class Forge::ProductsController < ForgeController before_filter :uses_ckeditor, :only => [:create, :new, :edit, :update] before_filter :get_categories, :except => [:destroy, :reorder] load_and_authorize_resource :except => [:edit] # TODO: at the moment, only up to 100 products are shown. This is so that product reordering can work properly # (it doesn't work well with pagination). A better solution needs to be put in place for this. def index respond_to do |format| format.html { @products = Product.limit(100).order("list_order ASC") } format.js { params[:q] ||= '' @products = Product.where("LOWER(title) LIKE :q OR LOWER(description) LIKE :q", {:q => "%#{params[:q].downcase}%"}).limit(20) render :partial => "product_list" } end end def search params[:search] ||= '' @products = Product.find(:all, :order => "title", :conditions => ["LOWER(title) LIKE ? OR LOWER(description) LIKE ?", "%#{params[:search].downcase}%", "%#{params[:search].downcase}%"]) end # GET /forge_products/new def new @product = @help = HelpTopic.where(:slug => "products_new").first if @categories.length == 0 flash[:notice] = "You need to create at least one category before adding products. You can do that right here." redirect_to forge_product_categories_path end end # GET /forge_products/1/edit def edit @help = HelpTopic.where(:slug => "products_new").first @product = Product.find_with_images(params[:id]) end # DELETE /forge_products/1 def destroy @product = Product.find(params[:id]) if @product.destroy flash[:notice] = "Product deleted" else flash[:warning] = "Product could not be deleted" end redirect_to(forge_products_url) end # PUT /forge_products/1 def update @product = Product.find(params[:id]) if @product.update_attributes(params[:product]) flash[:notice] = 'Your product has been saved. You can continue making changes, add another one, or browse the product list.' redirect_to edit_forge_product_path(@product) else flash[:warning] = "There was an error saving your product." render :action => "edit" end end # POST /forge_products def create @product =[:product]) if flash[:notice] = 'Your product has been added. You can add images to this product, or go back and add another one.' redirect_to edit_forge_product_path(@product) else render :action => "new" end end def reorder list = params[:product_list].map {|id| id.gsub('menu_item_', '')} params[:parent_id] ? Product.reorder!(list) : ProductCategory.reorder!(list) render :nothing => true respond_to do |format| format.js { render :status => 200, :text => 'Success' } end end private def get_categories @categories = ProductCategory.find(:all, :order => "list_order") end end