# A visitor for converting a Sass tree into CSS. class Sass::Tree::Visitors::ToCss < Sass::Tree::Visitors::Base # The source mapping for the generated CSS file. This is only set if # `build_source_mapping` is passed to the constructor and \{#render} has been # run. attr_reader :source_mapping # @param build_source_mapping [Boolean] Whether to build a # \{Sass::Source::Map} while creating the CSS output. The mapping will # be available from \{#source\_mapping} after the visitor has completed. def initialize(build_source_mapping = false) @tabs = 0 @line = 1 @offset = 1 @result = "" @source_mapping = Sass::Source::Map.new if build_source_mapping end # Runs the visitor on `node`. # # @param node [Sass::Tree::Node] The root node of the tree to convert to CSS> # @return [String] The CSS output. def visit(node) super rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e e.modify_backtrace(:filename => node.filename, :line => node.line) raise e end protected def with_tabs(tabs) old_tabs, @tabs = @tabs, tabs yield ensure @tabs = old_tabs end # Associate all output produced in a block with a given node. Used for source # mapping. def for_node(node, attr_prefix = nil) return yield unless @source_mapping start_pos = Sass::Source::Position.new(@line, @offset) yield range_attr = attr_prefix ? :"#{attr_prefix}_source_range" : :source_range return if node.invisible? || !node.send(range_attr) source_range = node.send(range_attr) target_end_pos = Sass::Source::Position.new(@line, @offset) target_range = Sass::Source::Range.new(start_pos, target_end_pos, nil) @source_mapping.add(source_range, target_range) end # Move the output cursor back `chars` characters. def erase!(chars) return if chars == 0 str = @result.slice!(-chars..-1) newlines = str.count("\n") if newlines > 0 @line -= newlines @offset = @result[@result.rindex("\n") || 0..-1].size else @offset -= chars end end # Avoid allocating lots of new strings for `#output`. This is important # because `#output` is called all the time. NEWLINE = "\n" # Add `s` to the output string and update the line and offset information # accordingly. def output(s) if @lstrip s = s.gsub(/\A\s+/, "") @lstrip = false end newlines = s.count(NEWLINE) if newlines > 0 @line += newlines @offset = s[s.rindex(NEWLINE)..-1].size else @offset += s.size end @result << s end # Strip all trailing whitespace from the output string. def rstrip! erase! @result.length - 1 - (@result.rindex(/[^\s]/) || -1) end # lstrip the first output in the given block. def lstrip old_lstrip = @lstrip @lstrip = true yield ensure @lstrip = @lstrip && old_lstrip end # Prepend `prefix` to the output string. def prepend!(prefix) @result.insert 0, prefix return unless @source_mapping line_delta = prefix.count("\n") offset_delta = prefix.gsub(/.*\n/, '').size @source_mapping.shift_output_offsets(offset_delta) @source_mapping.shift_output_lines(line_delta) end def visit_root(node) node.children.each do |child| next if child.invisible? visit(child) output "\n" unless node.style == :compressed end rstrip! return "" if @result.empty? output "\n" return @result if Sass::Util.ruby1_8? || @result.ascii_only? if node.children.first.is_a?(Sass::Tree::CharsetNode) begin encoding = node.children.first.name # Default to big-endian encoding, because we have to decide somehow encoding << 'BE' if encoding =~ /\Autf-(16|32)\Z/i @result = @result.encode(Encoding.find(encoding)) rescue EncodingError end end prepend! "@charset \"#{@result.encoding.name}\";#{ node.style == :compressed ? '' : "\n" }".encode(@result.encoding) @result rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e e.sass_template ||= node.template raise e end def visit_charset(node) for_node(node) {output("@charset \"#{node.name}\";")} end def visit_comment(node) return if node.invisible? spaces = (' ' * [@tabs - node.resolved_value[/^ */].size, 0].max) content = node.resolved_value.gsub(/^/, spaces) content.gsub!(%r{^(\s*)//(.*)$}) {|md| "#{$1}/*#{$2} */"} if node.type == :silent content.gsub!(/\n +(\* *(?!\/))?/, ' ') if (node.style == :compact || node.style == :compressed) && node.type != :loud for_node(node) {output(content)} end def visit_directive(node) was_in_directive = @in_directive tab_str = ' ' * @tabs if !node.has_children || node.children.empty? output(tab_str) for_node(node) {output(node.resolved_value)} output(!node.has_children ? ";" : " {}") return end @in_directive = @in_directive || !node.is_a?