Do this to generate your change history git log --pretty=format:' * %h - %s (%an, %ad)' ### 0.2.3.rc1 (3 Jan 2015) * afd9cf3 - Removed awesome print gem dependency. (Beth, Sat Jan 3 16:49:40 2015 +1100) * 5ae2c12 - Added rake task to package pact-mock-service as a standalone executable using Travelling Ruby. (Beth, Sat Jan 3 16:14:20 2015 +1100) * b238f2a - Added message to indicate which part of the interactions differ when an interaction with the same description and provider state, but different request/response is added. (Beth, Sat Jan 3 14:20:36 2015 +1100) * cf38365 - Moved check for 'almost duplicate' interaction to when the interaction is set up. If it occurs during replay, the error does not get shown to the user. (Beth, Sat Jan 3 11:10:47 2015 +1100) * 1da9a74 - Added --pact-dir to CLI. Make --pact-dir and --log dir if they do not already exist. (Beth, Sat Jan 3 09:07:03 2015 +1100) * 4a2a9a2 - Added handler for SIGTERM to shut down mock service. (Beth, Fri Jan 2 12:07:29 2015 +1100) * 57c1a14 - Added support to run the mock service on SSL. Important for browser-based consumers. (Tal Rotbart, Wed Dec 31 09:43:52 2014 +1100) ### 0.2.2 (29 October 2014) * 515ed14 - Added feature tests for mock service to show how it should respond under different circumstances. (Beth, Wed Oct 29 09:21:15 2014 +1100) * de6f670 - Added missing require for interaction decorator. (Beth, Wed Oct 29 09:19:27 2014 +1100) ### 0.2.1 (24 October 2014) * a4cf177 - Reifying the request headers, query and body when serializing pact. This allows Pact::Term to be used in the request without breaking verification for non-ruby providers that can't deserialise the Ruby specific serialisation of Pact::Terms. (Beth, Fri Oct 24 15:27:18 2014 +1100) ### 0.2.0 (24 October 2014) * d071e2c - Added field to /pact request body to specify the pact directory (Beth, Fri Oct 24 09:22:06 2014 +1100) ### 0.1.0 (22 October 2014) * 62caf8e - Removed Gemfile.lock from git (bethesque, Wed Oct 22 13:07:54 2014 +1100) * 5b4d54e - Moved JSON serialisation code into decorators. Serialisation between DSL and mock service is different from serialisation to the pact file. (bethesque, Wed Oct 22 13:07:00 2014 +1100)