require 'thor' require 'highline' module NexusCli module Tasks def self.included(base) base.send :include, ::Thor::Actions base.class_eval do map 'pull' => :pull_artifact map 'push' => :push_artifact map 'info' => :get_artifact_info map 'custom' => :get_artifact_custom_info map 'config' => :get_nexus_configuration map 'status' => :get_nexus_status map 'search' => :search_for_artifacts map 'search_custom' => :search_artifacts_custom map 'transfer' => :transfer_artifact class_option :overrides, :type => :hash, :default => nil, :desc => "A hashed list of overrides. Available options are 'url', 'repository', 'username', and 'password'." class_option :ssl_verify, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => "Set to false to disable SSL Verification." method_option :destination, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => "A different folder other than the current working directory." desc "pull_artifact coordinates", "Pulls an artifact from Nexus and places it on your machine." def pull_artifact(coordinates) pull_artifact_response = nexus_remote.pull_artifact(coordinates, options[:destination]) say "Artifact has been retrieved and can be found at path: #{pull_artifact_response[:file_path]}", :green end desc "push_artifact coordinates file", "Pushes an artifact from your machine onto the Nexus." def push_artifact(coordinates, file) nexus_remote.push_artifact(coordinates, file) say "Artifact #{coordinates} has been successfully pushed to Nexus.", :green end desc "get_artifact_info coordinates", "Gets and returns the metadata in XML format about a particular artifact." def get_artifact_info(coordinates) say nexus_remote.get_artifact_info(coordinates), :green end desc "search_for_artifacts", "Searches for all the versions of a particular artifact and prints it to the screen." def search_for_artifacts(coordinates) say nexus_remote.search_for_artifacts(coordinates), :green end desc "get_artifact_custom_info coordinates", "Gets and returns the custom metadata in XML format about a particular artifact." def get_artifact_custom_info(coordinates) raise NotNexusProException unless nexus_remote.kind_of? ProRemote say nexus_remote.get_artifact_custom_info(coordinates), :green end desc "update_artifact_custom_info coordinates param1 param2 ...", "Updates the artifact custom metadata with the given key-value pairs." def update_artifact_custom_info(coordinates, *params) raise NotNexusProException unless nexus_remote.kind_of? ProRemote nexus_remote.update_artifact_custom_info(coordinates, *params) say "Custom metadata for artifact #{coordinates} has been successfully pushed to Nexus.", :green end desc "clear_artifact_custom_info coordinates", "Clears the artifact custom metadata." def clear_artifact_custom_info(coordinates) raise NotNexusProException unless nexus_remote.kind_of? ProRemote nexus_remote.clear_artifact_custom_info(coordinates) say "Custom metadata for artifact #{coordinates} has been successfully cleared.", :green end desc "search_artifacts_custom param1 param2 ... ", "Searches for artifacts using artifact metadata and returns the result as a list with items in XML format." def search_artifacts_custom(*params) raise NotNexusProException unless nexus_remote.kind_of? ProRemote say (s = nexus_remote.search_artifacts_custom(*params)) == "" ? "No search results." : s, :green end desc "get_nexus_configuration", "Prints out configuration from the .nexus_cli file that helps inform where artifacts will be uploaded." def get_nexus_configuration config = nexus_remote.configuration say "********* Reading CLI configuration from #{File.expand_path('~/.nexus_cli')} *********", :blue say "Nexus URL: #{config['url']}", :blue say "Nexus Repository: #{config['repository']}", :blue end desc "get_nexus_status", "Prints out information about the Nexus instance." def get_nexus_status data = nexus_remote.status say "********* Getting Nexus status from #{data['base_url']} *********", :blue say "Application Name: #{data['app_name']}", :blue say "Version: #{data['version']}", :blue say "Edition: #{data['edition_long']}", :blue say "State: #{data['state']}", :blue say "Started At: #{data['started_at']}", :blue say "Base URL: #{data['base_url']}", :blue end desc "get_global_settings", "Prints out your Nexus' current setttings and saves them to a file." def get_global_settings nexus_remote.get_global_settings say "Your current Nexus global settings have been written to the file: ~/.nexus/global_settings.json", :blue end method_option :json, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => "A String of the JSON you wish to upload." desc "upload_global_settings", "Uploads a global_settings.json file to your Nexus to update its settings." def upload_global_settings nexus_remote.upload_global_settings(options[:json]) say "Your global_settings.json file has been uploaded to Nexus", :blue end desc "reset_global_settings", "Resets your Nexus global_settings to their out-of-the-box defaults." def reset_global_settings nexus_remote.reset_global_settings say "Your Nexus global settings have been reset to their default values", :blue end method_option :id, :type => :string, :desc => "The id of the repository to use." method_option :policy, :type => :string, :desc => "Repo policy [RELEASE|SNAPSHOT], RELEASE by default" method_option :provider, :type => :string, :desc => "Repo provider (maven2 by default)" method_option :proxy, :type => :boolean, :desc => "True if the new repository should be a proxy repository" method_option :url, :type => :string, :desc => "The url of the actual repository for the proxy repository to use." desc "create_repository name", "Creates a new Repository with the provided name." def create_repository(name) if