module Kadmin module NavigationHelper # Generates HTML for a bootstrap navigation link # @param [String] title the navigation text # @param [Hash, String] path the path for the link # @param [Proc] block optional block to include content within the link def nav_link_to(title, path, &block) css_classes = [] css_classes << 'active' if request.path.starts_with?(path) return content_tag(:li, link_to(title, path, &block), class: css_classes.join(' ')) end # Generates a navigation drop down for bootstrap # @param [String] prompt dropdown prompt # @param [Array] links list of links to add within the dropdown def dropdown(prompt, links = []) button_content = content_tag(:span, '', class: 'caret').prepend(prompt) button = button_tag(button_content, type: 'button', data: { toggle: 'dropdown' }, class: 'btn btn-sm') list = content_tag(:ul, '', class: 'dropdown-menu') do links.reduce( do |buffer, link| buffer + content_tag(:li, link) end end return content_tag(:div, button + list, class: 'dropdown', style: 'display: inline-block;') end end end