window.FormAjaxSubmit = ($form) -> @_$form = $form @_validationObject = null @_sending = false (-> #@trigger ['ajax-before-submit', 'ajax-submit-done', 'ajax-submit-fail', 'ajax-submit-always'] FormAjaxSubmit::init = -> validation_data = @__getValidationData() @__loadValidationRules validation_data @_validationObject = @_$form.validate(validation_data) FormAjaxSubmit::displayFieldErrors = (errors) -> messages = {} $.each errors, (field, message) => messages['data[' + field + ']'] = message unless $.isEmptyObject(messages) try @_validationObject.showErrors messages catch e @displayGlobalErrors messages return true false FormAjaxSubmit::displayGlobalErrors = (errors) -> $.each errors, (i, error) -> #todo show global errors FormAjaxSubmit::.__loadValidationRules = (validation_data) -> #TODO load custom validation FormAjaxSubmit::__getValidationData = -> _self = this highlight: (element) -> $(element).parent().removeClass('success').addClass 'error' unhighlight: (element) -> $(element).parent().removeClass('error').addClass 'success' submitHandler: -> return if _self._sending lazySubmitHandler = -> _self._submitHandler() if _self.handlerExist('ajax-before-submit') _self.trigger('ajax-before-submit', [ lazySubmitHandler ]) else return false FormAjaxSubmit::__processFormError = (data) -> showFieldErrors = @displayFieldErrors(data.errors) console.log showFieldErrors unless showFieldErrors FormAjaxSubmit::__removeFormErrors = -> @_$form.find('.error-message').remove() FormAjaxSubmit::_submitHandler = -> for instance of CKEDITOR.instances CKEDITOR.instances[instance].updateElement() @_sending = true _self = this items = @_$form.serializeObject() # Workaround for select2 values serialization # It finds all 'array' members of data hash, # and splits their values by ',', cleaning all # non-space characters. #todo extract. All class need super refactoring. Sergey, you can do it :) for memb of array =[memb] if $.isArray(array) newArray = [] for val in array cleanVal = val.replace(/\s+/g,'') if cleanVal.length > 0 newArray = $.merge(newArray, cleanVal.split(','))[memb] = if newArray.length is 0 then [''] else newArray input_method = @_$form.find('input[name="_method"]') items['_method'] = input_method.val() if input_method instanceof jQuery $.ajax( url: @_$form.attr('action') type: @_$form.attr('method') data: items dataType: 'json' ).done((data) -> _self.trigger('ajax-submit-done', [data]) $(document).trigger('ajax-submit-done', [data]) #rm_todo remove global events _self.__removeFormErrors() ).fail((response) -> try data = JSON.parse( response.responseText ) _self.trigger('ajax-submit-fail', [data]) _self.__processFormError( data ) #rm_todo error catching. #rm_todo extract fail process method ).always((response) -> data = if (response.responseJSON) then response.responseJSON else response window.notifier.notify(message: data.message) if data.message _self.trigger('ajax-submit-always', [data]) _self._sending = false ) FormAjaxSubmit::trigger = -> @_$form.triggerHandler.apply(@_$form, arguments) FormAjaxSubmit::handlerExist = (name)-> jQuery._data( @_$form[0] ).events[ name ] @ )() formatingErrors = -> $.validator.setDefaults showErrors: (errorMap, errorList) -> $.each errorList, (index, error) -> $(error.element).parent().children('.error-message').remove() if $.isArray(error.message) message = error.message.join('
') else message = error.message notify = $([ '' message '' '' ].join('')) $(error.element).after notify return return setupFormSubmit = -> $('form').each (i, form) -> (new FormAjaxSubmit($(form))).init() $ -> $(document).on 'ready page:load', setupFormSubmit