#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w require "optparse" require "rubygems" require "sexp_processor" require "ruby_parser" require "timeout" class File RUBY19 = "<3".respond_to? :encoding unless defined? RUBY19 # :nodoc: class << self alias :binread :read unless RUBY19 end end class Flay VERSION = "2.7.0" # :nodoc: class Item < Struct.new(:structural_hash, :name, :bonus, :mass, :locations) alias identical? bonus end class Location < Struct.new(:file, :line, :fuzzy) alias fuzzy? fuzzy end ## # Returns the default options. def self.default_options { :diff => false, :mass => 16, :summary => false, :verbose => false, :number => true, :timeout => 10, :liberal => false, :fuzzy => false, :only => nil, } end ## # Process options in +args+, defaulting to +ARGV+. def self.parse_options args = ARGV options = self.default_options OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "flay [options] files_or_dirs" opts.version = Flay::VERSION opts.separator "" opts.separator "Specific options:" opts.separator "" opts.on("-h", "--help", "Display this help.") do puts opts exit end opts.on("-f", "--fuzzy [DIFF]", Integer, "Detect fuzzy (copy & paste) duplication (default 1).") do |n| options[:fuzzy] = n || 1 end opts.on("-l", "--liberal", "Use a more liberal detection method.") do options[:liberal] = true end opts.on("-m", "--mass MASS", Integer, "Sets mass threshold (default = #{options[:mass]})") do |m| options[:mass] = m.to_i end opts.on("-#", "Don't number output (helps with diffs)") do |m| options[:number] = false end opts.on("-v", "--verbose", "Verbose. Show progress processing files.") do options[:verbose] = true end opts.on("-o", "--only NODE", String, "Only show matches on NODE type.") do |s| options[:only] = s.to_sym end opts.on("-d", "--diff", "Diff Mode. Display N-Way diff for ruby.") do options[:diff] = true end opts.on("-s", "--summary", "Summarize. Show flay score per file only.") do options[:summary] = true end opts.on("-t", "--timeout TIME", Integer, "Set the timeout. (default = #{options[:timeout]})") do |t| options[:timeout] = t.to_i end extensions = ["rb"] + Flay.load_plugins opts.separator "" opts.separator "Known extensions: #{extensions.join(", ")}" extensions.each do |meth| msg = "options_#{meth}" send msg, opts, options if self.respond_to?(msg) end begin opts.parse! args rescue => e abort "#{e}\n\n#{opts}" end end options end ## # Expands +*dirs+ to all files within that match ruby and rake extensions. # -- # REFACTOR: from flog def self.expand_dirs_to_files *dirs extensions = ["rb"] + Flay.load_plugins dirs.flatten.map { |p| if File.directory? p then Dir[File.join(p, "**", "*.{#{extensions.join(",")}}")] else p end }.flatten.map { |s| s.sub(/^\.\//, "") } # strip "./" from paths end # so I can move this to flog wholesale DEFAULT_IGNORE = ".flayignore" # :nodoc: ## # A file filter mechanism similar to, but not as extensive as, # .gitignore files: # # + If a pattern does not contain a slash, it is treated as a shell glob. # + If a pattern ends in a slash, it matches on directories (and contents). # + Otherwise, it matches on relative paths. # # File.fnmatch is used throughout, so glob patterns work for all 3 types. def self.filter_files files, ignore = DEFAULT_IGNORE ignore_paths = if ignore.respond_to? :read then ignore.read elsif File.exists? ignore then File.read ignore end if ignore_paths then nonglobs, globs = ignore_paths.split("\n").partition { |p| p.include? "/" } dirs, ifiles = nonglobs.partition { |p| p.end_with? "/" } dirs = dirs.map { |s| s.chomp "/" } only_paths = File::FNM_PATHNAME files = files.reject { |f| dirs.any? { |i| File.fnmatch?(i, File.dirname(f), only_paths) } || globs.any? { |i| File.fnmatch?(i, f) } || ifiles.any? { |i| File.fnmatch?(i, f, only_paths) } } end files end ## # Loads all flay plugins. Files must be named "flay_*.rb". def self.load_plugins unless defined? @@plugins then @@plugins = [] plugins = Gem.find_files("flay_*.rb").reject { |p| p =~ /flay_task/ } plugins.each do |plugin| plugin_name = File.basename(plugin, ".rb").sub(/^flay_/, "") next if @@plugins.include? plugin_name begin load plugin @@plugins << plugin_name rescue LoadError => e warn "error loading #{plugin.inspect}: #{e.message}. skipping..." end end end @@plugins rescue # ignore end # :stopdoc: attr_accessor :mass_threshold, :total, :identical, :masses attr_reader :hashes, :option # :startdoc: ## # Create a new instance of Flay with +option+s. def initialize option = nil @option = option || Flay.default_options @hashes = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] } self.identical = {} self.masses = {} self.total = 0 self.mass_threshold = @option[:mass] end ## # Process any number of files. def process(*files) # TODO: rename from process - should act as SexpProcessor files.each do |file| warn "Processing #{file}" if option[:verbose] ext = File.extname(file).sub(/^\./, "") ext = "rb" if ext.nil? || ext.empty? msg = "process_#{ext}" unless respond_to? msg then warn " Unknown file type: #{ext}, defaulting to ruby" msg = "process_rb" end begin sexp = begin send msg, file rescue => e warn " #{e.message.strip}" warn " skipping #{file}" nil end next unless sexp process_sexp sexp rescue SyntaxError => e warn " skipping #{file}: #{e.message}" end end end ## # Prune, find identical nodes, and update masses. def analyze filter = nil self.prune self.hashes.each do |hash,nodes| identical[hash] = nodes[1..-1].all? { |n| n == nodes.first } end update_masses sorted = masses.sort_by { |h,m| [-m, hashes[h].first.file, hashes[h].first.line, hashes[h].first.first.to_s] } sorted.map { |hash, mass| nodes = hashes[hash] next unless nodes.first.first == filter if filter same = identical[hash] node = nodes.first n = nodes.size bonus = "*#{n}" if same locs = nodes.sort_by { |x| [x.file, x.line] }.each_with_index.map { |x, i| extra = :fuzzy if x.modified? Location[x.file, x.line, extra] } Item[hash, node.first, bonus, mass, locs] }.compact end ## # Reset total and recalculate the masses for all nodes in +hashes+. def update_masses self.total = 0 masses.clear self.hashes.each do |hash, nodes| masses[hash] = nodes.first.mass * nodes.size masses[hash] *= (nodes.size) if identical[hash] self.total += masses[hash] end end ## # Parse a ruby +file+ and return the sexp. # # -- # TODO: change the system and rename this to parse_rb. def process_rb file begin RubyParser.new.process(File.binread(file), file, option[:timeout]) rescue Timeout::Error warn "TIMEOUT parsing #{file}. Skipping." end end ## # Process a sexp +pt+. def process_sexp pt pt.deep_each do |node| next unless node.any? { |sub| Sexp === sub } next if node.mass < self.mass_threshold self.hashes[node.structural_hash] << node process_fuzzy node, option[:fuzzy] if option[:fuzzy] end end # :stopdoc: MAX_NODE_SIZE = 10 # prevents exponential blowout MAX_AVG_MASS = 12 # prevents exponential blowout # :startdoc: ## # Process "fuzzy" matches for +node+. A fuzzy match is a subset of # +node+ up to +difference+ elements less than the original. def process_fuzzy node, difference return unless node.has_code? avg_mass = node.mass / node.size return if node.size > MAX_NODE_SIZE or avg_mass > MAX_AVG_MASS tmpl, code = node.split_code tmpl.modified = true (code.size - 1).downto(code.size - difference) do |n| code.combination(n).each do |subcode| new_node = tmpl + subcode next unless new_node.any? { |sub| Sexp === sub } next if new_node.mass < self.mass_threshold # they're already structurally similar, don"t bother adding another next if self.hashes[new_node.structural_hash].any? { |sub| sub.file == new_node.file and sub.line == new_node.line } self.hashes[new_node.structural_hash] << new_node end end end ## # Prunes nodes that aren't relevant to analysis or are already # covered by another node. def prune # prune trees that aren't duped at all, or are too small self.hashes.delete_if { |_,nodes| nodes.size == 1 } self.hashes.delete_if { |_,nodes| nodes.all?(&:modified?) } return prune_liberally if option[:liberal] prune_conservatively end ## # Conservative prune. Remove any bucket that is known to contain a # subnode element of a node in another bucket. def prune_conservatively hashes_to_prune = {} # extract all subtree hashes from all nodes self.hashes.values.each do |nodes| nodes.first.all_structural_subhashes.each do |h| hashes_to_prune[h] = true end end # nuke subtrees so we show the biggest matching tree possible self.hashes.delete_if { |h,_| hashes_to_prune[h] } end ## # Liberal prune. Remove any _element_ from a bucket that is known to # be a subnode of another node. Removed by identity. def prune_liberally update_masses hashes_to_prune = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] } # record each subtree by subhash, but skip if subtree mass > parent mass self.hashes.values.each do |nodes| nodes.each do |node| tophash = node.structural_hash topscore = self.masses[tophash] node.deep_each do |subnode| subhash = subnode.structural_hash subscore = self.masses[subhash] next if subscore and subscore > topscore hashes_to_prune[subhash] << subnode end end end # nuke only individual items by object identity self.hashes.each do |h,v| v.delete_eql hashes_to_prune[h] end # nuke buckets we happened to fully empty self.hashes.delete_if { |k,v| v.size <= 1 } end ## # Output an n-way diff from +data+. This is only used if --diff is # given. def n_way_diff *data comments = [] codes = [] split_and_group(data).each do |subdata| n = subdata.find_index { |s| s !