import React, { useState, useCallback } from 'react'; import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { TableVariant, TableText, Thead, Tbody, Tr, Th, Td } from '@patternfly/react-table'; import { Label } from '@patternfly/react-core'; import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import LongDateTime from 'foremanReact/components/common/dates/LongDateTime'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import TableWrapper from '../../../../components/Table/TableWrapper'; import { getContentViewHistories } from '../ContentViewDetailActions'; import { selectCVHistories, selectCVHistoriesStatus, selectCVHistoriesError, } from '../ContentViewDetailSelectors'; const ContentViewHistories = ({ cvId }) => { const response = useSelector(state => selectCVHistories(state, cvId)); const status = useSelector(state => selectCVHistoriesStatus(state, cvId)); const error = useSelector(state => selectCVHistoriesError(state, cvId)); const [searchQuery, updateSearchQuery] = useState(''); const columnHeaders = [ __('Date'), __('Version'), __('Status'), __('Action'), __('Description'), __('User'), ]; const taskTypes = { publish: 'Actions::Katello::ContentView::Publish', promotion: 'Actions::Katello::ContentView::Promote', removal: 'Actions::Katello::ContentView::Remove', incrementalUpdate: 'Actions::Katello::ContentView::IncrementalUpdates', export: 'Actions::Katello::ContentViewVersion::Export', }; const actionText = (history) => { const { action, task, environment, } = history; const taskType = task ? task.label : taskTypes[action]; if (taskType === taskTypes.removal) { return <>{__('Deleted from ')} <Label isTruncated key="1" color="blue" href={`/lifecycle_environments/${environment?.id}`}>{`${environment?.name ?? __('all environments')}`}</Label></>; } else if (action === 'promotion' || taskType === taskTypes.promotion) { return <>{__('Promoted to ')}<Label isTruncated key="2" color="blue" href={`/lifecycle_environments/${environment?.id}`}>{`${environment?.name}`}</Label></>; } else if (taskType === taskTypes.publish) { return __('Published new version'); } else if (taskType === taskTypes.export) { return __('Exported content view'); } else if (taskType === taskTypes.incrementalUpdate) { return __('Incremental update'); } return ''; }; const emptyContentTitle = __("You currently don't have any history for this content view."); const emptyContentBody = __('History will appear here when the content view is published or promoted.'); // needs link const emptySearchTitle = __('No matching history record found'); const emptySearchBody = __('Try changing your search settings.'); const { results, ...metadata } = response; /* eslint-disable react/no-array-index-key */ return ( <TableWrapper {...{ metadata, emptyContentTitle, emptyContentBody, emptySearchTitle, emptySearchBody, searchQuery, updateSearchQuery, error, status, }} ouiaId="content-view-history-table" variant={TableVariant.compact} autocompleteEndpoint={`/content_views/${cvId}/history/auto_complete_search`} fetchItems={useCallback(params => getContentViewHistories(cvId, params), [cvId])} > <Thead> <Tr> { => <Th key={col}>{col}</Th>)} </Tr> </Thead> <Tbody> {results?.map((history, index) => { const { version, version_id: versionId, created_at: createdAt, status: taskStatus, description, user, } = history; return ( <Tr key={index}> <Td><LongDateTime date={createdAt} showRelativeTimeTooltip /></Td> <Td> <Link to={`/versions/${versionId}`}>{`Version ${version}`}</Link> </Td> <Td>{taskStatus}</Td> <Td>{actionText(history)}</Td> <Td><TableText wrapModifier="truncate">{description}</TableText></Td> <Td>{user}</Td> </Tr> ); }) } </Tbody> </TableWrapper> ); /* eslint-enable react/no-array-index-key */ }; ContentViewHistories.propTypes = { cvId: PropTypes.number.isRequired, }; export default ContentViewHistories;