require 'spec_helper' describe Spotlight::CatalogController, type: :controller do routes { Spotlight::Engine.routes } let(:exhibit) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit) } it { be_a_kind_of ::CatalogController } it { be_a_kind_of Spotlight::Concerns::ApplicationController } its(:view_context) { should be_a_kind_of Spotlight::ApplicationHelper } describe 'when the user is not authenticated' do describe 'GET admin' do it 'redirects to the login page' do get :admin, exhibit_id: exhibit expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.new_user_session_path end end describe 'GET edit' do it 'does not be allowed' do get :edit, exhibit_id: exhibit, id: 'dq287tq6352' expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.new_user_session_path end end describe 'GET show' do let(:document) { SolrDocument.find('dq287tq6352') } let(:search) { FactoryGirl.create(:search, exhibit: exhibit) } it 'shows the item' do expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Home', exhibit_path(exhibit, q: '')) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with("L'AMERIQUE", exhibit_catalog_path(exhibit, document)) get :show, exhibit_id: exhibit, id: 'dq287tq6352' expect(response).to be_successful end it 'shows the item with breadcrumbs to the browse page' do allow(controller).to receive_messages(current_browse_category: search) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Home', exhibit_path(exhibit, q: '')) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Browse', exhibit_browse_index_path(exhibit)) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with(search.title, exhibit_browse_path(exhibit, search)) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with("L'AMERIQUE", exhibit_catalog_path(exhibit, document)) get :show, exhibit_id: exhibit, id: 'dq287tq6352' expect(response).to be_successful end it 'shows the item with breadcrumbs to the feature page' do feature_page = FactoryGirl.create(:feature_page, exhibit: exhibit) allow(controller).to receive_messages(current_page_context: feature_page) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Home', exhibit_path(exhibit, q: '')) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with(feature_page.title, [exhibit, feature_page]) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with("L'AMERIQUE", exhibit_catalog_path(exhibit, document)) get :show, exhibit_id: exhibit, id: 'dq287tq6352' expect(response).to be_successful end it 'shows the item with breadcrumbs from the home page' do home_page = FactoryGirl.create(:home_page) allow(controller).to receive_messages(current_page_context: home_page) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Home', exhibit_path(exhibit, q: '')) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with("L'AMERIQUE", exhibit_catalog_path(exhibit, document)) get :show, exhibit_id: exhibit, id: 'dq287tq6352' expect(response).to be_successful end it 'adds the curation widget' do get :show, exhibit_id: exhibit, id: 'dq287tq6352' expect( eq 'curation_mode_toggle' end it 'does not have a solr_json serialization' do get :show, exhibit_id: exhibit, id: 'dq287tq6352', format: :solr_json expect(response).not_to be_successful end end describe 'GET index' do it 'shows the index when there are parameters' do expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Home', exhibit_path(exhibit, q: '')) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Search Results', exhibit_catalog_index_path(exhibit, q: 'map')) get :index, exhibit_id: exhibit, q: 'map' expect(response).to be_successful end it 'redirects to the exhibit home page when there are no parameters' do get :index, exhibit_id: exhibit expect(response).to redirect_to(exhibit_root_path(exhibit)) end end describe 'GET autocomplete' do it 'has partial matches for title' do # Testing with ps921pn8250 because it has html escapable characters in the title (c'estadire) get :autocomplete, exhibit_id: exhibit, q: 'PLANIS', format: 'json' expect(assigns[:document_list] eq 'ps921pn8250' expect(response).to be_successful json = JSON.parse(response.body) doc = json['docs'].first expect(doc).to include 'id', 'title', 'description', 'thumbnail', 'url' expect(doc['id']).to eq 'ps921pn8250' expect(doc['description']).to eq 'ps921pn8250' expect(doc['title']).to eq "PLANISPHERE URANO-GEOGRAPHIQUE c'estadire LES SPHERES CELESTE et TERRESTRE mises en plan." expect(doc['thumbnail']).to eq assigns[:document_list].first.first(:thumbnail_url_ssm) expect(doc['url']).to eq exhibit_catalog_path(exhibit, id: 'ps921pn8250') end it 'has partial matches for id' do get :autocomplete, exhibit_id: exhibit, q: 'dx157', format: 'json' expect(assigns[:document_list] eq 'dx157dh4345' expect(response).to be_successful json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json['docs'].first['id']).to eq 'dx157dh4345' expect(json['docs'].first['title']).to eq 'KAART der REYZE van drie Schepen naar het ZUYDLAND in de Jaaren 1721 en 1722' end end end describe 'when the user is not authorized' do before do sign_in FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit_visitor) end describe 'GET index' do it 'applies gated discovery access controls' do expect(controller.search_params_logic).to include :apply_permissive_visibility_filter end end describe 'GET admin' do it 'denies access' do get :admin, exhibit_id: exhibit expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.root_path expect(flash[:alert]).to be_present end end describe 'GET edit' do it 'does not be allowed' do get :edit, exhibit_id: exhibit, id: 'dq287tq6352' expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.root_path expect(flash[:alert]).to eq 'You are not authorized to access this page.' end end describe 'GET show with private item' do it 'does not be allowed' do allow_any_instance_of(::SolrDocument).to receive(:private?).and_return(true) get :show, exhibit_id: exhibit, id: 'dq287tq6352' expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.root_path expect(flash[:alert]).to eq 'You are not authorized to access this page.' end end describe 'PUT make_public' do it 'does not be allowed' do put :make_public, exhibit_id: exhibit, catalog_id: 'dq287tq6352' expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.root_path expect(flash[:alert]).to eq 'You are not authorized to access this page.' end end describe 'DELETE make_private' do it 'does not be allowed' do delete :make_private, exhibit_id: exhibit, catalog_id: 'dq287tq6352' expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.root_path expect(flash[:alert]).to eq 'You are not authorized to access this page.' end end end describe 'when the user is a curator' do before { sign_in FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit_curator, exhibit: exhibit) } it 'shows all the items' do expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Home', exhibit_path(exhibit, q: '')) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Curation', exhibit_dashboard_path(exhibit)) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Items', admin_exhibit_catalog_index_path(exhibit)) get :admin, exhibit_id: exhibit expect(response).to be_successful expect(assigns[:document_list]).to be_a Array expect(assigns[:exhibit]).to eq exhibit expect(response).to render_template 'spotlight/catalog/admin' expect(controller.blacklight_config.view.admin_table.document_actions).to be_empty end it 'uses the admin table view and hide the document actions' do get :admin, exhibit_id: exhibit expect(controller.blacklight_config.view.to_h.keys).to match_array [:admin_table] expect(controller.blacklight_config.view.admin_table.document_actions).to be_empty end describe 'GET new' do it 'is successful' do expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Home', exhibit_path(exhibit, q: '')) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Curation', exhibit_dashboard_path(exhibit)) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Items', admin_exhibit_catalog_index_path(exhibit)) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Import items', new_exhibit_catalog_path(exhibit)) get :new, exhibit_id: exhibit expect(response).to be_successful end end describe 'GET edit' do it 'is successful' do get :edit, exhibit_id: exhibit, id: 'dq287tq6352' expect(response).to be_successful expect(assigns[:exhibit]).to eq exhibit expect(assigns[:document]).to be_kind_of SolrDocument end end describe 'PATCH update' do it 'is successful' do expect do patch :update, exhibit_id: exhibit, id: 'dq287tq6352', solr_document: { exhibit_tag_list: 'one, two' } change { exhibit.owned_taggings.count }.by(2) end end describe 'PUT make_public' do before do request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = 'where_i_came_from' allow_any_instance_of(::SolrDocument).to receive(:reindex) end it 'is successful' do expect_any_instance_of(::SolrDocument).to receive(:reindex) expect_any_instance_of(::SolrDocument).to receive(:make_public!).with(exhibit) put :make_public, exhibit_id: exhibit, catalog_id: 'dq287tq6352' expect(response).to redirect_to 'where_i_came_from' end end describe 'DELETE make_private' do before do request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = 'where_i_came_from' allow_any_instance_of(::SolrDocument).to receive(:reindex) end it 'is successful' do expect_any_instance_of(::SolrDocument).to receive(:reindex) expect_any_instance_of(::SolrDocument).to receive(:make_private!).with(exhibit) delete :make_private, exhibit_id: exhibit, catalog_id: 'dq287tq6352' expect(response).to redirect_to 'where_i_came_from' end end end describe 'when the user is a site admin' do before { sign_in FactoryGirl.create(:site_admin, exhibit: exhibit) } describe 'show' do it 'has a solr_json serialization' do get :show, exhibit_id: exhibit, id: 'dq287tq6352', format: :solr_json expect(response).to be_successful data = JSON.parse(response.body).with_indifferent_access expect(data).to include id: 'dq287tq6352' expect(data).to include exhibit.solr_data expect(data).to include Spotlight::SolrDocument.solr_field_for_tagger(exhibit) end end end end