require 'git/browse/remote/core' describe Git::Browse::Remote::Core do subject(:core) { } describe '#template_type' do context 'if @file set' do before { core.file = '' } it 'is :file' do expect(core.template_type).to be(:file) end end context 'if @file not set' do it 'is same as #mode' do expect(core.template_type).to be(core.mode) end end end describe '#remote' do context 'by default' do it 'is "origin"' do expect(core.remote).to eq('origin') end end context 'if remote set' do before { core.remote = 'remote-foo' } it 'is the set value' do expect(core.remote).to eq('remote-foo') end end context 'if #ref is a remote ref' do it 'is the remote name in the ref' do core.stub(:ref).and_return('remotes/remote-bar/master') expect(core.remote).to eq('remote-bar') end end end describe '#mode' do context 'by default' do it 'is :rev' do expect(core.mode).to eq(:rev) end end context 'if mode set' do before { core.mode = :foo } it 'is the set value' do expect(core.mode).to eq(:foo) end end context 'if #ref points to master' do it 'is :top' do core.stub(:ref).and_return('refs/heads/master') expect(core.mode).to eq(:top) end end context 'if #ref points to some ref' do it 'is :ref' do core.stub(:ref).and_return('refs/heads/branch-a') expect(core.mode).to eq(:ref) end end end describe '#commit' do it 'calls Git.parse_rev with #target' do Git::Browse::Remote::Git.should_receive(:parse_rev).with('__TARGET__').and_return('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') core.stub(:target).and_return('__TARGET__') expect(core.commit).to eq('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') end end describe '#short_commit' do it 'calls Git.parse_rev_short with #target' do Git::Browse::Remote::Git.should_receive(:parse_rev_short).with('__TARGET__').and_return('00000000') core.stub(:target).and_return('__TARGET__') expect(core.short_commit).to eq('00000000') end end describe '#_rev' do context 'if #mode is :ref (not :rev)' do before { core.stub(:mode).and_return(:ref) } context 'and #_ref is not defined' do it 'returns the #_commit value' do core.should_receive(:_commit).and_return('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') expect(core._rev).to eq('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') end end context 'and #_ref is defined' do it 'returns the #_ref value' do core.should_receive(:_ref).and_return('a-ref') expect(core._rev).to eq('a-ref') end end end context 'if #mode is :rev' do before { core.stub(:mode).and_return(:rev) } context 'and #_ref is not defined' do it 'returns the #_commit value' do core.should_receive(:_commit).and_return('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') expect(core._rev).to eq('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') end end context 'and #_ref is defined' do it 'returns the #_commit value though' do core.stub(:_ref).and_return('a-ref') core.should_receive(:_commit).and_return('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') expect(core._rev).to eq('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') end end end end describe '#short_ref' do context 'if @ref is "refs/heads/master"' do before { core.instance_variable_set :@ref, 'refs/heads/master' } it 'should be "master"' do expect(core.short_ref).to eq('master') end end context 'if @ref is "refs/heads/fix/some/bug"' do before { core.instance_variable_set :@ref, 'refs/heads/fix/some/bug' } it 'should be "fix/some/bug"' do expect(core.short_ref).to eq('fix/some/bug') end end context 'if @ref is "refs/tags/v0.0.1"' do before { core.instance_variable_set :@ref, 'refs/tags/v0.0.1' } it 'should be "v0.0.1"' do expect(core.short_ref).to eq('v0.0.1') end end context 'if @ref is "refs/remotes/origin/foo/bar"' do before { core.instance_variable_set :@ref, 'refs/remotes/origin/foo/bar' } it 'should be "foo/bar"' do expect(core.short_ref).to eq('foo/bar') end end end end