) username, password = username.to_s, password.to_s keys = VagrantWrapper.hosts.collect do |_name, host| Net::SSH.start(host.hostname, host.user, port: host.port, password: host.password) do |ssh| # Remove the user, make it again, force-generate a key for him # short keys save us a few microseconds ssh.exec!("sudo userdel -rf #{username}; true") # The `rescue nil` of the shell world ssh.exec!("sudo useradd -m #{username}") ssh.exec!("sudo echo y | ssh-keygen -b 1024 -f #{username} -N ''") ssh.exec!("sudo chown vagrant:vagrant #{username}*") ssh.exec!("sudo echo #{username}:#{password} | chpasswd") # Make the .ssh directory, change the ownership and the ssh.exec!("sudo mkdir -p /home/#{username}/.ssh") ssh.exec!("sudo chown #{username}:#{username} /home/#{username}/.ssh") ssh.exec!("sudo chmod 700 /home/#{username}/.ssh") # Move the key to authorized keys and chown and chmod it ssh.exec!("sudo cat #{username}.pub > /home/#{username}/.ssh/authorized_keys") ssh.exec!("sudo chown #{username}:#{username} /home/#{username}/.ssh/authorized_keys") ssh.exec!("sudo chmod 600 /home/#{username}/.ssh/authorized_keys") key = ssh.exec!("cat /home/vagrant/#{username}") # Clean Up Files ssh.exec!("sudo rm #{username} #{username}.pub") key end end Hash[VagrantWrapper.hosts.collect { |n, _h| n.to_sym }.zip(keys)] end end # # Force colours in Autotest # Minitest::Reporters.use!