require 'securerandom' require 'base64' require 'json' require 'hashr' module PWKeep class Storage def path @options[:path] end def initialize(options) @options = options @options[:cipher] ||= 'AES-256-CTR' @options[:keysize] ||= 2048 @options[:iterations] ||= 2000 @options[:digest] ||= 'sha512' unless @options[:path].class == Pathname @options[:path] =[:path].to_s).expand_path end if path.exist? @lockfile = path.join(".lock").to_s, :retries => 0 @lockfile.lock ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, proc { @lockfile.unlock }) end end def create return if path.exist? path.mkdir @lockfile = path.join(".lock").to_s, :retries => 0 @lockfile.lock ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, proc { @lockfile.unlock }) end def keypair_create(password) # ensure it does not exist @key = @options[:keysize] cipher = @options[:keycipher] path.join('private.pem').open 'w' do |io| io.write @key.export(cipher, password) end end def keypair_load(password) key_pem = path.join('private.pem').read @key = key_pem, password end def system_to_hash(system) d = Digest.const_get(@options[:digest].upcase).new # hash with public key to prevent dictionary attacks system_h = system.downcase + @key.public_key.to_der (0..@options[:iterations]).each do system_h = d.update(system_h).digest d.reset end "system-#{Base64.urlsafe_encode64(system_h)}" end def decrypt_system(file) unless @key raise PWKeep::Exception, "Private key required" end # found it, decrypt and load json # the file contains crypto name, iv len, iv, data header = nil data = nil'rb') { |io| header = @options[:keysize]/8 data = } # header cipher = @key.private_decrypt(header,4).unpack('Z*')[0] cipher = cipher # re-unpack now that we know the size of the rest of the fields... header = @key.private_decrypt(header,4).unpack("Z*a#{cipher.iv_len}a#{cipher.key_len}") cipher.decrypt cipher.iv = header[1] cipher.key = header[2] # perform decrypt cipher.update(data) + end def encrypt_system(file, data) unless @key raise PWKeep::Exception, "Private key required" end # encrypt data cipher = @options[:cipher] cipher.encrypt # use one time key and iv iv = cipher.random_iv key = cipher.random_key header = [, iv, key].pack("Z*a#{cipher.iv_len}a#{cipher.key_len}") blob = cipher.update(data) + # store system name to make search work'wb') do |io| io.write @key.public_encrypt header, 4 io.write blob end true end def load_system(system) unless @key raise PWKeep::Exception, "Private key required" end system_h = system_to_hash(system) raise "Cannot find #{system}" unless path.join(system_h).exist? data = decrypt_system(path.join(system_h)) unless data[0] == "{" and data[-1] == "}" raise PWKeep::Exception, "Corrupted data file" end JSON.load(data).deep_symbolize_keys end def save_system(system, data) unless @key raise PWKeep::Exception, "Private key required" end # write system system_h = system_to_hash(system) data = { :system => system, :data => data, :stored_at => } encrypt_system(path.join(system_h), data.to_json) end def valid? path.join('private.pem').exist? end def delete(system) data = load_system(system) unless data[:system] == system raise PWKeep::Exception, "System not found" end path.join(system_to_hash(system)).delete! end def list_all_systems systems = [] path.entries.each do |s| next unless s.fnmatch? "system-*" systems << JSON.load(decrypt_system(path.join(s)))["system"] end systems end def migrate count = 0 path.entries.each do |s| next unless s.fnmatch? "system-*" # check whether name matches the system name system = JSON.load(decrypt_system(path.join(s)))["system"] system_h = system_to_hash system if s.to_s != system_h count = count + 1 File.rename path.join(s), path.join(system_h) end end count end end end