shared_examples_for "a Ridley Resource" do |resource_klass| let(:connection) { double('connection', hosted?: true) } let(:active_connection) { double('active-connection') } let(:response) { double('response') } describe "ClassMethods" do subject { resource_klass } describe "::all" do it "sends a get request for the class' resource_path using the given connection" do response.stub(:body) { } connection.should_receive(:get).with(subject.resource_path).and_return(response) subject.all(connection) end end describe "::find" do it "delegates to find!" do id = double('id') subject.should_receive(:find!).with(connection, id) subject.find(connection, id) end context "when the resource is not found" do it "returns nil" do pending end end end describe "::find!" do it "sends a get request to the given connection to the resource_path of the class for the given chef_id" do chef_id = "ridley_test" response.stub(:body) { } connection.should_receive(:get).with("#{subject.resource_path}/#{chef_id}").and_return(response) subject.find(connection, chef_id) end context "when the resource is not found" do it "raises a Ridley::Errors::HTTPNotFound error" do pending end end end describe "::create" do it "sends a post request to the given connection using the includer's resource_path" do attrs = { first_name: "jamie", last_name: "winsor" } response.stub(:body) { attrs } connection.should_receive(:post).with(subject.resource_path, duck_type(:to_json)).and_return(response) subject.create(connection, attrs) end end describe "::delete" do it "sends a delete request to the given connection using the includer's resource_path for the given string" do response.stub(:body) { } connection.should_receive(:delete).with("#{subject.resource_path}/ridley-test").and_return(response) subject.delete(connection, "ridley-test") end it "accepts an object that responds to 'chef_id'" do object = double("obj") object.stub(:chef_id) { "hello" } response.stub(:body) { } connection.should_receive(:delete).with("#{subject.resource_path}/#{object.chef_id}").and_return(response) subject.delete(connection, object) end end describe "::delete_all" do it "sends a delete request for every object in the collection" do pending end end describe "::update" do it "sends a put request to the given connection using the includer's resource_path with the given object" do subject.stub(:chef_id) { :name } subject.attribute(:name) object = "hello") response.stub(:body) { } connection.should_receive(:put).with("#{subject.resource_path}/#{object.chef_id}", duck_type(:to_json)).and_return(response) subject.update(connection, object) end end end subject { } describe "#save" do context "when the object is valid" do before(:each) { subject.stub(:valid?).and_return(true) } it "sends a create message to the implementing class" do updated = double('updated') updated.stub(:attributes).and_return( subject.class.should_receive(:create).with(connection, subject).and_return(updated) end context "when there is an HTTPConflict" do it "sends the update message to self" do updated = double('updated') updated.stub(:[]).and_return( updated.stub(:attributes).and_return( subject.class.should_receive(:create).and_raise( subject.should_receive(:update).and_return(updated) end end end context "when the object is invalid" do before(:each) { subject.stub(:valid?).and_return(false) } it "raises an InvalidResource error" do lambda { }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::InvalidResource) end end end describe "#update" do context "when the object is valid" do let(:updated) do updated = double('updated') updated.stub(:[]).and_return( updated.stub(:attributes).and_return( updated end before(:each) { subject.stub(:valid?).and_return(true) } it "sends an update message to the implementing class" do subject.class.should_receive(:update).with(anything, subject).and_return(updated) subject.update end it "returns true" do subject.class.should_receive(:update).with(anything, subject).and_return(updated) subject.update.should eql(true) end end context "when the object is invalid" do before(:each) { subject.stub(:valid?).and_return(false) } it "raises an InvalidResource error" do lambda { subject.update }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::InvalidResource) end end end describe "#chef_id" do it "returns the value of the chef_id attribute" do subject.class.attribute(:name) subject.class.stub(:chef_id) { :name } subject.attributes = { name: "reset" } subject.chef_id.should eql("reset") end end describe "#reload" do let(:updated_subject) { double('updated_subject', attributes: { fake_attribute: "some_value" }) } before(:each) do subject.class.attribute(:fake_attribute) subject.class.stub(:find).with(connection, subject).and_return(updated_subject) end it "returns itself" do subject.reload.should eql(subject) end it "sets the attributes of self to include those of the reloaded object" do subject.reload subject.attributes.should have_key(:fake_attribute) subject.attributes[:fake_attribute].should eql("some_value") end end end