Guideline Compiler User Manual


GDLC is a guideline compiler. It was created to allow guidelines to be written using text files and a simple language. The compiler parses and compiles the text files (called source files) into an XML version of the guideline. This XML file can be uploaded directly into the application using the normal upload procedure.

Table of Contents

Running GDLC from the command line

Typing GDLC without any parameters (or with the -h option) will result in the following usage message:

GDLC GuideLine Compiler
Usage:  GDLC inFile [outFile] [-switch]* [--I]* [--C]*

        [] = optional
        *  = 0 or more, separated by spaces

        inFile    name of file to compile.
        outFile   name of XML output file. (default is guideline name)

        -h, -help     show usage instructions.
        -version      display the application version.

        -no,-nooutput do not generate output.
        -r, -raw      force output of all rules/sets/lookups.
                      outFile is a required parameter when -raw is used.
        -v, -verbose  show all status messages.
        -vp,          show parse tree.

        -validxml     output valid xml.

        --Ipath       path to include dir. Default: current dir
        --Cpath       path to search for config files.


The -raw option is not available at this time.

Compiler Options

Inclusion Paths

Inclusion Paths are directory paths the compiler will search to find files imported or included by your source files.

Inclusion paths are set using the --I command line parameter. Multiple directories can be added to the inclusion path list with repeated use of the --I flag.


gdlc my_rules.gdl my_output.xml --Irelative/path/to/my/include/dir --I/another/path

Configuration Paths

Configuration Paths are directory paths the compiler will search to find configuration files.

Configuration paths are set using the --C command line parameter. Multiple directories can be added to the configuration path list with repeated use of the --C flag similar to the Inclusion Paths above.

Documentation Conventions

Text surrounded with square brackets [] is optional. Text formatted like this indicates a keyword.

GDL Syntax



alias app boolean condition continue
crd date  decision  dpm dsm
else  end false guideline if
import  IN  include InsertPricingGuideline  lookup
message money numeric OUT percentage
PL  powerlookup ppm prd rule
ruleset text  then  true  xmlfunc


Variable, rule, ruleset and condition identifiers (names) are limited to the string lengths listed below. Spaces and special characters (such as &, *, and @) are not allowed as part of the identifier. The only special characters that are allowed (other than alphanumeric characters) are _ (the underscore) and - (the dash). Identifiers must start with a letter.

DPM/DSM variable names/aliases are limited to a maximum character length of 50.


These operators are available for use in the guidelines.

Equality Operators

Equality operators can only be used inside of if statements.

< <=  >
>=  ==  !=
<>  in  ??

Boolean Operators

Boolean operators can only be used inside of if statements.

&&  and ||  or  ( )

Mathematical Operators

Mathematical operators can only be used on the right hand side of assignment (=) statements.

+ - * / ^ ( )


All variable definition statements must be terminated with a ;.


PPM variables are primary parameter variables. They are considered read only by the application. The application initializes PPM variables with values from the engine based on their XPath definition.


ppm valueType ppmType identifier ["alias"];
ppm text prd pProgramName "Program Name";
ppm text app pUserType "User Type";
ppm money crd pMortgagePayoffs "Mortgage Payoffs";


The type of data the PPM will return:

AppXML Source


What section of the AppXML is the PPM sourced from:


DPM variables are derived parameter variables. These variables are considered read/write by the application (the value that they contain can be modified by guideline rules).


dpm valueType identifier ["alias"];
dpm numeric creditGradeScore;
dpm text docTypeAbbrev;
dpm money loanAmount "Loan Amount";

The type of data the variable will contain:

To specify the visible precision of a numeric value, surround the desired precision with parens immediately after the numeric keyword.

Note that this doesn't affect the actual precision of the variable's value when used in calculations (16 places), only how it is displayed to the user.

dpm numeric(2) loanAmount "Loan Amount";



DSM variables are Decision Parameters, a special subset of DPM variables. They are indicated by the decision keyword that begins the variable definition. Refer to the DPM variable description for further restrictions/applications.


decision dpm valueType identifier ["alias"];
decision dpm numeric testDsm "Test DSM Alias";


LOS Restrictions

LOS Guideline Engine Restriction

The guidelines must initialize a DPM/DSM variable to a value before it is referenced in any way (other than an assignment), or an application level error will be thrown.