nexus_remote.create_repository(name, options[:proxy], options[:url], options[:id], options[:policy], options[:provider]) say "A new Repository named #{name} has been created.", :blue end end desc "delete_repository name", "Deletes a Repository with the provided name." def delete_repository(name) if nexus_remote.delete_repository(name) say "The Repository named #{name} has been deleted.", :blue end end desc "get_repository_info name", "Finds and returns information about the provided Repository." def get_repository_info(name) say nexus_remote.get_repository_info(name), :green end desc "get_users", "Returns XML representing the users in Nexus." def get_users say nexus_remote.get_users, :green end method_option :username, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => "The username." method_option :first_name, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => "The first name." method_option :last_name, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => "The last name." method_option :email, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => "The email." method_option :password, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => "The password." method_option :enabled, :type => :boolean, :default => nil, :desc => "Whether this new user is enabled or disabled." method_option :roles, :type => :array, :default => [], :require => false, :desc => "An array of roles." desc "create_user", "Creates a new user" def create_user params = ask_user(options) if nexus_remote.create_user(params) say "A user with the ID of #{params[:userId]} has been created.", :blue end end method_option :username, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => "The username." method_option :first_name, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => "The first name." method_option :last_name, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => "The last name." method_option :email, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => "The email." method_option :enabled, :type => :boolean, :default => nil, :desc => "Whether this new user is enabled or disabled." method_option :roles, :type => :array, :default => [], :require => false, :desc => "An array of roles." desc "update_user user_id", "Updates a user's details. Leave fields blank for them to remain their current values." def update_user(user_id) params = ask_user(options, false, false) params[:userId] = user_id if nexus_remote.update_user(params) say "User #{user_id} has been updated.", :blue end end desc "delete_user user_id", "Deletes the user with the given id." def delete_user(user_id) if nexus_remote.delete_user(user_id) say "User #{user_id} has been deleted.", :blue end end method_option :oldPassword, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => "" method_option :newPassword, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => "" desc "change_password user_id", "Changes the given user's passwords to a new one." def change_password(user_id) oldPassword = options[:oldPassword] newPassword = options[:newPassword] if oldPassword.nil? oldPassword = ask_password("Please enter your old password:") end if newPassword.nil? newPassword = ask_password("Please enter your new password:") end params = {:userId => user_id} params[:oldPassword] = oldPassword params[:newPassword] = newPassword if nexus_remote.change_password(params) say "The password for user #{user_id} has been updated.", :blue end end desc "get_pub_sub repository_id", "Returns the publish/subscribe status of the given repository." def get_pub_sub(repository_id) raise NotNexusProException unless nexus_remote.kind_of? ProRemote say nexus_remote.get_pub_sub(repository_id), :green end desc "enable_artifact_publish repository_id", "Sets a repository to enable the publishing of updates about its artifacts." def enable_artifact_publish(repository_id) raise NotNexusProException unless nexus_remote.kind_of? ProRemote if nexus_remote.enable_artifact_publish(repository_id) say "The repository #{repository_id} will now publish updates.", :blue end end desc "disable_artifact_publish repository_id", "Sets a repository to disable the publishing of updates about its artifacts." def disable_artifact_publish(repository_id) raise NotNexusProException unless nexus_remote.kind_of? ProRemote if nexus_remote.disable_artifact_publish(repository_id) say "The repository #{repository_id} is no longer publishing updates.", :blue end end method_option :preemptive_fetch, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Subscribing repositories that preemtively fetch will grab artifacts as updates are received." desc "enable_artifact_subscribe repository_id", "Sets a repository to subscribe to updates about artifacts." def enable_artifact_subscribe(repository_id) raise NotNexusProException unless nexus_remote.kind_of? ProRemote if nexus_remote.enable_artifact_subscribe(repository_id, options[:preemptive_fetch]) say "The repository #{repository_id} is now subscribed for artifact updates.", :blue end end desc "disable_artifact_subscribe repository_id", "Sets a repository to stop subscribing to updates about artifacts." def disable_artifact_subscribe(repository_id) raise NotNexusProException unless nexus_remote.kind_of? ProRemote if nexus_remote.disable_artifact_subscribe(repository_id) say "The repository #{repository_id} is no longer subscribed for artifact updates.", :blue end end method_option :host, :type => :string, :desc => "An IP address for the Nexus server at which publishing will be available." method_option :port, :type => :numeric, :desc => "An available port that will be used for Smart Proxy connections." desc "enable_smart_proxy", "Enables Smart Proxy on the server." def enable_smart_proxy raise NotNexusProException unless nexus_remote.kind_of? ProRemote say nexus_remote.enable_smart_proxy(options[:host], options[:port]) end