# RedisCluster ![travis ci](https://travis-ci.org/zhchsf/redis_cluster.svg?branch=master) Support: Ruby 2.0+ Redis Cluster is a Redis configuration that allows data to be automatically sharded across a number of different nodes. You can find its main documentation at https://redis.io/topics/cluster-tutorial. [`redis-rb`](https://github.com/redis/redis-rb), the most common Redis gem for Ruby, doesn't offer Redis Cluster support. This gem works in conjunction with redis-rb to add the missing functionality. It's based on [antirez's prototype reference implementation](https://github.com/antirez/redis-rb-cluster) (which is not maintained). ## Installation Add it to your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'redis_cluster' ``` ## Usage Initialize `RedisCluster` with an array of Redis Cluster host nodes: ```ruby rs = RedisCluster.new([ {host: '', port: 7000}, {host: '', port: 7001} ]) rs.set "test", 1 rs.get "test" ``` The library will issue the `CLUSTER SLOTS` command to configured hosts it it receives a `MOVED` response, so it's safe to configure it with only a subset of the total nodes in the cluster. ### Other options Most options are forwarded onto underlying `Redis` clients. If for example `masterauth` and `requirepass` are enabled, the password can be set like this: ```ruby RedisCluster.new(hosts, password: 'password') ``` ### Standalone Redis If initialized with a host hash instead of an array, the library will assume that it's operating on a standalone Redis, and cluster functionality will be disabled: ```ruby rs = RedisCluster.new({host: '', port: 7000}) ``` When configured with an array of hosts the library normally requires that they be part of a Redis Cluster, but that check can be disabled by setting `force_cluster: false`. This may be useful for development or test environments where a full cluster isn't available, but where a standalone Redis will do just as well. ```ruby rs = RedisCluster.new([ {host: '', port: 7000}, ], force_cluster: false) ``` ### Logging A logger can be specified with the `logger` option. It should be compatible with the interface of Ruby's `Logger` from the standard library. ```ruby require 'logger' logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) logger.level = Logger::WARN RedisCluster.new(hosts, logger: logger) ``` ### `KEYS` The `KEYS` command will scan all nodes: ```ruby rs.keys 'test*' ``` ### Pipelining, `MULTI` There is limited support for pipelining and `MULTI`: ```ruby rs.pipelined do rs.set "{foo}one", 1 rs.set "{foo}two", 2 end ``` Note that all keys used in a pipeline must map to the same Redis node. This is possible through the use of Redis Cluster "hash tags" where only the section of a key name wrapped in `{}` when calculating a key's hash. #### `EVAL`, `EVALSHA`, `SCRIPT` `EVAL` and `EVALSHA` must only rely on keys that map to a single slot (again, possible with hash tags). `KEYS` should be used to retrieve keys in Lua scripts. ```ruby rs.eval "return redis.call('get', KEYS[1]) + ARGV[1]", [:test], [3] rs.evalsha '727fc2fb7c0f11ec134d998654e3dadaacf31a97', [:test], [5] # Even if a Lua script doesn't need any keys or argvs, you'll still need to specify a dummy key. rs.eval "return 'hello redis!'", [:foo] ``` `SCRIPT` commands will run on all nodes: ```ruby # script commands will run on all nodes rs.script :load, "return redis.call('get', KEYS[1])" rs.script :exists, '4e6d8fc8bb01276962cce5371fa795a7763657ae' rs.script :flush ``` ## Development Clone the repository and then install dependencies: ```sh bin/setup ``` Run tests: ```sh rake spec ``` `bin/console` will bring up an interactive prompt for other experimentation. ### Releases To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb` and run `bundle exec rake release`. This will create a Git tag for the version, push Git commits and tags to GitHub, and push the `.gem` file to Rubygems. The gem can be installed locally with `bundle exec rake install`. ### Benchmark test ```ruby Benchmark.bm do |x| x.report do 1.upto(100_000).each do |i| redis.set "test#{i}", i end end x.report do 1.upto(100_000).each do |i| redis.get "test#{i}" end end x.report do 1.upto(100_000).each do |i| redis.del "test#{i}" end end end ``` ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).