h1. merb_cucumber Merb + Cucumber integration with Webrat support. h2. Migrating to merb_cucumber 0.5.0 merb_cucumber 0.5.0 now requires a version greater than cucumber 0.1.13, which introduces some breaking changes. If you were already using merb_cucumber, you'll need to do the following: * Change the last line of bin/cucumber to be: Cucumber::CLI.execute ARGV * Add a cucumber.yml to your Merb.root with the following contents: default: --format pretty features If you experience any problems, please contact me (roman) on github. h2. Requirements * merb-core >= 1.0.9 * cucumber >= 0.2.0 * webrat >= 0.4.3 (Optional) h2. First Time Include the gem in your dependencies. In your dependencies.rb file include: dependency "roman-merb_cucumber", :require_as => nil Inside your merb project root, run $ merb-gen cucumber For Webrat support, run $ merb-gen cucumber --session-type webrat This will also install a sample login feature that should pass if you're using merb-auth. h2. Usage To execute all the features run $ rake features h2. Notes * If you are working with bundled Gems on your project, and having problems to make it through, check this "post":http://blog.romanandreg.com/post/87698159/merb-cucumber-as-a-bundled-gem-on-merb-projects * When you are implementing the steps of an scenario, please use the new request test helper, if you try to use the dispatch_to method, it won't work as expected. * Webrat methods other than 'visits' are now singular only.