//	--------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Graphpaper Base File
//	========================
//	Use this define the styles for common elements throughout your site
//	and import any other supporting Sass files.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

//	Step 1. Initialize Your Grid
//	Relevant Mixin
//	+grid-container(center = true, add_padding_if_not_centered = true)
//	In order to initialize the Graphpaper grid module, you need to mix
//	+grid-container into the element that contains the content of your
//	page.
//	Example (uncomment and modify for your own use)
//	#pageContainer
//		+grid-container
//	If you wish to align your grid container to the left of the page 
//	and add padding based on the values in partials/_config.sass, 
//	+grid-container has two vailable arguments.
//	The first argument sets positioning of the grid. Graphpaper's
//	default behavior is to center the element on the page. If you wish
//	to align the element to the left of the page, set the first
//	argument to false.
//	#pageContainer
//		+grid-container(false)
//	Aligning the container to the left will automatically add a
//	:padding-left property to the element equal to the value of
//	!graphpaper_grid_padding in partials/_config.sass
//	To disable the padding, add a second "false" argument to grid-container
//	#pageContainer
//		+grid-container(false, false)

//	Step 2. Style Common Site Elements
//	Below, style common elements that appear across your site. Examples
//	may include page headers, global navigation, or site footers.

// Step 3. Layout the Rest of Your Site
//	Graphpaper's recommendation is to set the id element of each page on
//	your site to the same name as the sass file that will style it. Scope
//	all elements under body#id_name for an easy way keep your project
//	maintainable. Generally, this id name will be the section of the site
//	the content falls under. Examples include "home", "archives", and 
//	"contact".
//	If this recommendation works for you, import those files below. Order
//	will not matter since scoping under the body tag should eleminiate any
//	issues that may arise from commonly named elements across different
//	sections of your site.