This restriction does not apply to the AMS Guideline Engine.



Prior to 3.0:

lookup("Lookup Name", xParameterVariable, yParameterVariable);

3.0 +

lookup("Lookup Name");

The Xparameter and Yparameter details are now included as part of the Lookup data. Previously, the parameters were defined in the lookup declaration statement (above).


This statement defines a lookup and returns the looked-up value. It can be used on the right hand side of an assignment ( = ) statement.

aValue = lookup("FHA-ClosingCostState");

When a lookup is defined, the compiler searches for the lookup data in memory. An error will be thrown if the data does not exist. See the import statement for how to load lookup data.

All lookup definition/reference statements must be terminated with a ;.



PowerLookups are just Rulesets defined within a xls/csv file. As such, there are no special definition statements for PLKs.


Because PowerLookups are simply Rulesets, they are referenced the same way any other ruleset is referenced:

ruleset SomeRuleset();

Prior to referencing a PowerLookup ruleset, the ruleset must be imported.



Rule definitions consist of an if statement block surrounded with the rule and end keywords:

rule RuleIdentifier()

  // if statement block


Note the required parenthises at the end of the rule identifier.

An if block is made up of the keywords if, then, else (optional) and end to close it.

rule SomeRule()

  if( /* conditional statements */ )

    // assignment statements (if conditionals equate to true)


    // assignment statements (if conditionals equate to false)

  end // end of if block

end // end of rule block

Conditional statements must be surrounded by parenthesis. If multiple conditional statements are used (combined with or, ||, and, or &&) then each conditional statement is surrounded, as is the group.

Single conditional example:

rule SingleConditionalRule()

  if( a == b )
    a = c;


The statement above does not contain the optional else statement. While the else (if false) block is optional, the true block is not.

Also note that assignments (=) cannot be used in the conditional section of an if statement, only the boolean operators listed elsewhere.

Multiple conditional example:

rule MultipleConditionalRule()

      ( a == b ) &&
      ( b == c )
    a = d;


This rule could also be written as:

rule MultipleConditionalRule()

      ( a == b ) and
      ( b == c )
    a = d;


Here's a more complicated example:

rule ComplicatedMultipleConditionalRule()

        ( a == b ) and
        ( b == c )
      ) or
        ( a != b ) and
        ( b != c )
    a = d;


For readability purposes, if you use and, and or in your statements, do not combine them with && and ||. The compiler won't complain; it is acceptable syntax, but can be confusing to the reader.

Here's that rule again using the alternative operators:

rule ComplicatedMultipleConditionalRule()

        ( a == b ) &&
        ( b == c )
      ) ||
        ( a != b ) &&
        ( b != c )
    a = d;


The end result is the same.

A more realistic example of a simple rule:

rule SetAppraisedValue()
  if(pReviewValue != 0)
    appraisedValue = pReviewValue;
    appraisedValue = purchasePrice;


When referencing a rule, either in a ruleset or a guideline, where the rule has already been defined, use this syntax:

rule SetAppraisalValue();



TODO: Missing info about 'PL' modifier keyword.

ruleset InitAppraisedValue(continue)

  rule SetAppraisedValue()
    if(pLoanAmount == pLoanAmount)
      appraisedValue = pAppraisalValue;

  // ------------------------

  rule SetBPOValue()
    if(pReviewValue != 0)
      BPOValue = pReviewValue;

end // ruleset

Both rule references, and rule definitions can be used within a ruleset.



condition identifier("SystemName", CategoryType, PriorToType, "Image Doc Type", "Visibility", "Condition message");

SystemName: Name of the condition when displayed in the GUI conditions interface.

CategoryType: Category of condition. By default, the following are available:

PriorToType: Stage where condition should be cleared 'prior to'. By default, the following are available:

Image Doc Type: Name of the 'type' of document the condition is expecting.

Visibility: Visibility of the condition.

Condition message: Actual text of the condition/stipulation.

Condition definition statements must be terminated with a ;.

Condition reference statements must be terminated with ();.

