require File.expand_path("../test_helper", File.dirname(__FILE__)) class EntityTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def create_entity(model),, model) end def create_generalized_entity(name), name) end # Entity =================================================================== test "model should return active record model" do create_models "Foo" assert_equal Foo, create_entity(Foo).model end test "name should return model name" do create_models "Foo" assert_equal "Foo", create_entity(Foo).name end test "spaceship should sort entities by name" do create_models "Foo", "Bar" foo, bar = create_entity(Foo), create_entity(Bar) assert_equal [bar, foo], [foo, bar].sort end test "to_s should equal name" do create_models "Foo" assert_equal "Foo", create_entity(Foo).to_s end test "inspect should show name" do create_models "Foo" assert_match %r{#<RailsERD::Domain::Entity:.* @model=Foo>}, create_entity(Foo).inspect end test "relationships should return relationships for this model" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar", :baz => :references do belongs_to :baz end create_model "Baz" domain = Domain.generate foo = domain.entity_by_name("Foo") assert_equal { |r| r.destination == foo }, foo.relationships end test "relationships should return relationships that connect to this model" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references create_model "Bar", :baz => :references do belongs_to :baz has_many :foos end create_model "Baz" domain = Domain.generate foo = domain.entity_by_name("Foo") assert_equal { |r| r.destination == foo }, foo.relationships end # test "parent should return nil for regular entities" do # create_model "Foo" # assert_nil create_entity(Foo).parent # end # # test "parent should return nil for specialized entities with distinct tables" do # create_model "Foo", :type => :string # Object.const_set :SpecialFoo, # SpecialFoo.class_eval do # set_table_name "special_foo" # end # create_table "special_foo", {}, true # assert_nil create_entity(SpecialFoo).parent # end # # test "parent should return parent entity for specialized entities" do # create_model "Foo", :type => :string # Object.const_set :SpecialFoo, # domain = Domain.generate # assert_equal domain.entity_by_name("Foo"), Domain::Entity.from_models(domain, [SpecialFoo]).first.parent # end # # test "parent should return parent entity for specializations of specialized entities" do # create_model "Foo", :type => :string # Object.const_set :SpecialFoo, # Object.const_set :VerySpecialFoo, # domain = Domain.generate # assert_equal domain.entity_by_name("SpecialFoo"), Domain::Entity.from_models(domain, [VerySpecialFoo]).first.parent # end # Entity properties ======================================================== test "connected should return false for unconnected entities" do create_models "Foo", "Bar" assert_equal [false, false], end test "connected should return true for connected entities" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" assert_equal [true, true], end test "disconnected should return true for unconnected entities" do create_models "Foo", "Bar" assert_equal [true, true], end test "disconnected should return false for connected entities" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" assert_equal [false, false], end test "specialized should return false for regular entities" do create_model "Foo" assert_equal false, create_entity(Foo).specialized? end test "specialized should return false for child entities with distinct tables" do create_model "Foo", :type => :string Object.const_set :SpecialFoo, SpecialFoo.class_eval do set_table_name "special_foo" end create_table "special_foo", {}, true assert_equal false, create_entity(SpecialFoo).specialized? end test "specialized should return true for specialized entities" do create_model "Foo", :type => :string Object.const_set :SpecialFoo, assert_equal true, create_entity(SpecialFoo).specialized? end test "specialized should return true for specialations of specialized entities" do create_model "Foo", :type => :string Object.const_set :SpecialFoo, Object.const_set :VerySpecialFoo, assert_equal true, create_entity(VerySpecialFoo).specialized? end test "abstract should return true for specialized entity" do create_model "Foo", :type => :string Object.const_set :SpecialFoo, assert_equal true, create_entity(SpecialFoo).abstract? end test "generalized should return false for regular entity" do create_model "Concrete" assert_equal false, create_entity(Concrete).generalized? end test "abstract should return false for regular entity" do create_model "Concrete" assert_equal false, create_entity(Concrete).abstract? end # Attribute processing ===================================================== test "attributes should return list of attributes" do create_model "Bar", :some_column => :integer, :another_column => :string assert_equal [Domain::Attribute] * 3, create_entity(Bar).attributes.collect(&:class) end test "attributes should return attributes sorted by name" do create_model "Bar", :some_column => :integer, :another_column => :string assert_equal ["another_column", "id", "some_column"], create_entity(Bar).attributes.collect(&:name) end # Generalized entity ======================================================= test "model should return nil for generalized entity" do assert_nil create_generalized_entity("MyAbstractModel").model end test "name should return given name for generalized entity" do assert_equal "MyAbstractModel", create_generalized_entity("MyAbstractModel").name end test "attributes should return empty array for generalized entity" do assert_equal [], create_generalized_entity("MyAbstractModel").attributes end test "generalized should return true for generalized entity" do assert_equal true, create_generalized_entity("MyAbstractModel").generalized? end test "specialized should return false for generalized entity" do assert_equal false, create_generalized_entity("MyAbstractModel").specialized? end test "abstract should return true for generalized entity" do assert_equal true, create_generalized_entity("MyAbstractModel").abstract? end test "relationships should return relationships for generalized entity" do create_model "Stronghold" do has_many :cannons, :as => :defensible end create_model "Cannon", :defensible => :references do belongs_to :defensible, :polymorphic => true end domain = Domain.generate defensible = domain.entity_by_name("Defensible") assert_equal domain.relationships, defensible.relationships end test "relationships should return relationships for generalized entity in reverse alphabetic order" do create_model "Stronghold" do has_many :cannons, :as => :defensible end create_model "Cannon", :defensible => :references do belongs_to :defensible, :polymorphic => true end domain = Domain.generate defensible = domain.entity_by_name("Defensible") assert_equal domain.relationships, defensible.relationships end # Children ================================================================= test "children should return empty array for regular entities" do create_model "Foo" assert_equal [], create_entity(Foo).children end test "children should return inherited entities for regular entities with single table inheritance" do create_model "Beverage", :type => :string create_model "Whisky", Beverage create_model "Beer", Beverage domain = Domain.generate assert_equal [domain.entity_by_name("Beer"), domain.entity_by_name("Whisky")], domain.entity_by_name("Beverage").children end test "children should return inherited entities for generalized entities" do create_model "Stronghold" do has_many :cannons, :as => :defensible end create_model "Galleon" do has_many :cannons, :as => :defensible end create_model "Cannon", :defensible => :references do belongs_to :defensible, :polymorphic => true end domain = Domain.generate assert_equal [domain.entity_by_name("Galleon"), domain.entity_by_name("Stronghold")], domain.entity_by_name("Defensible").children end end