{ "exercise": "isogram", "comments": [ "An isogram is a word or phrase without a repeating letter." ], "version": "1.3.0", "cases": [ { "description": "Check if the given string is an isogram", "comments": [ "Output should be a boolean denoting if the string is a isogram or not." ], "cases": [ { "description": "empty string", "property": "isIsogram", "input": { "phrase": "" }, "expected": true }, { "description": "isogram with only lower case characters", "property": "isIsogram", "input": { "phrase": "isogram" }, "expected": true }, { "description": "word with one duplicated character", "property": "isIsogram", "input": { "phrase": "eleven" }, "expected": false }, { "description": "longest reported english isogram", "property": "isIsogram", "input": { "phrase": "subdermatoglyphic" }, "expected": true }, { "description": "word with duplicated character in mixed case", "property": "isIsogram", "input": { "phrase": "Alphabet" }, "expected": false }, { "description": "hypothetical isogrammic word with hyphen", "property": "isIsogram", "input": { "phrase": "thumbscrew-japingly" }, "expected": true }, { "description": "isogram with duplicated hyphen", "property": "isIsogram", "input": { "phrase": "six-year-old" }, "expected": true }, { "description": "made-up name that is an isogram", "property": "isIsogram", "input": { "phrase": "Emily Jung Schwartzkopf" }, "expected": true }, { "description": "duplicated character in the middle", "property": "isIsogram", "input": { "phrase": "accentor" }, "expected": false } ] } ] }