Condition message definitions contain a number of required parameters used by the system to generate 'underwriter' conditions. If a condition message is redefined only the last definition will be used (uploaded) regardless of where the definition occurred within the guideline.

A warning message will be generated by the compiler so you know this has happened.

Condition message references can only be used within the 'if-true' or 'if-false' sections of rule definitions.


condition DeathCertificate("Death Certificate", Legal, Qualification, "Death Certificate", "External",
    "Death Certificate");


condition DeathCertificate();

Defining Categories

To define your own categories, create a file named Populate it with key/value pairs.


Each key/value pair must be separated with : or =. White space does not matter, with the understanding that trailing white space at the end of the line is discarded.

Another example (these are all valid):

Property        :4
Property-Other:   6
Borrower  =   7

The value part of the key/value pair is a DB ID. To determine which IDs to use, the Factory Defaults document should be referenced.

Defining PriorTos

To define your own Prior To types, create a file named Populate it with key/value pairs.


The same requirements/restrictions from above (Categories) apply to PriorTos.

The value part of the key/value pair is a DB ID. To determine which IDs to use, the Factory Defaults document should be referenced.

Telling the Compiler about your Properties

Use the --C flag to tell the compiler what directory to search for your properties files.



message (messageType, "Message text to display.");

Message Types

Exception type messages are used to indicate a failure of some sort. Exception messages are displayed on the decision results. Message types other than exceptions are used to convey information to the user. The following types are available:


Message text: Actual text of the message that will be displayed.

DPMs in Messages

DPM variable values can be incorporated into the message text by surrounding the variable name with <DPM> </DPM> tags. When using DPM variables within messages, if the DPM/DSM has an alias defined, the alias must be used; the engine only recognizes/knows about the alias.



Message definition statements must be terminated with a ;.

Message definitions can only be used within the 'if-true' or 'if-false' sections of rule definitions.

Exception messages

message(exception, "LTV of <DPM>LTV</DPM> is greater than 70%.");

Exception messages are only displayed in the application in the case of a decline, or decision failure (Decision != "Pass").

Findings messages

message(findings, "The borrower has a payoff on their credit report.");

Findings messages (including all non-exception messages) are only displayed in the applicaation when there's no decision failure (Decision == "Pass").


Aliases were designed so the developer could write GDL code using valid identifier names even though the application is expecting an identifier that contains spaces. This is especially important for PPMs (because they cannot be renamed in the system). Aliases are also used with DSMs for the same reasons.

For example, application expects a DSM named Price Adj-Total. With an alias, this is no problem. The rules can reference a dpm named priceAdj-total (notice there are no spaces) and the uploaded XML will reference the dpm as Price Adj-Total.

Aliases can be used with variables, rulesets and rule identifiers. Please note that the alias itself must be in quotes in all cases, regardless of whether or not it contains spaces.

All alias statements must be terminated with a ;.


Variable aliases are created during variable definition. The alias is the part of the definition in quotes.

// A DPM
dpm text someHumanName "Some Human Name Alias";

// A DSM
decision dpm numeric(3) modRate "Mod Rate";

// A PPM
ppm crd pCreditScore "Credit Score";


alias ( rule, Identifier, "Alias name" );

A rule alias statement consists of the alias keyword, an alias type of rule, the rule identifier and the rule alias.

alias(rule, SimpleAliasRule1, "Alias Rule 1");


alias ( ruleset, Identifier, "Alias name" );

A ruleset alias statement consists of the alias keyword, an alias type of ruleset, the ruleset identifier and the ruleset alias. Because a powerlookup is just a ruleset, they can be aliased as well. In fact, this is how they are generated when PLK .csv files are imported.

alias(ruleset, SimpleAliasRuleset1, "Alias Ruleset 1");

Guideline Definitions

guideline("Guideline Name")



The guideline statement defines the rules, rulesets, powerlookups and lookups that are within a guideline object. The order of all contained statements will be preserved.

A guideline is the main vehicle for outputting XML. When the compiler is run in its default mode (no output file specified), the guideline name will be used as the filename of the output file. An extension of .XML will be added as a suffix.