~ /^#/ } comment, code = subdata[0..n-1], subdata[n..-1] comment = [] if n == 0 comments << comment codes << code end comments = collapse_and_label pad_with_empty_strings comments codes = collapse_and_label pad_with_empty_strings codes (comments + codes).flatten.join("\n") end def split_and_group ary # :nodoc: ary.each_with_index.map { |s, i| c = (?A.ord + i).chr s.scan(/^.*/).map { |s2| s2.group = c s2 } } end def pad_with_empty_strings ary # :nodoc: max = ary.map { |s| s.size }.max ary.map { |a| a + ([""] * (max - a.size)) } end def collapse_and_label ary # :nodoc: ary[0].zip(*ary[1..-1]).map { |lines| if lines.uniq.size == 1 then " #{lines.first}" else lines.reject { |l| l.empty? }.map { |l| "#{l.group}: #{l}" } end } end ## # Calculate summary scores on a per-file basis. For --summary. def summary score = Hash.new 0 masses.each do |hash, mass| sexps = hashes[hash] mass_per_file = mass.to_f / sexps.size sexps.each do |sexp| score[sexp.file] += mass_per_file end end score end ## # Output the report. Duh. def report io = $stdout only = option[:only] data = analyze only io.puts "Total score (lower is better) = #{self.total}" if option[:summary] then io.puts self.summary.sort_by { |_,v| -v }.each do |file, score| io.puts "%8.2f: %s" % [score, file] end return end data.each_with_index do |item, count| prefix = "%d) " % (count + 1) if option[:number] match = item.identical? ? "IDENTICAL" : "Similar" io.puts io.puts "%s%s code found in %p (mass%s = %d)" % [prefix, match, item.name, item.bonus, item.mass] item.locations.each_with_index do |loc, i| loc_prefix = "%s: " % (?A.ord + i).chr if option[:diff] extra = " (FUZZY)" if loc.fuzzy? io.puts " %s%s:%d%s" % [loc_prefix, loc.file, loc.line, extra] end if option[:diff] then io.puts nodes = hashes[item.structural_hash] sources = nodes.map do |s| msg = "sexp_to_#{File.extname(s.file).sub(/./, "")}" self.respond_to?(msg) ? self.send(msg, s) : sexp_to_rb(s) end io.puts n_way_diff(*sources) end end end def sexp_to_rb sexp begin require "ruby2ruby" rescue LoadError return "ruby2ruby is required for diff" end @r2r ||= Ruby2Ruby.new @r2r.process sexp.deep_clone end end class String attr_accessor :group # :nodoc: end class Sexp ## # Whether or not this sexp is a mutated/modified sexp. attr_accessor :modified alias :modified? :modified # Is this sexp modified? ## # Calculate the structural hash for this sexp. Cached, so don't # modify the sexp afterwards and expect it to be correct. def structural_hash @structural_hash ||= self.structure.hash end ## # Returns a list of structural hashes for all nodes (and sub-nodes) # of this sexp. def all_structural_subhashes hashes = [] self.deep_each do |node| hashes << node.structural_hash end hashes end def initialize_copy o # :nodoc: s = super s.file = o.file s.line = o.line s.modified = o.modified s end def [] a # :nodoc: s = super if Sexp === s then s.file = self.file s.line = self.line s.modified = self.modified end s end def + o # :nodoc: self.dup.concat o end ## # Useful general array method that splits the array from 0..+n+ and # the rest. Returns both sections. def split_at n return self[0..n], self[n+1..-1] end ## # Return the index of the last non-code element, or nil if this sexp # is not a code-bearing node. def code_index { :block => 0, # s(:block, *code) :class => 2, # s(:class, name, super, *code) :module => 1, # s(:module, name, *code) :defn => 2, # s(:defn, name, args, *code) :defs => 3, # s(:defs, recv, name, args, *code) :iter => 2, # s(:iter, recv, args, *code) }[self.sexp_type] end alias has_code? code_index # Does this sexp have a +*code+ section? ## # Split the sexp into front-matter and code-matter, returning both. # See #code_index. def split_code index = self.code_index self.split_at index if index end end class Array # :nodoc: ## # Delete anything in +self+ if they are identical to anything in +other+. def delete_eql other self.delete_if { |o1| other.any? { |o2| o1.equal? o2 } } end end