(Sass::Tree::MediaNode) output(tab_str) if node.style != :compressed for_node(node) {output(node.resolved_value)} output(node.style == :compressed ? "{" : " {") output(node.style == :compact ? ' ' : "\n") if node.style != :compressed was_prop = false first = true node.children.each do |child| next if child.invisible? if node.style == :compact if child.is_a?(Sass::Tree::PropNode) with_tabs(first || was_prop ? 0 : @tabs + 1) do visit(child) output(' ') end else if was_prop erase! 1 output "\n" end if first lstrip {with_tabs(@tabs + 1) {visit(child)}} else with_tabs(@tabs + 1) {visit(child)} end rstrip! output "\n" end was_prop = child.is_a?(Sass::Tree::PropNode) first = false elsif node.style == :compressed output(was_prop ? ";" : "") with_tabs(0) {visit(child)} was_prop = child.is_a?(Sass::Tree::PropNode) else with_tabs(@tabs + 1) {visit(child)} output "\n" end end rstrip! output(if node.style == :compressed "}" else (node.style == :expanded ? "\n" : " ") + "}\n" end) ensure @in_directive = was_in_directive end def visit_media(node) with_tabs(@tabs + node.tabs) {visit_directive(node)} erase! 1 unless node.style == :compressed || node.group_end || @result[-1] != ?\n end def visit_supports(node) visit_media(node) end def visit_cssimport(node) visit_directive(node) end def visit_prop(node) return if node.resolved_value.empty? tab_str = ' ' * (@tabs + node.tabs) output(tab_str) for_node(node, :name) {output(node.resolved_name)} if node.style == :compressed output(":"); for_node(node, :value) {output(node.resolved_value)} else output(": ") for_node(node, :value) {output(node.resolved_value)} output(";") end end def visit_rule(node) with_tabs(@tabs + node.tabs) do rule_separator = node.style == :compressed ? ',' : ', ' line_separator = case node.style when :nested, :expanded; "\n" when :compressed; "" else; " " end rule_indent = ' ' * @tabs per_rule_indent, total_indent = [:nested, :expanded].include?(node.style) ? [rule_indent, ''] : ['', rule_indent] joined_rules = node.resolved_rules.members.map do |seq| next if seq.has_placeholder? rule_part = seq.to_a.join if node.style == :compressed rule_part.gsub!(/([^,])\s*\n\s*/m, '\1 ') rule_part.gsub!(/\s*([,+>])\s*/m, '\1') rule_part.strip! end rule_part end.compact.join(rule_separator) joined_rules.lstrip! joined_rules.gsub!(/\s*\n\s*/, "#{line_separator}#{per_rule_indent}") old_spaces = ' ' * @tabs spaces = ' ' * (@tabs + 1) if node.style != :compressed if node.options[:debug_info] && !@in_directive visit(debug_info_rule(node.debug_info, node.options)) output "\n" elsif node.options[:trace_selectors] output("#{old_spaces}/* ") output(node.stack_trace.join("\n #{old_spaces}")) output(" */\n") elsif node.options[:line_comments] output("#{old_spaces}/* line #{node.line}") if node.filename relative_filename = if node.options[:css_filename] begin Pathname.new(node.filename).relative_path_from( Pathname.new(File.dirname(node.options[:css_filename]))).to_s rescue ArgumentError nil end end relative_filename ||= node.filename output(", #{relative_filename}") end output(" */\n") end end end_props, trailer, tabs = '', '', 0 if node.style == :compact separator, end_props, bracket = ' ', ' ', ' { ' trailer = "\n" if node.group_end elsif node.style == :compressed separator, bracket = ';', '{' else tabs = @tabs + 1 separator, bracket = "\n", " {\n" trailer = "\n" if node.group_end end_props = (node.style == :expanded ? "\n" + old_spaces : ' ') end output(total_indent + per_rule_indent) for_node(node, :selector) {output(joined_rules)} output(bracket) with_tabs(tabs) do node.children.each_with_index do |child, i| output(separator) if i > 0 visit(child) end end output(end_props) output("}" + trailer) end end private def debug_info_rule(debug_info, options) node = Sass::Tree::DirectiveNode.resolved("@media -sass-debug-info") Sass::Util.hash_to_a(debug_info.map {|k, v| [k.to_s, v.to_s]}).each do |k, v| rule = Sass::Tree::RuleNode.new([""]) rule.resolved_rules = Sass::Selector::CommaSequence.new( [Sass::Selector::Sequence.new( [Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence.new( [Sass::Selector::Element.new(k.to_s.gsub(/[^\w-]/, "\\\\\\0"), nil)], false) ]) ]) prop = Sass::Tree::PropNode.new([""], Sass::Script::String.new(''), :new) prop.resolved_name = "font-family" prop.resolved_value = Sass::SCSS::RX.escape_ident(v.to_s) rule << prop node << rule end node.options = options.merge(:debug_info => false, :line_comments => false, :style => :compressed) node end end