The guideline statement must have a matching end statement to terminate the guideline definition.

Including Source Files


Included files are parsed and compiled at the point that they are included within the parent file. Including a file more than once will only result in the file being parsed one time. It will be ignored if included again.

The include statement must be terminated with a ;.

Files to be included must reside in a directory that has been added to the inclusion path list. Filenames can also include a relative path from a directory on the inclusion path list:

Given the following directory structure:

 | |-inc
 | | |-includeFileName

and the following compiler command line is run from /proj:

gdlc my_rules.gdl my_output.xml --Isrc

then the following statements would work:



but this would not:


To make this statement work, you could add its directory to the inclusion path list like so:

gdlc my_rules.gdl my_output.xml --Isrc --Isrc/inc

Note that the current directory is added to the inclusion list by default so the following would also work:

gdlc my_rules.gdl my_output.xml



Importing Files

import( importType, "csvFileToImport.csv" );


The import statement is used to load lookup and powerlookup data into the compiler. Lookup data must be imported before a lookup definition statement referencing the data is instantiated. The compiler will throw an error if the lookup is referenced prior to import.

The import statement can only load CSV files. Non CSV files should not be referenced by the import statement. The CSV file extension must be included as part of the filename.

The import statement must be terminated with a ;.

Imported files must also be on the inclusion path.

Lookup Files

import( lookup, "TestLookups.csv");

The lookup import type will import Lookup matricies from a CSV file.

Prior to 3.0

The expected format of a lookup table is:

Old Lookup format

3.0 +

The expected format is now:

New Lookup format

The Xparameter and Yparameter details are now included as part of the Lookup data. Previously, the parameters were defined in the lookup declaration statement.

PowerLookup Files

import( powerlookup, "TestPowerLookups.csv");

The powerlookup import type will import PowerLookups from a CSV file. After a powerlookup has been imported, its ruleset can be referenced the same as any other ruleset.

Powerlookups are automatically aliased as they are imported: Spaces are removed, dashes and underscores are left in place.

Given a PLK named Test My_Power-Lookup PLK in the file TestPowerLookups.csv, its use would be as follows:

import(powerlookup, "TestPowerLookups.csv");

// ...


  ruleset SomeRuleset();

  // ...

  ruleset TestMy_Power-LookupPLK();

  // ...

end // guideline MyGuideline

XML Functions

xmlfunc identifier( [IN|OUT] dpmVariable, [IN|OUT] "constant", [IN|OUT] 15.5 );

XML Functions are defined and provided by the engine. The compiler does not know whether or not a function is available. It is up to the user to verify the function exists before using it in your guideline.

To use an XML function, it must first be defined. The compiler does check the argument count against the function definition when it is referenced within a rule. Errors will be thrown if the argument count doesn't match.

In both definitions and references, the IN and OUT keywords can be used in front of each argument. These keywords are optional. They affect nothing and are only used as an indicator for the user as to whether the variable is used for INput to the function or OUTput from the function. IN and OUT can be used in either definitions, or references, or both.

DPM variables, PPM variables, numbers and constants (values surrounded with quotes) can be used as arguments. Inline expressions are not allowed as arguments to the function. Assigning values to variables before using them within a function can be done within the same rule.

Function definition statements must be terminated with a ;.

Function reference statements must also be terminated with ; (the same as any other assignment operation).


Argument types are not checked by the compiler. Because of this, it is usually helpful to use constants in the argument list of the definition that describe what the argument should be.

xmlfunc Floor( IN "NumToBeFloored", IN "Multiple" );


XML function references are used on the right hand side of assignment operations. The xmlfunc keyword is not used in references.

rule SetAppraisedValue()
  if(pReviewValue != 0)
    appraisedValue = Floor( IN pReviewValue, IN 100 );
    appraisedValue = purchasePrice;


Inserting a Pricing Guideline (special rule)

This keyword is only of use with LOS guidelines. It generates a special rule that tells the application where to insert the pricing guideline (into the eligibility/program guideline) for the current product.




rule SomeRule();
ruleset MyRuleset();

InsertPricingGuideline();   // <--- The pricing/product guideline will be inserted here.

ruleset AnotherRuleset();
