module RuboCop module Extension module Generator class Generator def initialize(name) @name = name end def generate system('bundle', 'gem', name, exception: true) put "lib/#{name}.rb", <<~RUBY # frozen_string_literal: true require 'rubocop' require_relative '#{dirname}' require_relative '#{dirname}/version' require_relative '#{dirname}/inject' RuboCop::#{classname}::Inject.defaults! require_relative '#{cops_file_name.sub(/\.rb$/, '').sub(/^lib\//, '')}' RUBY put "lib/#{dirname}/inject.rb", <<~RUBY # frozen_string_literal: true # The original code is from # See module RuboCop module #{classname} # Because RuboCop doesn't yet support plugins, we have to monkey patch in a # bit of our configuration. module Inject def self.defaults! path = CONFIG_DEFAULT.to_s hash = ConfigLoader.send(:load_yaml_configuration, path) config =, path).tap(&:make_excludes_absolute) puts "configuration from \#{path}" if ConfigLoader.debug? config = ConfigLoader.merge_with_default(config, path) ConfigLoader.instance_variable_set(:@default_configuration, config) end end end end RUBY put cops_file_name, <<~RUBY # frozen_string_literal: true RUBY put "config/default.yml", <<~YAML # Write it! YAML put 'spec/spec_helper.rb', <<~RUBY # frozen_string_literal: true require '#{name}' require 'rubocop/rspec/support' RSpec.configure do |config| config.include RuboCop::RSpec::ExpectOffense config.disable_monkey_patching! config.raise_errors_for_deprecations! config.raise_on_warning = true config.fail_if_no_examples = true config.order = :random Kernel.srand config.seed end RUBY put '.rspec', <<~TEXT --format documentation --color --require spec_helper TEXT put '.rubocop.yml', <<~YML Naming/FileName: Exclude: - lib/#{name}.rb YML patch "lib/#{dirname}.rb", /^ end\nend/, <<~RUBY PROJECT_ROOT = CONFIG_DEFAULT = PROJECT_ROOT.join('config', 'default.yml').freeze CONFIG = YAML.safe_load( private_constant(:CONFIG_DEFAULT, :PROJECT_ROOT) end end RUBY patch "lib/#{dirname}.rb", 'module Rubocop', 'module RuboCop' patch "lib/#{dirname}/version.rb", 'module Rubocop', 'module RuboCop' patch "#{name}.gemspec", 'Rubocop', 'RuboCop' patch "#{name}.gemspec", /^end/, <<~RUBY spec.add_runtime_dependency 'rubocop' end RUBY patch "Rakefile", /\z/, <<~RUBY require 'rspec/core/rake_task' do |spec| spec.pattern = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb'] end desc 'Generate a new cop with a template' task :new_cop, [:cop] do |_task, args| require 'rubocop' cop_name = args.fetch(:cop) do warn 'usage: bundle exec rake new_cop[Department/Name]' exit! end generator = generator.write_source generator.write_spec generator.inject_require(root_file_path: '#{cops_file_name}') generator.inject_config(config_file_path: 'config/default.yml') puts generator.todo end RUBY patch 'Gemfile', /\z/, <<~RUBY gem 'rspec' RUBY patch '', /^gem '#{name}'$/, "gem '#{name}', require: false" puts puts <<~MESSAGE It's done! You can start developing a new extension of RuboCop in #{root_path}. For the next step, you can use the cop generator. $ bundle exec rake 'new_cop[#{classname}/SuperCoolCopName]' MESSAGE end private def put(path, content) path = root_path / path puts "create #{path}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(path.dirname) unless path.write(content) end private def patch(path, pattern, replacement) puts "update #{path}" path = root_path / path file = raise "Cannot apply patch for #{path} because #{pattern} is missing" unless file.match?(pattern) path.write file.sub(pattern, replacement) end private def root_path @root_path ||= Pathname(name) end private def dirname @dirname ||= name.sub('-', '/') end private def classname @classname ||= name.split('-').last.camelcase end private def cops_file_name @cops_file_name ||= "lib/rubocop/cop/#{name.split('-').last}_cops.rb" end attr_reader :name private :name end end end end