desc "disable_smart_proxy", "Disables Smart Proxy on the server." def disable_smart_proxy raise NotNexusProException unless nexus_remote.kind_of? ProRemote say nexus_remote.disable_smart_proxy end desc "get_smart_proxy_settings", "Returns the Smart Proxy settings of the server." def get_smart_proxy_settings raise NotNexusProException unless nexus_remote.kind_of? ProRemote say JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(nexus_remote.get_smart_proxy_settings)), :green end method_option :certificate, :type => :string, :required => :true, :desc => "A path to a file containing a certificate." method_option :description, :type => :string, :required => true, :desc => "A description to give to the trusted key. It is probably best to make this meaningful." desc "add_trusted_key", "Adds a new trusted key to the Smart Proxy configuration." def add_trusted_key raise NotNexusProException unless nexus_remote.kind_of? ProRemote if nexus_remote.add_trusted_key(options[:certificate], options[:description]) say "A new trusted key has been added to the nexus.", :blue end end desc "delete_trusted_key key_id", "Deletes a trusted key using the given key_id." def delete_trusted_key(key_id) raise NotNexusProException unless nexus_remote.kind_of? ProRemote if nexus_remote.delete_trusted_key(key_id) say "The trusted key with an id of #{key_id} has been deleted.", :blue end end desc "get_trusted_keys", "Returns the trusted keys of the server." def get_trusted_keys raise NotNexusProException unless nexus_remote.kind_of? ProRemote say JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(nexus_remote.get_trusted_keys)), :green end desc "get_license_info", "Returns the license information of the server." def get_license_info say nexus_remote.get_license_info, :green end desc "install_license license_file", "Installs a license file into the server." def install_license(license_file) nexus_remote.install_license(license_file) end desc "get_logging_info", "Gets the log4j Settings of the Nexus server." def get_logging_info say nexus_remote.get_logging_info, :green end desc "set_logger_level level", "Updates the log4j logging level to a new value." def set_logger_level(level) if nexus_remote.set_logger_level(level) say "The logging level of Nexus has been set to #{level.upcase}", :blue end end desc "create_group_repository name", "Creates a new repository group with the given name." method_option :id, :type => :string, :desc => "The id of the group repository to use (calculated from name by default)." method_option :provider, :type => :string, :desc => "Group repo provider (maven2 by default)." def create_group_repository(name) if nexus_remote.create_group_repository(name, options[:id], options[:provider]) say "A new group repository named #{name} has been created.", :blue end end desc "get_group_repository group_id", "Gets information about the given group repository." def get_group_repository(group_id) say nexus_remote.get_group_repository(group_id), :green end desc "add_to_group_repository group_id repository_to_add_id", "Adds a repository with the given id into the group repository." def add_to_group_repository(group_id, repository_to_add_id) if nexus_remote.add_to_group_repository(group_id, repository_to_add_id) say "The repository #{repository_to_add_id} has been added to the repository group #{group_id}", :blue end end desc "remove_from_group_repository group_id repository_to_remove_id", "Remove a repository with the given id from the group repository." def remove_from_group_repository(group_id, repository_to_remove_id) if nexus_remote.remove_from_group_repository(group_id, repository_to_remove_id) say "The repository with an id of #{repository_to_remove_id} has been removed from the group repository, #{group_id}.", :blue end end desc "delete_group_repository group_id","Deletes a group repository based on the given id." def delete_group_repository(group_id) if nexus_remote.delete_group_repository(group_id) say "The group repository, #{group_id} has been deleted.", :blue end end desc "transfer_artifact coordinates from_repository to_repository", "Transfers a given artifact from one repository to another." def transfer_artifact(coordinates, from_repository, to_repository) if nexus_remote.transfer_artifact(coordinates, from_repository, to_repository) say "The artifact #{coordinates} has been transferred from #{from_repository} to #{to_repository}.", :blue end end private def nexus_remote begin nexus_remote ||= RemoteFactory.create(options[:overrides], options[:ssl_verify]) rescue NexusCliError => e say e.message, :red exit e.status_code end end def ask_user(params, ask_username=true, ask_password=true) username = params[:username] first_name = params[:first_name] last_name = params[:last_name] email = params[:email] enabled = params[:enabled] password = params[:password] roles = params[:roles] status = enabled if username.nil? && ask_username username = ask "Please enter the username:" end if first_name.nil? first_name = ask "Please enter the first name:" end if last_name.nil? last_name = ask "Please enter the last name:" end if email.nil? email = ask "Please enter the email:" end if enabled.nil? status = ask "Is this user enabled for use?", :limited_to => ["true", "false"] end if password.nil? && ask_password password = ask_password("Please enter a password:") end if roles.size == 0 roles = ask "Please enter the roles:" end params = {:userId => username} params[:firstName] = first_name params[:lastName] = last_name params[:email] = email params[:status] = status == true ? "active" : "disabled" params[:password] = password params[:roles] = roles.kind_of?(Array) ? roles : roles.split(' ') params end def ask_password(message) do |q| q.echo = false end end end end end end