# encoding: utf-8 require "mongoid-paperclip/version" require "active_support/concern" begin require "paperclip" rescue LoadError puts "Mongoid::Paperclip requires that you install the Paperclip gem." exit end ## # the id of mongoid is not integer, correct the id_partitioin. Paperclip.interpolates :id_partition do |attachment, style| attachment.instance.id.to_s.scan(/.{4}/).join("/") end Paperclip.interpolates :id_partition_in_8 do |attachment, style| attachment.instance.id.to_s.scan(/.{8}/).join("/") end ## # mongoid criteria uses a different syntax. module Paperclip module Helpers # Find all instances of the given Active Record model +klass+ with attachment +name+. # This method is used by the refresh rake tasks. def each_instance_with_attachment(klass, name) if defined?(Mongoid::Document) && class_for(klass) < Mongoid::Document class_for(klass).unscoped.where("#{name}_file_name" => {:$exists => true}).to_a.map do |instance| yield(instance) end else class_for(klass).unscoped.where("#{name}_file_name IS NOT NULL").find_each do |instance| yield(instance) end end end end end ## # The Mongoid::Paperclip extension # Makes Paperclip play nice with the Mongoid ODM # # Example: # # class User # include Mongoid::Document # include Mongoid::Paperclip # # has_mongoid_attached_file :avatar # end # # The above example is all you need to do. This will load the Paperclip library into the User model # and add the "has_mongoid_attached_file" class method. Provide this method with the same values as you would # when using "vanilla Paperclip". The first parameter is a symbol [:field] and the second parameter is a hash of options [options = {}]. # # Unlike Paperclip for ActiveRecord, since MongoDB does not use "schema" or "migrations", Mongoid::Paperclip automatically adds the neccesary "fields" # to your Model (MongoDB collection) when you invoke the "#has_mongoid_attached_file" method. When you invoke "has_mongoid_attached_file :avatar" it will # automatially add the following fields: # # field :avatar_file_name, :type => String # field :avatar_content_type, :type => String # field :avatar_file_size, :type => Integer # field :avatar_updated_at, :type => DateTime # field :avatar_fingerprint, :type => String # TODO Remove when https://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip/issues/1403 is merged require 'paperclip/callbacks' module Paperclip module Callbacks module Defining def define_paperclip_callbacks(*callbacks) define_callbacks *[callbacks, {:terminator => callback_terminator}].flatten callbacks.each do |callback| eval <<-end_callbacks def before_#{callback}(*args, &blk) set_callback(:#{callback}, :before, *args, &blk) end def after_#{callback}(*args, &blk) set_callback(:#{callback}, :after, *args, &blk) end end_callbacks end end private def callback_terminator if ::ActiveSupport::VERSION::STRING >= '4.1' lambda { |target, result| result == false } else 'result == false' end end end end end module Mongoid module Paperclip extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods # https://github.com/meskyanichi/mongoid-paperclip/pull/45 def after_commit(*args, &block) options = args.pop if args.last.is_a? Hash if options case options[:on] when :create after_create(*args, &block) when :update after_update(*args, &block) when :destroy after_destroy(*args, &block) else after_save(*args, &block) end else after_save(*args, &block) end end # Adds Mongoid::Paperclip's "#has_mongoid_attached_file" class method to the model # which includes Paperclip and Paperclip::Glue in to the model. Additionally # it'll also add the required fields for Paperclip since MongoDB is schemaless and doesn't # have migrations. def has_mongoid_attached_file(field_name, options = {}) # Include Paperclip and Paperclip::Glue for compatibility unless self.ancestors.include?(::Paperclip) include ::Paperclip include ::Paperclip::Glue end # Invoke Paperclip's #has_attached_file method and passes in the # arguments specified by the user that invoked Mongoid::Paperclip#has_mongoid_attached_file has_attached_file(field_name, options) # Define the necessary collection fields in Mongoid for Paperclip field :"#{field_name}_file_name", type: String field :"#{field_name}_content_type", type: String field :"#{field_name}_file_size", type: Integer field :"#{field_name}_updated_at", type: Time field :"#{field_name}_fingerprint", type: String # convenience attr (RailsAdmin uses this naming) attr_accessor :"delete_#{field_name}" before_validation do self.send(field_name).clear if self.send(:"delete_#{field_name}").present? && self.send(:"delete_#{field_name}") && self.send(:"delete_#{field_name}") != '0' end end end end end